
  • 网络tobacco advertisement;tobacco advertising
  1. 烟草广告的发展及控制历程

    The development and control of tobacco advertisement

  2. 目的了解合肥市区户外烟草广告和传播媒体烟草广告的发布情况,为加强对烟草广告的管理与限制提供依据。

    Objective To understand situation of tobacco advertisement outdoor and on mass-media in urban areas of Hefei and provide basis for tobacco advertisement administration .

  3. 我们需要对烟草广告采取强硬的态度。

    We need to take a firm line on tobacco advertising .

  4. 政府下令禁止做烟草广告。

    The government imposed a ban on tobacco advertising .

  5. 我认为该完全禁止烟草广告了。

    I believe it is time to ban tobacco advertising altogether .

  6. 英国医学协会正在大力宣传彻底禁止烟草广告。

    The British Medical Association is campaigning for a complete ban on tobacco advertising .

  7. E是加强对烟草广告和其他形式行销的禁令。

    E is for enforcing bans on tobacco advertising and other forms of marketing .

  8. 该法律授予了美国食品药物管理局(FDA)规范烟草广告的新权力。

    The law granted the FDA new powers to regulate tobacco advertising .

  9. 政府提出一条在电视上禁放烟草广告的法律。

    The government introduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on tv .

  10. 烟草广告企图让青少年们确认吸烟很潇洒。

    Tobacco ads try to convice teenagers that smoking is cool .

  11. 数字显示,烟草广告和少女吸烟之间存在联系。

    The numbers show a link between the ad and girls .

  12. 国内外禁止或限制烟草广告现状分析

    Current status of banning or restricting tobacco advertising in China and abroad

  13. 反对烟草广告的观点越来越强烈。

    The case against cigarette advertising is becoming stronger all the time .

  14. 政府采用新法律来禁止电视上播放烟草广告。

    The government introduced a law to prohibit tobacco commercials on TV .

  15. 我让我的病人连烟草广告都不要看。

    I tell my patients don 't even look at a cigarette ad.

  16. 合肥市区烟草广告发布现状调查与分析

    Investigation of Tobacco Advertisements Status in Urban Areas of Hefei

  17. 这些是我们应该禁止烟草广告的非常令人信服的理由。

    These are very valid reasons why we should ban tobacco advertising .

  18. 禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助可减少烟草消费。

    Bans on tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship can reduce tobacco consumption .

  19. 执行禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助的规定

    Enforce bans on tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship

  20. 新法规还将取缔北京所有的烟草广告。

    The new law also cracks down on tobacco advertising across the city .

  21. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛烟草广告有没有将目标瞄准年轻女孩呢?

    So did a cigarette ad target young girls ?

  22. 试举几个例子:印度已经全面禁止烟草广告。

    To name some examples : India has introduced comprehensive tobacco advertising bans .

  23. 四城市成人及青少年对间接烟草广告的认知

    Recognition on implicit tobacco advertising among adults and adolescents in four cities in China

  24. 为什么烟草广告、促销和赞助是对青年人的一种威胁?

    Why are tobacco advertising , promotion and sponsorship a threat to young people ?

  25. 为什么我们必须全面禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助?

    Why do we need a total ban on advertising , promotion and sponsorship ?

  26. 你反对作烟草广告吗?

    Do you disapprove of advertisements for cigarettes ?

  27. 结果合肥市区的7条主要交通干道中,有6条干道设置有巨幅户外烟草广告;

    Results Huge tobacco advertising billboards were found in the six of seven main streets .

  28. 世界卫生组织敦促各国政府禁止所有烟草广告,其目的是防止世界上的年轻人对烟草上瘾。

    The World Health Organization ( WHO ) is urging governments to ban all tobacco advertising .

  29. 根据法例,在香港刊印或分发的刊物不得刊登烟草广告。

    Under the ordinance , tobacco advertisements are prohibited in printed publications distributed in Hong Kong .

  30. 世界卫生组织则认为全面禁止烟草广告和宣传活动可以使烟草消费减少7%。

    The World Health Organisation reckons that a blanket advertising and promotion ban would cut puffing by 7 % .