
yān diǎn
  • smoke point
烟点[yān diǎn]
  1. 该结果一般与ASTM烟点和辉光值方法是一致的,因此可以用来按工业可接受的标准评定燃料油的质量。

    The results are generally consistent with ASTM smoke point and luminometer number methods and are , therefore , useful in assessing fuel quality in light of industry-accepted standards .

  2. 固体燃料烟点测量装置的研制

    Study on Apparatus for Measuring Smoke Point of Solid Fuel

  3. 他伸手拿了一支烟点着,手指纹丝不动。

    He reached for a cigarette and lit it , fingers rock steady .

  4. 工业应用表明:在原料油终馏点363℃条件下,喷气燃料馏分可不经精制直接生产烟点大于20mm的3号喷气燃料及0号柴油;

    Commercial application shows that 3 # jet fuel with the smoke point below 20 mm and 0 # diesel have been directly produced without further refining , the feedstock with final boiling point at 363 ℃ .

  5. 基于图像处理的油脂烟点检测的算法设计

    Algorithm Design Based Image Processing For the Detection of Oil Smoke Points

  6. 在两气候烟点混合生长调节剂对烟叶其它品质指标的影响存在差异。

    Mixed plant growth regulators influenced other quality indices differently in two different climate tobacco spot .

  7. GB/T382-1983煤油烟点测定法

    Kerosene & Determination of smoke point

  8. 这些关联式可用来预测油砂沥青改质得到的宽馏程中间馏分的十六烷值和烟点。

    The correlations apply to bitumen-derived middle distillates that have a wide range of boiling points .

  9. 这支烟点着了。

    The cigarette was lit .

  10. 在学校食堂吃盖饭吃到一半,掏出根烟点上。

    Bowl of eating in the school cafeteria to eat half , took out his cigarette point .

  11. 本项研究为固体燃料的火焰高度及烟点的测量,首次提供了合理、可行的技术方法。

    This research work offers a reasonable technique method to measure flame heights and smoke points for charring fuels .

  12. 大部分人会看的敌人试图烟点一,而你侧翼他们。

    Most people will be looking at the smoke trying to spot an enemy while you 're flanking them .

  13. 柯林斯取出一支香烟,用打火机把烟点着,心神不定地在这间凄凉的小屋里踱来踱去。

    Collins found a cigarette , brought his lighter to it and paced nervously around the small , cheerless room .

  14. 高档与中档煤油的根本差别在于前者比后者的发烟点高。

    An essential difference between " premium " and " regular " grades of kerosine is that the former has a higher smoke-point .

  15. 但与以往检测结果相比,3号喷气燃料芳烃含量、密度有所上升,烟点普遍下降。

    Compared with the inspection result of year 2001 , aromatics content and density of # 3 jet fuel are generally increased and the smoke point lowered .

  16. 对烟叶烟碱含量的影响正好相反,相同处理(处理3)对作物所烟点烟叶烟碱含量极显著降低,而对寻甸烟点烟叶烟碱含量极显著提高;

    Same handling ( t-3 and C-3 ) decreased the nicotine contents of tobacco leaf in Crop Place and increased the amino acid contents of tobacco leaf in Xundian significantly .

  17. 针对几种典型聚合物计算了其火焰辐射放热分数和火焰平均辐射温度,并讨论了通风条件、燃料构成和燃烧尺度的影响、以及火焰辐射放热分数与燃料烟点之间的关系。

    The calculations were performed for several typical polymers involving in both small-scale and large-scale enclosure fires . The relationship between flame radiant fraction and fuel 's smoke-point was examined for well-ventilated combustion .

  18. 同时,回归出了预测十六烷值和烟点的新型关联式,其变量包括密度、模拟蒸馏馏程、采用超临界流体色谱法测定的单环芳烃含量及总芳烃含量;

    New correlations to predict CN and smoke point were developed as a function of density , boiling ranges by simulated distillation , and mono - and total aromatics by supercritical fluid chromatography .

  19. 分析了轻瓦斯油窄馏分的馏程、十六烷值、烟点以及其他性质如芳烃含量、苯胺点、硫氮含量之间的关系。

    The relationship among the boiling range , cetane number , smoke point , and other properties such as aromatics content , aniline point , and the sulfur and nitrogen content was also studied .

  20. 我在一根漂亮的铜托子上的小火盆上把烟点起来。爱吸烟的人两天来不抽烟,一拿起烟来,就觉浑身愉快,我尽情地吸了几口。

    I lit it at a small brazier supported by an elegant bronze stand , and I inhaled my first whiffs with the relish of a smoker who hasn 't had a puff in days .

  21. 在大量实验的基础上,建立了精制大豆油的烟点与游离脂肪酸含量的线性函数关系,一般情况下,即游离脂肪酸含量高,则烟点底。

    On the basis of a large amount of tests , the line function relationship between smoke point of refined soybean oil and content of free fatty acid was established . Generally speaking , high content of free fatty acid leads to low smoke point .

  22. 他又卷了一支烟并点着了。

    He rolled and lit another cigarette .

  23. 他摸出一支烟来点着了。

    He fished out a cigarette and lit up .

  24. 这里烟有点多啊,伙计

    Getting a little smokey out here , buddy .

  25. 发烟剂点源微风扩散时的环境评价研究

    Environment Assessment Study on the Fine Breeze Models of Atmosphere Dispersion for Smokes Point Source

  26. 我饿了就抽支烟再喝点咖啡。

    When I am hungry , I go for a cigarette and a little coffee .

  27. 孩子们把木头点着了。他摸出一支烟来点着了。

    The boys set the wood on fire . He fished out a cigarette and lit up .

  28. 基于模板距离分布的烟支中心点搜索策略

    Strategy for searching cigarette center based on template distance distribution

  29. 他给烟斗装上烟,然后点着。

    He filled and lit his pipe .

  30. 有一道菜是蘑菇与松露,盖着黑色盖子,冒着烟,有点泥土和烟雾的味道。

    When I was served a dish with mushrooms and truffles , it came covered in a black lid and was emanating smoke , and the air smelled of soil and fog .