
  • 网络leakage blocking with pressure
  1. 带压堵漏技术在生产中的应用实例

    Practice of Technique of Leakage Blocking with Pressure

  2. 介绍了注剂式带压堵漏的原理、特点、技术关键及实际操作中的注意事项,并结合云天化多年使用的经验阐明了注剂式带压堵漏在化工生产装置中的重要作用。

    It introduces the leakage blocking with pressure on the high temperature and high pressure valve without affecting the normal operation of the producing plant with a successful example .

  3. 正常生产PTA时,部分管道、阀门、机封、法兰发生泄漏,可以进行带压堵漏。

    Some part of pipeline , value , machine sealing and flange may happen to leak during the normal production of PTA plant , so the leaking stoppage with pressure technique can be used .

  4. 带压堵漏技术在催化裂化装置的应用

    The applications of leak sealing technique under pressure in FCC plant

  5. 火电厂管道阀门带压堵漏技术应用分析

    Application of Leak Stoppage Technology under Pressure in Thermal Power Plants

  6. 汽包阀门泄漏原因及带压堵漏

    Leaking reasons for steam manifold valve and the plugging under pressure

  7. 快速带压堵漏技术在集输管网上的应用

    The Application of Leakage Blocking Technique with Pressure on Gathering Pipeline Grid

  8. 不停车带压堵漏在处理火炬管线泄漏中的应用

    Application of Plugging Method under Pressure in the Leakage of Torch Pipeline

  9. 石化设备和管道带压堵漏的安全措施

    Safety Measure for Blocking Leakage of Petrochemical Equipments and Pipelines Under Pressure

  10. 发电厂阀门外泄漏及带压堵漏方法的技术分析

    Technology analysis of valve leakage and leaking stoppage method with working pressure

  11. 并给出了采用带压堵漏技术的三则应用实例。

    The article provided three examples using holes plugging technology under pressure .

  12. 一种成品油长输管道板式带压堵漏的新方法

    A New Method of Plate In-line Plugging for Long-distance Oil Product Pipelines

  13. 带压堵漏工具在压缩机检修中的应用

    Application of pressure leakage plugging tools in compressor repair

  14. 带压堵漏技术在液化石油气储罐法兰泄漏时的应用

    The Application of Having Pressure Seal Technology in the LPG Tank Flange Leakage

  15. 注剂式带压堵漏技术在化工装置中的应用

    Application of Pressure Injectant Sealing Leakage in Chemical Plant

  16. 不停车带压堵漏技术及在炼油厂中的应用

    The plugging leakage technology carried pressure at non-shut down and its application on Refinery

  17. 中压蒸汽阀盖的带压堵漏

    Leak stopping of steam valve with medium pressure

  18. 浅谈发电厂管阀系统的带压堵漏

    Discussing Disposing The Leakage of The System of Pipe and Valve In Power Plant

  19. 高炉DN1400煤气管道带压堵漏技术的应用

    Blast Furnace Gas Pipes Pressure Plugging Technology

  20. 带压堵漏技术的应用

    Application of blocking up leakage with pressure

  21. 化工厂几种特殊部位带压堵漏卡具的结构设计

    Structure Design of Clamps Blocking Leakage Under Pressure for Some Special Positions in Chemistry Factory

  22. 管道泄漏及带压堵漏夹具

    Pipeline leaking and leak clamp in pressure

  23. 几种常用的压力容器带压堵漏技术

    Plugging technique for pressure vessel with pressure

  24. 承压部件的带压堵漏技术

    Leaking Stoppage under Pressure for Pressure Part

  25. 高分子复合材料用于水工构筑物渗漏带压堵漏

    Application of High Molecular Compound Material in Stopping of Leakage of Buildings in Water Under Pressure

  26. 高温高压阀门的带压堵漏

    Modification on belt press filter Leakage bloking with pressure on the high temperature and high pressure valve

  27. 带压堵漏技术是指在不影响生产正常进行的前提下,带温、带压修复泄漏部位,达到重新密封的一种特殊技术手段。

    The plugging technique for sealing pressure vessels under the working pressure and temperature is a special method .

  28. 本文着重分析了带压堵漏技术的实际应用和效果,为将来发展这种技术奠定了基础。

    This paper analysed the application and effect of this technique and it is good for developing the technique in the future .

  29. 本文介绍带压堵漏原理,夹具制作过程,以及在电厂中的应用。

    This paper introduced the method of leaking stoppage under pressure , the process of clamp making and the application in thermal power plants .

  30. 分析新高压汽包一批新安装阀门泄漏原因,并详细介绍带压堵漏所采取的措施。

    The paper analyses the leaking reasons for the newly installed valves of the new HP steam drum , and describes the measures to plug the leak under pressure .