
rè jié
  • thermojunction
热结[rè jié]
  1. 泻心胶囊对火邪热结型冠心病心绞痛的临床观察及对炎症因子干预作用

    Clinical study of Xiexin capsule on stenocardia of coronary heart disease in fire-evil stagnation type and effects of it on inflammatory factor

  2. 证明热结膀胱并非仅指膀胱经腑病症,凡下焦瘀热,“但少腹急结者”,均可加减运用桃核承气汤治疗。

    It is proven that " Taohe Chengqi Decoction " can treat various conditions resulting from blood-stasis and heat in the lower energizer .

  3. 热结证男性平均病程略长于女性,其余证女性均明显长于男性。

    Average duration of the heat junction in male is slightly longer than in female , but other syndrome seems in the other way .

  4. 热结证的病程最短,其次为气滞证,痰湿和血瘀证的病程相当,均偏长。

    Heat junction permits the shortest course of disease , followed by the course of Qi stagnation . Phlegm and blood stasis syndrome have a longer length .

  5. 综述了国内外铁氧体空心微球的各种制备方法,如:喷雾热结法、模板法、逐层组装法等,及其优缺点和研究现状。

    The preparation methods of the ferrite hollow microspheres , such as spray drying method , templating method , layer-by-layer assembly , and the investigation status are reviewed .

  6. 腹痛病机主要有寒凝、热结、血瘀、肝郁、食积、虫扰、阳虚等七种。

    The pathomechanism of abdominal pain includes mainly Cold Stagnation , Heat Concentration , Blood Stasis , Liver Depression , Indigestion , Parasite , and Inferiority of Yang .

  7. 热结血瘀证患者C-反应蛋白浓度、白细胞计数及中性粒细胞比例均偏高,提示热结血瘀证与炎症反应密切相关。

    C-reactive protein , white blood cell count and neutrophil ratio were higher in heat and blood stasis patients , indicating that blood stasis heat is closely related with the inflammatory response .

  8. 太阳蓄血证病位可在膀胱以外的少腹部位,热结膀胱强调外邪由表传里之途径;

    The location of blood amassment can be in other places in the lower abdomen beyond the bladder . Heat-accumulating in the bladder emphasizes the path through which the external evil intrudes into the body ;

  9. 湿法烟气脱硫GGH换热元件结垢问题探讨

    Discussion of GGH heat exchanger components scaling for Wet flue gas desulfurization

  10. 通过高温热扩散结合法系统地研究了在含CaO,CeO2的低碳钢中晶内针状铁素体形核现象。

    The intragranular nucleation phenomena of ferrite in low carbon steels with oxides of CaO and CeO_2 were studied using a method of hot diffusion bonding .

  11. 通过对重油催化装置油浆换热器结垢的原因和机理进行了分析,并在此基础上开发YJZ-101型油浆阻垢剂。

    Causes and mechanisms of RFCCU slurry heat exchanger fouling were analyzed , YJZ-101 slurry antifouling agent was developed .

  12. 渣油换热器结垢热阻的预测模型研究

    Study on Prediction Model of Fouling Resistance in Residuum Heat Exchangers

  13. 污水换热器结垢腐蚀严重;

    The sewage heat exchanger had serious scale buildup and corrosion .

  14. 加氢精制装置换热器结垢成因分析及措施

    Analysis of Heat Exchangers Fouling in Hydrorefining Unit and Preventive Measures

  15. 乳品加工中热交换器结垢的形成与影响因素

    Fouling of heat treatment equipment in the dairy processing and influence factor

  16. 冷却水换热器结垢原因分析与预防措施

    Analysis of Causes for Scaling of Cooling Water Exchanger and Preventive Measures

  17. 换热设备结垢机理的研究进展

    Research progress in fouling mechanism of heat transfer equipment

  18. 换热表面结垢过程及机理的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Fouling Mechanism on Heat Transfer Surface

  19. 常顶换热器结垢原因分析及防结垢对策

    Scaling Reasons and Prevention Measures of Heat Exchanger at the Top of Atmospheric Column

  20. 空调机组过滤器及换热设备结尘、结垢的处理方法

    Treatment of dirt and scale formation in air filter and heat exchanger of air conditioning system

  21. 管壳式污水换热器结垢厚度对流动换热的影响

    Effect on Fluxion and Heat Transfer due to the Thickness of Soft Dirt in Shell Sewage Heat Exchanger

  22. 目的观察消纤方对淤热互结慢性肝病纤维化及相关指标的影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of Xiaoxian prescription on hepatic fibrosis and related index of chronic liver disease .

  23. 在工业水系统领域普遍存在着水系统管道、换热设备结垢问题。

    Fouling of heat exchangers and fouling of water system piping is a widespread problem In the industry water system .

  24. 分析表明,原油含盐量大、机械杂质过多、低输量运行导致原油流速过低等是换热器结垢的主要原因。

    The main causes include high salt and impurity contents in crude oil , low flow rate under small throughput .

  25. 文章简述了换热器结垢的类型和影响因素,分析了常用的除垢方法。

    Types of fouling in heat exchanger and their affected factors are summarized . Some usual cleaning methods are analyzed .

  26. 关于套筒窑换热器结垢问题的研究及解决方案的实施

    Research about the problem of the scaling of the circular sleeve kiln heat exchanger and performance of the solving plan

  27. 马老师认为脾肾亏虚与瘀热互结是其发生、发展的重要因素。

    Teacher ma think spleen and kidney deficiency and blood stasis hot and its occurrence , development is an important factor .

  28. 目的观察中药腺肌丸治疗瘀热互结型子宫腺肌病痛经的临床疗效。方法将134例瘀热互结型子宫腺肌病患者分为两组。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of " Xianji Pill " on dysmenorrhea in patients with adenomyosis of blood and heat accumulation .

  29. 基本病机为痰热互结,气机升降失调;

    That the basic pathogenesis is the congelation of heat with phlegm which leads to disturbance in ascending and descending of the functional activities of qi ;

  30. 目的:观察安宫止血方治疗瘀热互结型无排卵性功血的疗效,并探讨其止血作用机制。

    Objective : To explore the effect and the hemostasia mechanism of Angong Zhixue Fang ( AGZXF ) in treating anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding ( DUB ) with blood stasis and caloric form .