
rè hū hu
  • warm
热乎乎 [rè hū hū]
  • (1) [warm] 亲切的、热诚的、同情的或充满深情的

  • 心里感到热乎乎的

  • (2) 也作热呼呼

  1. 我光脚踩在沙滩上,感到热乎乎的。

    The sand was warm under my bare feet .

  2. 当他抬头看到祖克曼先生就静静地站在身旁,手里拎着盛满热乎乎的稀饭的食桶时,才稍稍宽了心。

    When he looked up and saw Mr. Zuckerman standing11 quite close to him , holding a pail of warm slops , he felt relieved .

  3. 听了这些话,我心里热乎乎的。

    My heart warmed at these words .

  4. 他们也会在打上露水的,俯视阳台的窗玻璃上留下SHMILY的字样。他们总是在那个阳台上招待大家他们自己做的热乎乎的蓝色布丁。

    They smeared it in the dew on the windows overlooking the patio where they always had warm , homemade pudding with blue food coloring .

  5. 本想在热乎乎的早餐面包片上涂点能多益(Nutella),却发现不知谁把它吃光了,世间最痛苦的事情莫过于此。

    There 's nothing worse than looking forward to a serving of Nutella on warm toast for breakfast - only to find that someone has cleaned out the jar .

  6. “栗子,热乎乎的烤栗子,”一个小贩在叫卖。

    " Chestnuts , hot roast chestnuts ," a peddler cried .

  7. 她感到眼泪夺眶而出,热乎乎地淌过她的脸颊。

    She felt a tear escape and trickle warmly down her cheek .

  8. 那样我们会留下点热乎乎的晚饭给你的。

    We 'd have got something warm for supper . '

  9. 管子的出口流出热乎乎的液体塑料。

    Warm wet plastic came out of the end of the pipe .

  10. 天气寒冷刺骨,但热乎乎的雪水尝起来棒极了。

    The weather is freezing , but the hot snow tastes nice .

  11. 寿司往往和热乎乎的绿茶一起搭配食用。

    Sushi is usually consumed with hot green tea .

  12. 他们这顿宵夜吃得热乎乎的。

    Now the lunch went off with considerable warmth .

  13. 杰克,请喝杯热乎乎的巧克力饮料吧。

    Mom : Have some hot chocolate , Jack .

  14. 热乎乎的杯子使我觉得全身都暖起来。

    The hot cup made my body warm .

  15. 他们应该供应热乎乎的早餐。

    They better serve a hot breakfast .

  16. 可恶的带鸡蛋气味的水蒸气从人行道的裂缝中钻出把这里的很多池塘都烘得热乎乎的。

    Sinister eggy-smelling steam snakes from cracks in pavements and heats the many pools here .

  17. 观众鼓掌鼓得浑身热乎乎的。

    The spectators warmed themselves with applause .

  18. 大家大口吃着带有许多土豆和香辣调料的热热乎乎的盛宴。

    People devour hot , hearty meals , with lots of potatoes and savory sauces .

  19. 请来三个热乎乎的麦穗,要涂着新鲜黄油,撒了盐和胡椒粉那种。

    Three hot ears of corn with fresh butter and salt and pepper , please .

  20. 癞蛤蟆开了一个好价把老妇人的马卖给他并享受了一顿热乎乎的早餐。

    Toad sold him the barge-woman 's horse for a good price and a hot breakfast .

  21. 可以吃热乎乎的晚饭肯定不是其中之一

    Well , getting your dinner at the right temperature certainly isn 't one of them .

  22. 我要记住热乎乎的香肠披萨不是打盹的好地方!

    I will remember that a warm pepperoni pizza is not a good place for a nap !

  23. 他们靠近那三只巨大的脑袋时,可以感觉到大狗那热乎乎、臭烘烘的气息。

    They could feel the dog 's hot , smelly breath as they approached the giant heads .

  24. 我们更多的会想到感冒咳嗽,更极端的气候及热乎乎的饮料。

    We experience more colds and coughs , more extreme weather , and drink more warm drinks .

  25. 也就是说,除非亚马逊能用更好的办法为我们提供热乎乎的烘烤美食,否则它在这个市场没什么机会可言。

    That is , unless Amazon figures out a better way to get you a hot , toasty sub.

  26. 但那些应该冷食但店里热乎乎地提供的食物(比如刚烤出来的面包)呢?

    But what of food supplied hot and intended to be eaten cold such as freshly baked bread ?

  27. 不少人每天早上都是喝上一碗热乎乎的麦片粥然后开始一天的工作,不过早餐还有没有其他更好的选择呢?

    What better way is there to start the morning than with a bowl of hot breakfast cereal ?

  28. 他看见头边有一瓶水,与炭火烧的饼,还热乎乎的。

    There was freshly baked bread waiting on hot coals , and a jug of water close by .

  29. 他掸去电暖气上的灰尘,把它拿到了我的房间,然后冲了热乎乎的姜汤给我喝。

    He dusted the warmer and carried it in my room , then he made hot soup for me .

  30. 我猜你是想热乎乎地洗个脚好舒服舒服,唔?

    I expect you 'd like a nice warm footbath to make you feel better , wouldn 't you ?