
rè hónɡ wài
  • thermal infrared
  1. 在光学遥感方面,虽然目前有许多在轨运行的光学传感器可以用于可见光近红外热红外等光学遥感手段来获取地表的土壤水分时空分布信息。

    As to optical remote sensing , by means of visual spectrum remote sensing and thermal infrared remote sensing , the soil moisture information can be got with help of optical sensors , which are run at the present time .

  2. 环境一号B星热红外通道星上定标与交叉定标研究

    Research of Onboard Calibration and Cross-calibration for Thermal Infrared Channel of HJ-1B

  3. 通过对模拟10组分混合物NMR谱和2组分热红外震兆成因的模拟实验研究

    The simulated experimental studies on cause of thermal infrared precursor of earthquakes

  4. 利用TM图像波段比值、热红外图像复合处理识别岩石类型

    Recognition of rock types using band ratio and thermal infrared band of Landsat TM images

  5. 利用MODIS的热红外通道估计中纬度降雨

    Overland Rainfall Estimates in Midlatitude by Using MODIS Infrared Channel

  6. 应用小波收缩方法剔除MODIS热红外波段数据条带噪声

    De-striping for MODIS Infrared Band Data via Wavelet Shrinkage

  7. 利用MODIS热红外数据进行广州市夏季热场分析

    A Study of Thermal Field in Summer of Guangzhou by MODIS Thermal Infrared Data

  8. 基于气象数据与AVHRR热红外数据的人工神经网络分类方法

    Artificial Neural Network Method Used for Weather and AVHRR Thermal Data Classification

  9. 应用DTM改善煤层自燃的热红外探测

    Using DTM to Improve the Accuracy of Detecting Coal Fires with Thermal Infrared Images

  10. 如何有效利用TM热红外遥感图像是遥感应用和研究人员共同关心的问题。

    How to effectively use the TM thermal infrared ( TIR ) remotely sensed image is concerned with remote sensing application faculties and researchers .

  11. 本文首先分析了应用TM热红外图象和相关的比值处理来监测水土流失的可行性。

    First of all the capability of applying TM thermal infrared image and relative ratio processing to monitoring soil and water loss was discussed in this paper .

  12. CBERS-02热红外波段绝对辐射定标及其不确定性分析

    Absolute Radiometric Calibration and the Uncertainty Analysis of CBERS-02 TIR Band

  13. 本文论述了用LANDSATTM热红外通道资料调查热量资源的原理及定标方法。

    This paper describes the principle and the calibration method of interpretation on heat condition using the thermal IR data from the Landsat TM sensor .

  14. 中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)覆盖可见光、近红外和热红外的36个波段,其波谱分辨率高、信息量丰富。

    MODIS ( Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ) acquires data in thirty-six high spectral resolution bands distributed across the visible to thermal infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum .

  15. 虽然MODIS有8个热红外波段用来监测地表热量变化,但波段31和32特别适用于农业旱灾监测中所需要的地表温度遥感反演。

    Though MODIS data contain 8 thermal bands for earth observation , bands 31 and 32 are especially suitable for land surface temperature retrieval required by agricultural drought monitoring .

  16. 利用青海湖水面辐射校正场对FY-1C气象卫星热红外传感器进行绝对辐射定标

    In-Flight Radiometric Calibration for Thermal Channels of FY-1C Meteorological Satellite Sensors Using Qinghai Lake , Water Surface Radiometric Calibration Site

  17. 首先通过大气窗口的分析,在MODIS的16个热红外波段中可以选择7个波段,即波段20、22、23、29、31、32、33。

    Firstly , seven bands , including band 20 , 22 , 23 , 29 , 31 , 32 and band 33 are selected from sixteen bands of MODIS thermal infrared bands by atmospheric windows to retrieve surface temperature .

  18. 对Terra卫星所搭载的ASTER传感器TIR子系统五个热红外波段的图像进行了亮温图像的反演,并用十三波段的亮温图像近似代替真实温度图像。

    And then using the image by ASTER the five thermal wave bands to retrieval the brightness temperature images , using the band 13 brightness temperature image to nearly express the surface temperature image .

  19. ASTER传感器提供了包括可见光-近红外(VNIR)、短波红外(SWIR)、热红外(TIR)共14个波段的地物波谱数据。

    ASTER sensor provides 14 bands of spectral information including visible and near infrared ( VNIR ) , short wave infrared ( SWIR ) and thermal infrared ( TIR ) .

