
rè lā lā
  • scorching;be excited;burning hot
热辣辣 [rè là là]
  • (1) [burning hot]∶形容天气非常热,如火烫一般

  • 天气热辣辣,心中火辣辣

  • (2) [be excited]∶形容心情激动

热辣辣[rè lā lā]
  1. 太阳晒得人热辣辣的。

    The sun feels scorching .

  2. 他听了大家的批评,觉得脸上热辣辣的。

    After hearing everybody 's criticism , he felt his cheeks burning .

  3. 她感到双颊热辣辣的。

    She felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks .

  4. 热辣辣的天气确实使玫瑰长得很快。

    The hot weather has really brought on the roses .

  5. 他不停的抱怨热辣辣的太阳。

    He kept showing his complaint against the hot sun .

  6. 我就会给他一个热辣辣的吻。

    That I would give him a big fat kiss .

  7. 因为发窘,我觉得脸上热辣辣发痒。

    I felt a hot prickle of embarrassment spread across my cheeks .

  8. 复仇的愤怒和热辣辣的受辱感。

    Vindictive anger and hot shame .

  9. 等他看完最后一封信,他觉得热辣辣的泪水刺得眼睛生疼。

    By the time he finished the last note , he could feel the tears burning in his eyes .

  10. 布兰摸摸双眼之间,刚才乌鸦啄的地方还热辣辣的,

    Bran touched his forehead , between his eyes . The place where the crow had pecked him was still burning ,

  11. 热辣辣的阳光,黏湿的空气,烦人的噪音,所有的这些原来都是久违了的乐趣,我正在期待。

    I 'm expecting all these long-time-no-contact interesting things in summer , such as the hot sun shine , the sticky air and the annoying sound .

  12. 现在太阳西落了,已经失去了几分威力,空气虽然还是热辣辣的,那炙肤的光线却微弱一些了。

    Now that the sun was on the wane some of its impact was gone , and while the air was hot , the hammering rays were weaker .

  13. 阳光此刻很热,老人感到脖颈上热辣辣的,划着划着,觉得汗水一滴滴地从背上往下淌。

    The sun was hot now and the old man felt it on the back of his neck and felt the sweat trickle down his back as he rowed .

  14. 川菜以其辛辣的口味而闻名,但是如果要吃的东西全都是辣椒,那么这种热辣辣的食物的粉丝将会更少。

    Sichuan food is famous for its spicy flavor , but if all there was to eat was the hot pepper itself , there would be fewer fans of the fiery food .

  15. 我的手冰凉冰凉,我的脸热辣辣。不过我没有哭。迪瓦斯先生去世时,我哭了好几天。然而他不是我父亲。

    My hands felt cold and my face was hot , but I didn ' t cry.When Mr Device died , I cried for days . But he was not my fa-ther .

  16. 他肚子像着了火,热辣辣地难受,在炕上打滚哭闹:“我饿,我睡不着呀!”

    His stomach was aching as if catching fire ; he rolled back and forth on the kang crying out loud , " I am so hungry . I can 't sleep ! "