
  • 网络The Man with the Gun;gunman
  1. 当我们要求进一步参观时却被拒绝了。实际上,我们是被一些带枪的人护送离开的。

    When we asked to see more we were refused . Indeed we were escorted away by men with guns .

  2. 没人看见有任何带枪的人。

    Not one has reported seeing anyone with a handgun .

  3. 你竟背对著位带枪的人。

    You just turned your back on an armed man .

  4. 女王的保镖挡住了一个带枪的人。

    The queen 's bodyguards stopped a man who was carrying a gun .

  5. 三个带枪的人护送似乎有点多余了。

    Three armed escorts seems a bit excessive .

  6. 这里有几个带枪的人。

    There are men here with guns .

  7. 不不两个带枪的人想闯进来!俩人拿枪

    No , no , no , there are two men with guns trying to break in ! Two men carrying pistols ( speaking spanish )

  8. 我看见小山上有什么东西在移动,并透过树丛注意到有一个带枪的人从路上跑开了。

    I saw something move on the hill , and noticed , among the trees , a man with a gun , turning away from the road .

  9. 我是没带武器,你不能射一个没带枪的人。

    I 'm unarmed ! You can 't shoot an unarmed man .