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Relationship between tropical circulation intensity and summer precipitation anomaly in China
Tropical circulation anomalies and wet / dry spring in Fujian
The western sector , Kuroshio , mainly involves the subtropical gyre ( STG ) and the subtropical cell ( STC ), and the eastern sector mainly involves the anticyclonic gyre to the southeast of Japan which quickly recirculates .
Distribution of Chlorophyll a and Physical-chemical Process in the Subtropical Circulation System
Tropical Circulation Evolution and the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon
Relationship between tropical circulation anomaly and the Yangtze River Basin flooding in 1998
Characteristics of Heat Fluxes on the Subtropical Circle Ocean Area over the Northwestern Pacific
Tropical circulation index and its relation to interannual variation of Yangtze flood / drought
The spectra analyses of the subtropical general circulation at 100 MB in the plum rain
Primary Production in Summer and Winter and Its Seasonal Variation in the Subtropical Circulation System
Preliminary Study on Air-sea Heat Exchange in the Subtropical Circulation Origin Region during the Winter
Composite analysis of evolution of tropical circulation associated with summer monsoon onset in the South China Sea
A preliminary study on ecology of phytoplankton in the subtropic gyre zone during the spring of 1996
Ecological characteristics on macro & medium planktonic copepods in the subtropical circulation zone east of Taiwan Island
This similarity indicates that the major features of the tropical summer circulation are standing eddy phenomenas .
Variability of the Subtropical Gyre in the North Pacific is very important in Global Climate Change and meridional heat transport .
Stationary Response of the Subtropical Circulation to Latent Heating in a Linear Quasigeostrophic Model . ⅰ: Basic Quality and Characteristic Analysis
Some new scientific problems concerning the study on the climate variation of the Subtropical Gyre are put forward in this paper .
Late-season were better than that planted in the early or mid season . RESPONSE OF RAINY SEASON ONSET TO PRECEDENT ANOMALOUS TROPICAL CIRCULATION
The interseasonal variation of TCIX and the correlation with the ambient field of earlier stage are usefull for the forecast of summer rain belts .
The oscillation of trade wind over the Western Pacific in summer , 1976 and its relation to the general circulation of the atmosphere in the tropics
Response of rainy season onset to precedent anomalous Tropical Circulation Analysis of precipitation in the annually first rainy period and general circulation in the south of China
Measurement and estimation of the cable tension based on maximum entropy spectral and fuzzy clustering the spectra analyses of the subtropical general circulation at 100 MB in the plum rain
The Kuroshio Loop and the circulation being induced in northern SCS may be affected by the variation of the Kuroshio itself and the subtropical circulation , as well as the width of the strait .
In 1998 , the tropical circulation and the convective activities in the NW Pacific warm pool region are both in the weak stage of the climate fluctuations , South China Sea summer monsoon is sustainable weak , subtropical summer monsoon is stronger .
Response of the tropical atmospheric circulation to the low & latitude Pacific SST warm anomaly
The atmospheric circulation in tropic daring 1982 / 83 and 1986 / 87 El Nino Events
The changes of TAV of the ocean are closely related to ENSOevents , the Asian winter monsoon and the tropical atmospheric circulation anomalies .
Free surface tropical Pacific ocean GCM with high resolution developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics is used to simulate the La Nina event , one of the important phase try the EI Nino / Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) cycle .
By comparison with the performance of zonal wind at 30 hPa and 50 hPa , we can find the new index can better describe the influence of QBO in tropical troposphere .