  20. 为了提高玉米冠层半球方向亮温(DBT)测量的准确性,对一套由工业用起重机平台和热红外成像仪组成的地面观测系统的四种测量方法进行了对比和评价。

    In this study , a recent crane based thermal camera system developed by INRA-Avignon of France is presented , and then four measuring methods for hemispherical directional brightness temperature ( DBT ) observations are introduced .

  21. 在对地观测卫星ASTER传感器的15个波段中,有5个(10~14波段)是热红外波段,特别是其中的第13和14波段可以被用来反演地表温度。

    ASTER is an EOS instrument in Terra satellite which owes 15 bands . Five of them are TIR bands , which can be used to retrieve land surface temperature ( especially for band 13 and 14 ) .

  22. 全市尺度上NDVI与基于热红外波段计算的亮温值的相关性较差,但在受人类活动强烈影响的中心城区,考虑水体因素的影响,NDVI与亮温之间表现为显著的负相关关系。

    Although the effect of correlation between NDVI and brightness temperature from the thermal infrared band of TM imagery was unobvious relatively on urban scale , on built-up area scale which affected intensively by human activity , it showed a significant negative correlation .

  23. 在归纳热红外遥感和大气对城市热红外遥感影响的物理机理基础上,修正并建立了一种基于LANDSATTM/ETM+遥感数据地表温度反演的简化模型;

    In inducing the hot infrared remote sensing and the atmosphere to the city hot infrared remote sensing influence physical mechanism foundation in , we revised and has established one kind based on Landsat TM / ETM + remote sensing data surface temperature inversion simplification model .

  24. 用TM6热红外图象作假彩色等密度分割处理,以提取随海而异的地面温度场和土壤类型垂直分带信息;

    The information of ground thermal field and soil vertical zonality which differ with elevation is extracted by using the TM6 thermal infrared image to make the pseudo-color-equidensity slicing ;

  25. 回顾了热红外遥感研究,阐述了地表温度反演原理,比较了2种主要的地表温度反演方法,并重点对针对LANDSATTM数据的3种温度反演算法进行了对比。

    This paper reviews the research of the hot infrared remote sensing , explains the principle of the retrieving of land surface temperature , compares two main methods of the retrieving of the land surface temperature , and contrasts the three different temperatures based on the Landsat TM data especially .

  26. 与Landsat/ETM+、NOAA/AVHRR及MODIS等传感器的热红外数据相比,ASTER的热红外数据同时具有空间分辨率高和光谱分辨率较高的突出优势,这是ASTER数据应用于地表组分温度反演的优势所在。

    Compared with thermal infrared data set from Landsat / ETM + , NOAA / AVHRR and MODIS , thermal infrared data set from ASTER are much better in both spatial and spectral resolution , which has made ASTER advantages to retrieve component temperature on land surface .

  27. 本文讨论了以热红外信息为基础的SDD作物估产模式的机理,分析了作物干物质积累量和热红外信息的函数关系,证明该模式具有一定的理论基础。

    The mechanism of SDD model for estimating crop yield is discussed on the basis of thermal infrared information , and the function relation between dry material accumulation of crop and thermal infrared information is analysed . That the model has a fair theory basis is proved .

  28. 通过将大气订正后的亮度温度与地面实测点亮度温度比较,两者相差约1.2K,这对于无大气廓线情况下单通道热红外图像的大气订正来说,结果是可以接受的。

    The atmospheric correction result is validated by using synchronous experiment data , and the precision of brightness temperature is less than 1.2 K , which is acceptable when the atmosphere profiles is not available .

  29. 基于地表能量平衡方程,SEBAL模型利用遥感影像的可见光、近红外与热红外波段及少量气象数据可计算出区域的日蒸散量,是一个物理概念较为清楚的模型。

    Based on the equation of the balance of energy , using remote sensing data including VIS / NIR / TIR and a few of weather data , the SEBAL model can calculate the daily regional evapotranspiration .

  30. 用两个热红外波段(86μm、11μm)反演植被冠层温度,并通过分析三者之间的耦合特征来提取反映植被水分状况的综合指标(VTWSI)。

    Vegetation canopy temperature is inversed using two thermal infrared bands ( 8.6 μ m , 11 μ m ) . Then the vegetation-temperature-water synthesis index ( VTWSI ) is acquired by analyzing the coupling character of three indexes , which can reflect the water condition of vegetation .