
  1. 一级方程式在烟草赞助的好日子里有着可观的回报。

    F1 racing during the premium years of tobacco sponsorship was generating significant returns .

  2. 大多数亚洲和非洲国家希望达成一个严格的条约,完全禁止烟草赞助和推销。

    Most African and Asian nations have pushed for a tough treaty with a total ban on sponsorship and marketing .

  3. 这次板球比赛是由一家烟草公司赞助的。

    The cricket match is being sponsored by a cigarette company .

  4. 法规还规定禁止烟草制造商赞助体育活动和免费赠送样品。

    The legislation would also prevent tobacco manufacturers from sponsoring sporting events and from giving away free samples .

  5. 烟草公司赞助体育和娱乐活动,分发品牌物品,并组织许多深受欢迎的促销活动,试图争取和留住烟草产品消费群。

    Tobacco companies sponsor sports and entertainment events , hand out branded items and organize numerous popular promotional activities in an attempt to win and keep their customers .

  6. 中国政府拟禁止所有形式的烟草广告、赞助和烟草产品促销。

    The Chinese government is working on imposing a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising , sponsorship and promotion of tobacco products .

  7. 该框架禁止在国际盛会中有烟草商业广告和赞助行为。

    The framework bans all tobacco commercials and sponsorship at international events .

  8. 而价格折扣、派发免费烟草产品及活动赞助则是间接的营销手段。

    Indirect marketing strategies refer to price discount , free distribution and sponsorship offered by tobacco companies .

  9. 这些条款规定了关于烟草价格和税收增长、烟草广告和赞助、标签、非法贸易和二手烟雾的国际标准。

    These provisions set international standards on tobacco price and tax increases , tobacco advertising and sponsorship , labelling , illicit trade and second-hand smoke .

  10. 虽然严禁为烟草做广告,但一些烟草公司却通过赞助音乐会来打擦边球。

    Although tobacco ads are prohibited , companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows .