
rè fù hè
  • heat load;thermal load
  1. 对系统的主要部件液氦低温板和辐射挡板进行了构造分析和热负荷计算;

    The structure analysis and the radiation heat load computation were carried out from the cryopanel to the radiation baffle .

  2. 手工扩孔易造成热负荷及CO体积分数超标等问题,灶具改造应由专业厂家进行。

    The manual reaming is easy to cause problems , such as over norm of heat load and CO volume fraction . The reform of gas range should be conducted by specialized manufacturers .

  3. 对不同的热负荷情况,讨论了几何参数一定的换热器N随流动雷诺数变化情况。

    N versus Reynolds number Re were investigated with different heat duty .

  4. 氯化天然橡胶的等速升温热降解动力学③热负荷率X(主要表现在锅炉效率随着锅炉负荷率的变化、汽轮机相对内效率随着进汽量的变化);

    Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Chlorinated Natural Rubber at Constant Heating Rate ③ heating load rate ;

  5. 用Excel计算高层建筑冷风渗透热负荷

    Calculating Heat Load for Infiltration in High-Rise Buildings with Microsoft Excel

  6. 单燃料LPG多点喷射柴油机的热负荷控制

    Thermal Load Control for a Multi-point Injection LPG Engine Modified from Diesel Engine

  7. 基于MIS系统的热负荷预测

    Heating Load Forecasting Based on MIS

  8. 利用有限元法(FEM)解决了热负荷任意分布条件下微管道换热器的换热特性分析的困难;

    Heat transfer characteristics of a microchannel heat sink with arbitrary base heat flux is analyzed by FEM ( Finite Element Method ) .

  9. 利用人工神经网络的BP预测模型对蓄热式电锅炉供热系统进行了热负荷预测。

    Load forecasting of heat supply system is an important base in the study of economical operation of electric boiler with heat reservoir under time-sharing price .

  10. 实际预测结果表明,基于合成BP网络的预测模型能很好地实现对热电厂热负荷的预测。

    The results of actual prediction show that this prediction model based on the synthesized BP network performs very well in the prediction of cogeneration plant thermal loads .

  11. 在封装和PCB基体中的焦耳热负荷可以在ANSYSSI/PI中模拟运行,并纳入到热设计分析中。

    Joule heating loads in package and PCB substrates can be performed in ANSYS SI / PI products and incorporated into the thermal design analysis .

  12. HL-2A偏滤器结构改造及热负荷分析

    Structural modification and power flux analysis of HL-2A divertor

  13. 大脉冲热负荷下HL-2A偏滤器靶板的热分析

    Thermal analysis of the HL-2A divertor plates under dumping of intense pulse thermal load

  14. 然后用Monte-Carlo法及差分法对上述的积分&微分方程组求解,得出辐射室的有效热负荷Q,炉膛内烟气的温度分布及烟气离辐射室时的温度。

    Monte-Carlo method and discrete method are used for solving these equations . Effective heat capacity of the chamber , combustion gas temperature distribution and outlet gas temperature are calculated .

  15. 炉身下部采用低的热负荷来保护。低的热负荷是通过PaulWurth的无料钟布料设备来控制。

    Lower shaft of the furnace was protected with lower thermal heat load by burden distribution control with Paul Wurth bell-less top charging facility .

  16. 模拟结果表明,采用改进工艺后,CO2收率提高5.0~14.3%,再沸器热负荷降低7.5%~8.1%。

    The results of simulation show that the yield of CO2 is increased 5.0 % ~ 14.3 % and reboiler heat duty decreased 7.5 % ~ 8.1 % by adopting the modified process flow compared with the typical process flow .

  17. 本文用气相色谱技术研究氯化聚乙烯(CPE)-接枝(g)-氯乙烯(VC)聚合动力学,对不同引发剂体系分析热负荷分布,并对7m~3聚合釜传热面进行校核。

    The Chlorinated Polyethylene-Graft-Vinyl Chloride polymerization kinetics was studied by use of gas chromatography technique . The heat load distribution was analyzed in the process for different complex initiator systems and the heat transfer surface area was checked for 7-m ~ 3 reactor .

  18. 计算出了该分形网络通道的最优化结构参数,并定量地分析了冷却水流量和热负荷对DMFC堆温度分布的影响。

    Optimum structural parameters of the fractal network channels are calculated , and the effect of flux of cooling water and heat load on the temperature distribution in the stacks quantitatively analyzed .

