
shāo yáo
  • build a fire in a pottery or porcelain kiln
  1. 变频调速技术在氧化铝焙烧窑上的应用

    Application of Technology of Frequency Conversion Timing in Alumina Baking Kiln

  2. 到重烧窑收集数据,改善重烧品的质量。

    Collect data from the refire kilns improve the refire quality .

  3. 将竖式气烧窑改造成混烧石灰窑

    Transformation of vertical gas burning kiln into compound fuel burning kiln

  4. 1975获得加拿大议会艺术奖助,进行乐烧窑实验。

    1975 received a Canada Council arts grant to experiment in raku .

  5. 竖式混烧窑生产石灰中产品活性的控制

    Control of Product Activity in the Production of Lime in the Shaft Klin

  6. 湿磨干烧窑燃无烟煤的应用实践

    Application practice of anthracite burning in the dry process kiln with wet grinding

  7. 变频调速器在焙烧窑系统中的应用

    Application of Frequency Conversion Governor in Roasting Kiln System

  8. 素烧窑生产过程计算机监测系统设计

    Computer monitor system design for kiln production process

  9. 首先,ubame橡树要在手工制作的陶制烧窑里用低温进行烤制。

    First , ubame oak is baked at low temperatures in the handmade clay kiln .

  10. 改进回转煅烧窑结构降低钛白粉煤气消耗

    Improving the structure of rotary kiln and decreasing the consumption of coal gas in titanium dioxide production

  11. 创作之前的实地考察、设计草图解决做什么的问题,从着手制作到烧窑成功完成怎么做的问题。

    On-the-spot investigation , design sketch before creation to solve the problem of " what to do " .

  12. 采用高效换热器回收搪烧窑废气余热以流化床换热回收柴油机废气余热的试验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Recovery of Diesel Exhaust Heat by the use of a Fluidized Bed Heat Exchanger

  13. 与此同时,中国则在建设极为先进的烧窑体系,这种窑能让热空气流通,使整个过程的能源效率实现最大化。

    China , meanwhile , was building highly sophisticated kiln systems to circulate hot air and maximise the energy efficiency of the process .

  14. 从原料、燃料和煅烧工艺方面叙述了竖式混烧窑煅烧石灰时影响石灰活性的因素。

    Affect factors on lime activity in lime calcining producing from shaft klin are described from the raw material , fuel and calcining process .

  15. 灰烬在空气中飘着,制造出了一种朦胧感,黯淡了烧窑发出的火光,直到附着到任何它能够找到的物体表面上。

    Ash floated in the air , creating a haze that diffused the glow of the kiln , before settling on every surface it could find .

  16. 比如说,当英国正在发展珍妮纺纱机的时候,英国的陶工们还在采用青铜器时代比较浪费的烧窑技术。

    Consider , for example , the fact that while the UK was developing the spinning jenny , British potters were using wasteful bronze-age kiln technology .

  17. 在冈崎光男的工作室,他和他的助理正忙着制作KishuBinchotan。他们拿着挂在钩子上的长长的金属耙子,将它们够到烧窑里头。

    At Okazaki 's workshop , he and his assistant were busy making Kishu Binchotan , reaching into the kiln with long metal rakes suspended from hooks .

  18. 回转窑是指旋转煅烧窑(俗称旋窑),属于建材设备类。回转窑按处理物料不同可分为水泥窑、冶金化工窑和石灰窑。

    Rotary kiln belongs to building material equipment , which can be divided into cement kiln , metallurgy chemical kiln and lime kiln according to different materials .

  19. 高年级的学生除了会学习手塑及混合釉还会学习如何烧窑,也学习陶艺的历史。

    Advanced students learn go beyond hand-forming and glaze mixing to learn kiln loading and operation , as well as gaining an appreciation of the history of ceramic arts .

  20. 洛阳东周两汉时期的瓦当资料多来自于当时的建筑基址、烧窑、灰坑和墓葬中。

    Chinese eaves tile materials of the Eastern Zhou and the Han Dynasties in Luoyang came from the building base location , burning kilns , burning hole and grave at that time .

  21. 他说在冬天,烧窑的热度使得工作变得非常愉悦,但是在和歌山潮湿的夏季,超高的热度就变得异常难熬。

    In winter , he said , the warmth of the kiln makes work rather pleasant , but during the humid Wakayama summers , the intensity of the heat becomes almost unbearable .

  22. 介绍了鞍钢房产公司粉煤灰制品厂粉煤灰烧结空心砖生产线的自动化控制系统,采用变频调速器对焙烧窑进行温度控制,大大提高了产品的各项性能指标。

    The paper describes the automatic control system in the production line sintering hollow brick with fine coal ash in AISC House Property Company . By using a frequency conversion governor to control the temperature of the roasting kiln , each performance index of the product is increased greatly .