
  1. REXA执行器电液控制系统在145MW热电联产汽轮机上的应用

    Application of rexa actuator operated electro-hydraulic governing system on Russia made 145 MW Turbine of co-generation unit

  2. 中小型热电联产汽轮机的优化设计

    Optimization design for small and medium size co-generation turbine

  3. 对热电联产汽轮机容量和参数的优化意见

    Capacity and Parameter Optimizing of Cogeneration Steam Turbine

  4. 某热电联产汽轮机推力轴承温度高,故障时有发生,直接影响机组安全经济运行。

    The high temperature faults often occurred to the thrust bearing of a co-generation turbine leading to poor economy and safety of the unit .

  5. 热电联产机组汽轮机阀门控制系统改造

    Reform of Combined Heat and Power Unit Steam Turbine Valve Control Systems