
yān ɡuǎn
  • Smoke pipe;tobacco pipe
烟管 [yān guǎn]
  • [clausilium] 烟管螺科软体动物的棒状关闭器官

  1. 著着很厚的青布单衣或夹袄的都市闲人,咬着烟管,在雨后的斜桥影里,上桥头树底下去一立,遇见熟人,便会用了缓慢悠闲的声调,微叹着互答着说:

    Some idle townsfolk , wearing lined or unlined clothing made of thick cloth , will come out pipe in mouth and , loitering under a tree by the end of a bridge , exchange leisurely conversation with acquaintances with a slight touch of regret at the passing of time : " Oh , real nice and cool — "

  2. W形螺旋槽管管壳式换热器强化传热研究关于螺纹烟管的传热计算

    Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Intensification for Heat Exchangers of " W " Type Spirally Corrugated Tube

  3. 标准椭球形封头螺纹烟管DZL系列锅炉设计

    Design of Threaded Flue Tube DZL Series Boilers with Standard Elliptical Heads

  4. 该型号AS-2的目的是检查速度和方向的空气流动的烟管(301)的反应与空气中的蒸汽并产生白烟不断。

    The Model AS-2 is designed to check velocity and direction of air flow continuously with a smoke tube ( No.301 ) which reacts with vapour in the air and generates white smoke .

  5. 锅炉模型简化及烟管受力计算

    Simplification of Models and Stress Calculation of Smoke Tubes for Boilers

  6. 从香烟,雪茄,烟管中吸入或呼入烟气。

    Inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes , cigars , pipes .

  7. 蒸汽锅炉烟管泄漏原因分析及对策

    Analysis to Fire-tube Leakage of the Steam Boiler and Its Countermeasures

  8. 烟管式高温取热炉在重油催化裂化装置中的应用

    Application of High Temperature Gas-tube Boiler in the Residue Catalytic Cracking Unit

  9. 单模连续波激光二极管烟管鱼科的一个模式属。

    Single mode CW laser diode type genus of the family Fistulariidae .

  10. 成品雷管导通工位泄爆烟管的安全探讨

    Discussion on the Draining Duct Added to Guide Place of Finished Detonator

  11. 这老人用陶土捏出一根烟管。

    This old man fashioned a pipe out of clay .

  12. 烟管鱼科的一个模式属。烟管式火灾报警系统

    Type genus of the family Fistulariidae . smoke vent system

  13. 一起蒸汽锅炉烟管穿孔事故的分析

    Accident Analysis of One Steam Boiler Flue Tube Perforation

  14. 用来放置吸烟者的烟管的一个架子。

    A rack for holding a smoker 's pipes .

  15. 工业锅炉烟管扳边时开裂原因分析

    Analysis on the reasons of edge turnup cracking of industrial boiler steel pipe

  16. 他默默地把烟管递到嘴里。

    He silently applied the tube to his lips .

  17. 一起锅炉管板管孔及烟管管口裂纹的原因分析与改进

    The Cause Analysis of Crack on Tube Plate and Tube of One Boiler

  18. 在麻药品店里他买了些蟑螂夹子和烟管。

    He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop .

  19. 锅炉烟管胀口处的渗漏处理与预防

    Treatment of Leakage at Expanding Joints of Flue Duct of Boiler and its Prevention

  20. 锅炉烟管管束阻力最优匹配的研究

    A Study on the Optimum Matching of a Boiler Flue Gas Tube Bank Resistance

  21. 一起特殊的烟管腐蚀泄漏事故原因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of Flue Corrosion Leakage

  22. 燃油锅炉中螺纹烟管的应用分析

    Application Analysis for Threaded Flue in Oil-fired Boiler

  23. 烟管式火灾报警装置烟管式火警信号系统

    Smoke detecting arrangement smoke pipe fire alarm system

  24. 他祖母一边用烟管吸着烟,一边教他唱歌。

    His grandmother taught him to sing while she smoked tobacco in a pipe .

  25. 我的委托人否认烟管是她的。

    My client denies the pipe is hers .

  26. 爸爸吸着烟管,跟我说话。

    Baba smoked his pipe and talked .

  27. 细而白的粘土,用于制烟管、陶器及将皮革变白。

    Fine white clay used in making tobacco pipes and pottery and in whitening leather .

  28. 卧式锅炉烟管拼接问题探讨

    Problems on Jointed Chimneys of Horizontal Boilers

  29. 早强型耐火可塑料在锅炉高温炉烟管中的应用

    Application of Early Strong Refractory Plastic Materials in High Temperature Furnace Gas Pipe of Boiler

  30. 一张扶手椅旁边的桌子上有两根烟管,一些烟草和一盒火柴。

    There was an armchair and on a table next to it were two pipes .