
shāo jié chǎnɡ
  • sintering plant
  1. PLC在烧结厂应用中存在问题的分析

    On some problems using PLC system in sintering plant

  2. 首钢烧结厂PM(10)治理技术与经济分析

    Technological and economical analysis on PM_ ( 10 ) removing of sintering plant in Shougang Group

  3. 低架源吨排放量污染贡献为中架源、高架源的5.67倍、33.14倍。因此,鞍山市SO2污染治理重点应为供暖锅炉、鞍钢一发电、鞍钢烧结厂。

    So the major projects of SO_2 pollution controlling were heating boilers , Angang power plant , Angang agglomeration plant .

  4. 以广西柳州钢铁(集团)公司烧结厂为例,介绍中和料场DCS集散自动控制系统的结构、功能、程序结构和系统编程。

    The structure and function of DCS distributing autocontrol system of neutralisation material field as well as programme architecture and programming of the system are described .

  5. 烧结厂45m砖烟囱裂缝分析及加固

    Analysis of cracks on the 45 m brick chimney in sintering plant the reinforcement

  6. 某烧结厂CENTUM-CS与申克皮带秤间的通讯

    Communication between CENTUM-CS and weigh belt in a sintering plant

  7. 介绍PLC在烧结厂的烧结机点火炉温度及炉膛压力控制方面的应用,对控制方案进行了详尽的阐述,给出了控制系统框图及PLC编程逻辑框图。

    The application of PLC in process control of temperature and pressure of ignition furnace of sintering machine is introduced , the control system elaborated in detail and the system block diagram and PLC logic programming diagram presented .

  8. N-90网络在武钢第二烧结厂的应用

    Network 90 's Application in No. 2 Sinter Plant at WISCO

  9. 本文介绍了烧结厂原料系统用GD型三电极电除尘器设备的性能参数及规格,并对该除尘器的结构特点及其功能进行了比较详细的分析论述。

    In this paper , the author introduced the parameters of performance and technical specification of GD type three-electrod precipitator , and analyzed the structural features and functions in detail .

  10. SCHENCK公司大型筛分设备在邯钢烧结厂的应用

    Application of Schenck screen in Hangang sintering plant

  11. 针对唐山建龙烧结厂竖炉球团添加OG泥后抗压强度出现的变化进行了研究。

    The change of pellet compression strength after OG sludge was added to pelletizing mix in shaft furnace pelletizing production in Jianlong Sintering Plant , Tangshan was researched .

  12. 分析了安钢烧结厂105m2烧结机固体燃耗较高的原因。

    The reasons of higher fuel consumption on 105 m ~ 2 sintering machine at Angang Sinter Plant than that at other plants were analyzed .

  13. 湘钢烧结厂使用生石灰的试验研究与实践

    Study and operation practice of proportioning burnt lime in sintering production

  14. 烧结厂煤气泄漏毒性影响评估及防治对策

    Harmful influences and preventative measures of gas leakage from sinter plant

  15. 动力波脱硫技术及其在烧结厂的应用

    Dynamic Wave Desulphurization Technology and its Application in the Sintering Plant

  16. 武钢烧结厂全面质量管理的回顾与启示

    Review and Enlightenment of total quality control in sintering plant WISCO

  17. 烧结厂排烟风机失效分析

    Failure analysis of a large exhaust fan in a sintering plant

  18. 首钢烧结厂烟道气的余热利用

    Residual heat recovery of flue duct gas of Shougang sintering plant

  19. 烧结厂大气污染控制技术的应用及发展

    Application and Development of Atmospheric Pollution Control Technology in the Sintering Plant

  20. 烧结厂监控系统在济钢的应用

    Application of Sintering Plant Supervision System in Jinan Iron and Steel Corporation

  21. 首钢烧结厂实施清洁生产的经验

    The Experiences on Cleaning Production in Sintering Plant of Shougang Mining Company

  22. 烧结厂粉尘控制方法的探讨

    Discussion on the control measures of sintering plant airborne dust

  23. 首钢矿业公司烧结厂配加澳矿的试验与生产

    The laboratory and industrial sintering test of proportioning of Australia ore fines

  24. 烧结厂单辊破碎机离合器的设计及应用

    Design and application of friction clutch of the single-crusher in sintering plant

  25. 梅山烧结厂使用双层松料器的效果

    Effect of using double loosening bars in Meishan sintering plant

  26. 包钢烧结厂冷筛系统除尘设计

    Dust removal design of cold sieving system of Baotou Steel Sinter plant

  27. 三(明)钢烧结厂降低能耗的实践

    Sintering practices of decreasing energy consumption in Sanming I & s works

  28. 某烧结厂通廊结构的检测鉴定与加固

    Detection and reinforcement for a corridor of a sintering plant

  29. 邢钢烧结厂提高烧结机利用系数

    Practice of increasing sintering machine productivity in Xingang sintering plant

  30. 固定资产帐目明细系统管理软件在烧结厂的应用

    Application of " fixed assets accounts detail system " on the Sintering Plant