
  • 网络thermodynamic cycle;thermal cycle;Thermal Circuit
  1. 一种新的热力循环性能的估算方法和HAT循环的性能估算公式

    A Method for the Evaluation of a New Thermodynamic Cycle Performance and a Formula for HAT Cycle Performance Evaluation

  2. 在实际的Stirling热力循环过程中,往往同时有泄漏和热传递。

    There usually are leakage and heat-transferring together in an actual Stirling thermodynamic cycle path .

  3. 同时具有泄漏和热传递过程的Stirling热力循环分析

    The Analysis of Stirling Thermodynamic Cycle with Leakage and Heat-transferring Path

  4. HAT循环是极具发展前途的先进热力循环,其中的增湿饱和器是系统的关键部件。

    The HAT cycle is a promising advanced power generation system and the humidifier in the system is a key component .

  5. 并以热泵机组实际运行数据为准,进行热力循环计算,得到热泵性能系数COP。

    According to the on-the-spot investigation data , The thermodynamic cycle is calculated for heat pump performance coefficient of the COP .

  6. 提出了一种由天然气CO2转化化学回热动力循环和氨吸收制冷循环构成的新型O2/CO2热力循环系统。

    A novel power cycle system composed of a chemical recuperative cycle with CO_2 / NG ( natural gas ) reforming and an ammonia absorption refrigeration cycle is proposed .

  7. 对VVT机构调整摩托车发动机热力循环过程和运行参数进行分析。

    The adjustment on thermodynamic cycle process and operation parameters of motorcycle engine by VVT mechanism is analyzed .

  8. 宣威电厂300MW汽轮机低压缸采用新型热力循环技术探讨

    An approach to adopting new technology of thermodynamic cycle for lowpressure cylinder for 300 MW steam turbine in Xuanwei Power Plant

  9. 该方法较好地反映了实际的Stirling热力循环过程,而且计算简便,对研究和设计Stirling循环发动机提供了理论依据。

    This method is very well in reflecting the actual Stirling thermodynamic cycle , is convenient in calculating and offers a theoretical basis for the studying and designing of Stirling cycle engines .

  10. HAT循环是一种先进的热力循环,具有高效率、高比功、低花费、低污染的良好性能,被誉为21世纪最有竞争力的动力循环。

    Humid Air Turbine ( HAT ) cycle is an advanced thermodynamic cycle , which is characterized by its high efficiency , high power , low specific investment cost and low pollution . Hat cycle is reputed as one of the most competitive thermodynamic cycle in 21st century .

  11. HAT循环和STIG循环是当前大力发展的先进热力循环,对其燃烧过程进行实验研究是了解湿燃烧特点的重要方法。

    HAT ( humid air turbine ) and STIG ( steam injected gas turbine ) cycle are advanced cycles being focused on recently . The experiment is the main method to know the character of the combustion in them .

  12. 根据热力学基本原理,提出了一种新的估算复杂热力循环性能的方法&系数修正法,并据此推导了空气湿化燃气轮机(HAT)循环的性能估算公式。

    Based on the fundamental principles of thermodynamics , the authors have come up with a new method for evaluating complicated thermodynamic cycle performance , i.e.a factor correction method . Furthermore , on this basis recommended is a formula for evaluating the performance of a humid air gas turbine cycle .

  13. 为此该文建议一种可能的热力循环:LNG在超临界状态作为闭式Brayton循环的冷源,而以工业余热作为Brayton循环的热源,并对此循环进行了详细的热力分析。

    For this sake , a feasible closed Brayton cycle is proposed , in which the supercritical LNG is taken as its cold sink and an industrial waste heat as its heat source . A detailed thermodynamic analysis is given .

  14. 针对国内中小排量摩托车发动机的结构特点,研制了切换凸轮型线VVT系统,探讨了基于循环模拟进行VVT系统与发动机热力循环过程合理匹配的途径。

    A variable valve timing ( VVT ) mechanism of switching cam profile was developed for the small-medium displacement motorcycle engines . The approach to optimally match the VVT system with thermodynamic cycle process of the engines based on cycle simulation was explored .

  15. 中冷回热航空涡扇发动机热力循环初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of thermodynamic cycle of an intercooled recuperated turbofan engine

  16. 热力循环普遍的生态学品质因数及其应用

    General ecological figure of merit for thermodynamic cycles and its application

  17. 对配组式双级压缩制冷系统热力循环的计算与分析

    Analysis and calculation of thermodynamic cycle about two-stage compression refrigeration system

  18. 热力循环温差传热不可避免损失研究

    Research on Heat Transfer Inevitable Exergy Loss in Heat Engine Cycle

  19. 杰克你能重建热力循环吗?

    Jack , were you able to recreate the thermal cycle ?

  20. 中低温余热与甲醇化学间冷相结合热力循环研究

    Methanol chemically intercooling gas turbine cycle with the recovery middle-low temperature heat

  21. 一种改善船用柴油机性能的热力循环

    A thermodynamic cycle for improving performance of marine diesel engine

  22. 热力循环的一对新品质因数

    A Pair of New Quality Factors of a Thermodynamic Cycle

  23. 二甲基醚发动机热力循环模拟与参数分析

    Thermodynamic cycle simulation and parametric analysis for the engine fueled with DME

  24. 扩散&吸收式冰箱热力循环的模拟与参数分析

    Simulation of thermodynamic cycle of absorption-diffusion refrigerator and parameter analyses

  25. 汽油机喷入过热水蒸气的热力循环分析

    Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis of Gasoline Engines Jetting Super Heated Vapor

  26. 一种柴油机热力循环火用平衡计算法

    An Exergy Equilibrium Calculation Method of Diesel Engine Thermodynamic Cycle

  27. 吸收式热力循环有限时间热力学研究的进展

    Advances in Finite Time Thermodynamic Studies for Absorption Thermodynamic Cycles

  28. 关于有限时间热力循环生态学准则的一点注记

    A Note on Ecological Criteria for Finite-Time Thermodynamic Cycles

  29. 螺杆膨胀机在电厂热力循环中的应用及经济性分析

    Application and Economic Analysis of Screw Expander in Fossil Power Plant Heat Cycle

  30. 模型适用于各种发动机的热力循环。

    The model can be applied to all varieties of engine thermodynamic cycles .