
  • 网络Steamed rice
  1. 做麻婆豆腐需要的时间比蒸米饭要短,所以要先把饭做好。

    Mapo tofu takes less time to cook than rice , so start the rice first .

  2. 蒸米饭是韩国人几乎每顿都必不可少的主食。

    Boiled rice is the staple food for Koreans , it is eaten with almost every meal .

  3. 把一两勺麻婆豆腐浇到蒸米饭上,会是一顿丰盛大餐的美好开始。

    Just a spoonful or two with steamed rice makes a pleasant beginning to a multicourse meal .

  4. 考虑将其添加到蔬菜炒,蒸米饭或准备将其与您最喜爱的面食的美味菜肴搭配。

    Consider adding them to a vegetable saut é, steaming them with rice or preparing them with your favorite pasta for a tasty dish .

  5. 卢生照着道士的嘱咐去睡觉了。这时候,客店主人正在蒸小米饭,卢生枕着道士的枕头睡着了,做了一个梦。

    Lu Sheng went to bed as told , while the owner of the inn was steaming millet . With the Taoist priest 's pillow , Lu Sheng fell asleep and had a dream .

  6. 卢生一梦醒来,发现自己仍然睡在客店里,吕道士就坐在他的身旁,连店主人蒸的小米饭还没熟呢。

    Lu Sheng woke up from his dream and found himself still sleeping at the inn , with the Taoist priest Lu sitting beside him . The millet which the owner of the inn had been steaming was not yet done .

  7. 如果要是准备晚餐,就是蒸蔬菜,米饭,加上我为孩子们准备的保留菜品&冷冻披萨,当然我会把它加热的。

    If I make dinner , it consists of steamed veggies , rice and my pi è ce de r é sistance for the kids frozen pizza . Warmed , of course .