
  1. 基于模糊控制的单片机式热保护器

    The Thermal Protector with Single-chip Microcomputer Based on Fuzzy Control

  2. 热保护器应具有复位功能,并具有保护电机的热绝缘等级设置。

    Thermal protector shall be resettable and have a protection setting NTE the thermal insulation class of the motor .

  3. 热保护器质量测控系统中VB程序的设计

    The Design of the VB Procedure in the Temperature Controller Quality Measure and Control System

  4. 该生产线以液压系统为动力,工业控制计算机和PLC为控制核心,成功地应用于热保护器的调节与检测生产中。

    This production line which is generated by hydraulic system , and controlled with the PLC , has been successfully used in the modulation and heat protector .

  5. 叙述双金属热保护器、半导体陶瓷热敏电阻及高分子聚合物PTC元件在不同种类微电机中的应用,并简要介绍这三种热保护元件的结构和工作特性。

    The paper related applications of bimetal thermal protector , semiconductor ceramic thermistor and high molecular polymer PTC element in different variety of micromotor , brief introduced their structure and operating characteristic of three kinds thermal protector elements .

  6. 热保护器检测炉模糊-PI双模控制研究

    Study of Fuzzy-PI double-state controlling on detect furnace for thermosnap

  7. 热保护器恒温调节、检测生产线的设计

    The Application of PLC on the Heat Protector Modulation and Testing Production Line

  8. 所述高频振荡加湿器与热保护器相互串联。

    The high frequency oscillating humidifier is connected in series with the heat protector .

  9. 本文介绍了一种热保护器温度特性自动检测系统。

    The paper introduces a kind of temperature characteristic detecting system for superheat protector .

  10. 热保护器温度特性检测系统的研制

    Temperature Characteristic Detecting System for Superheat Protector

  11. 该热保护器是一种超温、过流保护器,温度达到设定值自动切断电路。

    This thermistor will cut off the circuit automatically when over heating or over current occupied .

  12. 为进一步提升控温性能,更好的满足热保护器检测所要求的苛刻炉温控制精度,提出了一种模糊&PI双模控制方案。

    A double-state control scheme is put forward in order better to fit the rigor precision demands .

  13. 热保护器特性测试系统

    Hot Protectors Measuring System

  14. 目前,发展单片电动机热保护器的关键是探索合理的热过载保护模型。

    In order to develop motor protectors with single-chip , it is important to research a reasonable overload protection model .

  15. 本公司是生产和销售温控器、热保护器、过载保护器、汽车电器的专业化公司。

    This company is specialized in producing and selling temperature controller , heat protector , over-load protector , and auto electric appliances .

  16. 随着微型计算机技术、电子技术和信息处理技术的发展,单片机式电动机热保护器正迅速发展,并越来越受用户青睐。

    With the development of microcomputer and electronics as well as information processing technique , motor protectors with single-chip have came forth , and been favored increasingly by users .

  17. 针对电动机运行过程中因为绕组温度过高而影响绝缘性能的问题,设计了一种新型的基于模糊控制的单片机热保护器。

    Aiming at the problem that excess temperature of windings affects insulating property in running of motor , the paper designed a new thermal protector with single-chip microcomputer based on fuzzy control .

  18. JRT型热过载保护器临界电流检测仪采用多受检器件串联及电子变换检测线路,提高了保护器大规模生产的效率和检测的准确度。

    A number of detected electric elements are series and an electronic detective circuits are adopted in the critical current detector for JRT thermal overload protector . Thus , it can improve the efficiency of mass production and the detective accuracy .

  19. GB13232-1991旋转电机装入式热保护热保护器通用规则

    Built-in thermal protection for rotating electrical machines-General rules for thermal protectors

  20. 论文中以CYGNAL公司的C8051F020单片机为核心,针对基于电机热模型的电动机保护器进行了硬件设计。

    The hardware of the protector based on thermal model has been designed with the C8051F020 single-chip computer produced by CYGNAL Co.

  21. 电动机热特性研究及单片机电动机热保护器的研制

    Research on Thermal Characteristics of Motor and Development of Thermal Protector with Single-Chip

  22. 通过分析和讨论各种标准和热过载模型,提出了最佳的可供单片机热保护器使用的热特性模型,即双时间常数的指数发热和冷却模型及其建模机理。

    Through analyzing and discussing different standards and models of thermal over-loading , the paper put forward an optimal model of thermal characteristic for thermal protector with single-chip ( microcomputer ), namely exponential model of heating and cooling and its modeling mechanism .

  23. 针对地层压力低,热洗清蜡时洗井液大量进入地层,严重污染油层问题,研制了热洗清蜡油层保护器。

    In view of flushing fluid enter and contaminate formation during heat-washing paraffin in low pressure well , developed reservoir protector by heat-washing paraffin .