
zhēnɡ zhǔ ɡuō
  • Cooking pot;boiling kier
  1. 针对立式蒸煮锅设计了一套基于DCS控制系统的间歇蒸煮过程计算机优化控制系统,实现了对木浆卡伯值的精确预报和升温曲线的在线优化。

    A DCS control system was designed for batch pulping process with optimal algorithm in this paper . The kappa value was predicated accurately , and then the temperature set curve was optimized on line by the algorithm .

  2. 真空加压式造纸蒸煮锅的研究与设计

    Design and study of vaccum and bring pressure digester for pulp

  3. 蔗渣蒸煮锅连续进料器的研制与应用

    Development and Application of the Continuous Feeder for Digestion of Bagasse

  4. 肉或副产品的蒸煮锅熏猪肉是在煎锅里烧的。

    Meat cooking box Bacon is cooked in a frying pan .

  5. 应用断裂力学理论检验评定修复蒸煮锅

    The Application of Fracture Mechanics to Examining , Evaluating and Repairing Digesters

  6. 纸浆蒸煮锅排浆阀门液压控制装置的分析和设计

    Analysis and Design of Hydraulic Control Device of the Pulp Steamer Relief Valve

  7. 新型麦草蒸煮锅的实验研究

    Experiment study of new digester for wheat straw

  8. 麦草置换蒸煮锅的研究

    Digester for Wheat Straw Displacement Cooking

  9. 吊筐是蒸煮锅专用,蒸煮食品、肉类产品,二次消毒灭菌使用。

    It have two kinds , one is common , the other is used with hoisting .

  10. 蒸煮锅是完成造纸的主要工序&纸浆蒸煮的关键设备。纸浆蒸煮配料过程计算机控制

    The pulp steamer is the key equipment of the pulp steam process in paper making technology . Digester Charge Control System

  11. 该研究成果,对存在相当缺陷的蒸煮锅作出了可靠的安全分析,得到安检部门的认可。

    The study result makes reliable safety analysis for the considerably defective digester and has been approved by the safety inspection department .

  12. 打开橱门,我发现斯科特在里面,手里拿着一个“金饭锅”(我的蒸煮锅)和贴着“珍宝”字样便条的礼品袋。

    I opened the door to find Scott holding a " pot of gold "( my cooking kettle ) and the " treasure " of a gift package .

  13. 我打开壁橱门,发现斯科特站在里面,一手拿着“金壶”(我的蒸煮锅),一手拿着一包包装精美的“宝物”。

    I opened the door to find Scott holding a " pot of gold " ( my cooking kettle ) and the " treasure " of a gift package .

  14. 良好蒸煮效果需要木片的尺寸均匀,因此,在进入蒸煮锅前,全部木片都要经过筛选。

    As proper cooking requires chips of reasonably uniform sizes , all chips must be screened before entering the digesters .