  19. 这种情况下使用的热负荷加大相关RVOS条件。

    This case uses thermal loads for XL associated with RVOS condition .

  20. 具体工作如下:基于整车热负荷的理论计算,完成压缩机选型,改进和优化设计了车厢内温度场、冷凝器、后HVAC鼓风机和蒸发器。

    The works were carried out as following : Based on heat load calculation of whole vehicle , the compressor was determined , and the inside car temperature field , condenser , back HVAC blower and evaporator were optimized .

  21. 平均皮温对环境热负荷的反应明显,当着衣量(Clo)0.7左右时,至适温度下的平均皮温为32&32.5℃。

    The average skin temperature responds to the surrounding heat load more sensitively , when the temperature was optimum with clo of 0.7 or so , average skin temperature was found to be 32-32.5 .

  22. 实验结果表明,系统热负荷、物料蒸发量和冷凝量、系统制热系数COP、压缩机理论耗功量和理论热媒流量均随着料液蒸发温度的升高而增大。

    The results showed that , when the evaporation temperature increase , the heat load , the material evaporation and condensation capacity , the system heating coefficient of performance COP , compressor theoretical power consumption and the theoretical heating medium flow rate all increased .

  23. 并采用局部热负荷平衡型通道排列模型,来分析板翅式换热器通道排列的好坏。最后,本文运用商业软件FLUENT对板翅式换热器封头结构内部流场进行了稳态数值模拟。

    The passage design model of local heat load balance is adopt . The author analyses which is The best passage arrangement . Finally , In this thesis , The header structure Fluid field distribution of Plate-fin heat exchanger is simulated using the commercial CFD code FLUENT .

  24. S1100型柴油机气缸盖热负荷及动态特性的测试分析

    An Experimental Analysis of Thermal Load and Dynamic Property on the Cylinder Head of S 1100 Diesel Engine

  25. 根据Natick士兵中心研究结果:只要提供300W制冷量就能满足一个人的热负荷需求。

    According to the results of Natick Soldier Center , the cooling capacity of 300 W can meet the thermal loading requirement of a man .

  26. 采用非线性单纯形算法,对直流法克劳斯硫磺回收工艺相关的热力学图表关系曲线进行了拟合,用VB语言编写计算机程序,可用于计算克劳斯工艺的平衡组成,硫磺转化率,设备热负荷以及火焰温度。

    According to the non-linear simplex method , the relevant thermodynamics graph relation curves have carried on the fitting and programming the computer program . This model can be used for calculating the equilibrium composition of claus process , sulfur conversion ratio , the equipment heat load and flame temperature .

  27. 介绍了10L下铸式真空感应熔炼炉的结构及组成,指出了安装和热负荷试车过程中存在的问题及解决方法,设计同类电炉时可作为参考。

    This paper introduces the construction and composition of 10L vacuum induction melting furnace , bottom pour-ing and points out some problems during adjusting . It is a reference when designing the same type furnace .

  28. 构建整个系统的数学模型,在此基础上,结合DeST-c中输出的逐时气象参数和建筑物逐时热负荷作为初始条件,利用MATLAB编制的程序进行动态模拟。

    On the basis of the construction of the whole system and through using hourly meteorological parameters and thermal load of the building which could be obtained from DeST-c , the system was simulated dynamically by using the Matlab program designed by myself .

  29. 然而脉动燃烧机理复杂,传统的Helmholtz型机械阀或气动阀脉动燃烧器由于受到其自吸供气方式的限制,其热负荷低、调节范围窄,这也成为该设备大型化的主要瓶颈。

    However , pulse combustion mechanism is very complex , the major bottleneck for popularization and application of conventional pulse combustors of the Helmholtz-type with mechanical or aerodynamic valves is the self-priming mode of gas supply , which results in low power operation and low load regulation .

  30. 结论新型高空海上联合救生服的热负荷很大,在25℃左右环境中,为了维持飞行员良好的工效,穿着时间不宜超过30min;

    Conclusions The heat load of wearing the combined survival suit in 25 ℃ environment was a serious problem . It is suggested that when pilots wear group A ensemble in cabin around 25 ℃, retention period should not exceed 30 min.