
yān piàn
  • smoked sheet
烟片[yān piàn]
  1. 试验结果表明,选用国产优质天然橡胶(SCRRT)通过适当调整配方来改善国产优质天然橡胶的整体性能,能满足航空轮胎生产使用的要求,可以替代目前航空轮胎生产中使用的进口烟片胶。

    The results showed the import ribbed smoked sheet applied to aero tire could be replaced by the home NR by electing the good quality NR ( SCR-RT ), adjusting the formula and improving the overall properties .

  2. 提高烟片加料回潮机出口含水率CPK值烟丝含水率对卷烟燃吸品质、烟气水分及粒相物挥发性成分的影响

    Influence of Moisture Content in Cut Tobacco on Smoking Quality , Particulate Volatile Components and Moisture Content in Cigarette Smoke

  3. 为了降低卷烟的原料成本,研究了在配方烟丝中加入3~6mm碎烟片对烟丝填充值、烟支单重、卷烟焦油产生量以及感官质量的影响。

    In order to reduce the material cost of cigarette manufacturing , tobacco scraps of 3 to 6 mm size were added to the tested cut filler and its influence on the filling power , cigarette weight , tar delivery , and smoking quality of cut filler was studied .

  4. 在卷烟配方烟丝中添加不同比例碎烟片试验研究

    Smoke Detector Experiments on Addition of Tobacco Scrap to Cut Filler

  5. 微波对烟片松散和杀虫效果的研究

    Effects of Microwave Treatment on Tobacco Pest Control and Loosening

  6. 同时,在国际交易中,产品的形式主要是烟片和烟梗。

    At present time , the main products are the leaves and stems in the international trade .

  7. 福建和云南烤烟烟片的最佳醇化期及适宜贮存时间

    Time is * Optimum Aging and Appropriate Storage Durations of Flue-cured Tobacco Strips Grown in Fujian and Yunnan Provinces of China

  8. 利用微波对切后烟片叶块进行处理,考察了微波杀虫(卵)的效果及其对叶块松散、烟片综合加工质量和感官质量的影响。

    The insecticidal efficiency , loosening , comprehensive processing quality , and smoking quality of sliced tobacco block treated with microwave were investigated .

  9. 目的针对不宜直接喷洒药物的各类密闭场所,研制用于快速杀灭蚊、蝇、蟑螂的小型烟片。

    Objective To develop a minitype insecticidal smoke tablet used in the airtight spots which insecticides spraying was not suitable for use directly .

  10. 采用压电传感器和烟迹片分别记录了半圆形弯管中指定点的压力时间曲线和胞格结构。

    Pizeo-electric transducers and smoke-foils were respectively used to record the pressure time history at specified ports and cellular structures .

  11. 降碱灵对白肋烟上部叶开片及主要化学成分的影响

    The Effect of Nornicotine Quick on the Upper Leaf Unfolding and the Major Chemical Composition

  12. 惟有诚信的点缀,才会为荒凉注入新绿,让大漠孤烟变成一片生机勃勃的绿色家园。

    Only honest embellishment , will inject new green for the desolate , so that desert into a vibrant green their homes .

  13. 采用风洞发烟结合激光片光源的流动显示实验方法,对不同尺寸、不同数目小突片射流的近场横截面进行流场可视化研究。

    Flow visualizations at different cross sections with different tabbed nozzle are carried out using artificial seeding smoke combined with laser sheet illumination .

  14. 本文提出了用炉内模化试验结果推算对流过热器和对流再热器沿烟造宽度各片出口汽温偏差的一种方法。

    A method is presented to deduce steam temperature deviation alcmg flue 's width at the outlet of each platen in convection superheaters and reheaters by making use of furnace model test results .

  15. 本文在烤烟、白肋烟梗化学成分分析的基础上,结合实验室模拟、COMAS梗丝膨胀线、白肋烟片处理线的工艺处理。

    On the basis of the components analysis of flue-cured tobacco stem and hurley stem . combining experiment simulation process with COMAS cut stem expanding process and burley laminar treating process .