
  1. 国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)真空室的设计介绍

    Iter ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) - feat vacuum vessel design presentation

  2. 国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)是建造中的世界上最大的聚变反应堆,目前选址已确定在法国的卡达拉奇。

    ITER will be the largest fusion experimental reactor in the world . This is an international cooperative project .

  3. 虽然有些核能项目动辄要花费几十亿美元,比如法国的国际热核实验反应堆(ITER)和美国加州的美国国家点火装置(NationalIgnitionFacility),但是这并不意味着在核能领域就完全没有草根阶层可以施展拳脚的空间。

    International government projects like ITER in France and the National Ignition Facility in California may have spent billions of dollars in pursuit of the technology , but that doesn 't mean there can 't be a little grassroots action , too .

  4. 国际热核实验反应堆

    External mass and heat transfer international thermonuclear experimental reactor

  5. 热核实验反应堆重力支撑系统的有限元热-力耦合分析

    Coupled Finite Element Thermal-Mechanical Analysis of Gravity Support System of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

  6. 目前世界上共有30多个国家正在参与国际热核实验反应堆项目,来建设世界上最大的托卡马克。

    More than 30 countries are participating in ITER to build the world 's largest tokamak .

  7. “东方超环”的稳态高约束运行模式的运行,为国际热核实验反应堆--一个大型国际科学合作项目--的运行提供了重要的实验支持。

    EAST 's steady-state H-mode operation has provided important experimental support for the operation of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) , a large international scientific cooperation project .

  8. ITER全称Internationalthermonuclearexperimentalreactor,国际热核聚变实验反应堆,ITER装置是一个能产生大规模核聚变反应的超导托克马克,俗称人造太阳。

    Full name of the ITER is International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor , the international thermonuclear fusion experimental reactor , ITER device is one that produces large-scale fusion reaction of superconducting Tokmak , commonly known as " artificial Sun " .

  9. 国际热核聚变实验反应堆(简称ITER)是继国际空间站等以来最大的国际合作项目之一,其目的是用氢的同位素氘和氚来实现核聚变。

    International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) is one of the largest international cooperative projects following International Space Station . The purpose of it is to achieve nuclear fusion through isotopes of hydrogen : deuterium and tritium .