
běn shi
  • skill;ability;capability;talent;this;original story


běn shì
  • source material;original story
本事 [běn shì]
  • (1) [skill;ability]∶胜任工作的技能;本领

  • (2) [this]∶这一事或物

  • 本事评论员

  • (3) [original story]∶文学作品主题所依据的故事情节

本事[běn shì]
本事[běn shi]
  1. 你有沿着这样一个陡坡滑雪的本事吗?

    Do you have the skill to ski such a difficult slope ?

  2. 你们大伙想瞧瞧什么是真本事吗?

    Do you folks want to see some real skill ?

  3. 他善于和儿童打交道的本事使他得到了这份工作。

    His aptitude for dealing with children got him the job .

  4. 她有天生擅长做生意的本事。

    She had an unerring instinct for a good business deal .

  5. 队中几名成员压根儿没有使出自己的本事。

    Some members of the team are just not doing their stuff .

  6. 他气人的本事可大呢。

    He has a positive genius for upsetting people .

  7. 他在北海学会了潜水员这一行的本事。

    He learnt his trade as a diver in the North Sea

  8. 她奶奶有逗人开心的本事。

    Her grandmother had the gift of making people happy .

  9. 人类自欺的本事是无穷的。

    Human beings have an infinite capacity for self-deception .

  10. 即使是最难摆弄的发动机他都有本事搞定。

    He had a knack for coaxing even the most recalcitrant engine to life .

  11. 谁有那本事一手收起婴儿推车,一手抱着刚会走路的孩子,还得提着刚买的东西,然后挤上公共汽车?

    Who can fold up a pushchair , toddler and shopping and then get them all onto the bus ?

  12. 他有本事连续几个小时一动不动,像雕塑一样。

    He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue , for hours on end

  13. 首相有种感召人群的本事——有些人甚至认为这是一种魅力。

    The Prime Minister has an ability to work a crowd — some might even suggest it is a kind of charm

  14. 蒂尔有说俏皮话的本事。

    Till has a knack of saying funny things .

  15. 她有本事专讲错话。

    She has a genius for saying the wrong things .

  16. 有本事的人在那儿吃得开。

    Competent people will get along fine there .

  17. 我从前滑冰滑得不错,可现在没有这本事了。

    I used to be able to skate quite well , but I 've lost the knock .

  18. 没有打通关的本事,合同是谈不下来的。

    Contract is out of the question if you are unable to effectively cope with all kinds of human relations .

  19. 他对自己有本事把别人搞得晕头转向感到得意。

    He delighted in his ability to obfuscate .

  20. 他主要的本事似乎是超然不群;生活在虚无缥缈中,没有听众

    His chief equipment seems to be disinterestedness . He moves in a void , without audience .

  21. 时间一长,老鼠终于发觉这只猫没有什么别的本事,就来咬它的脚。

    After a while , the rat eventually found that this cat had no other tricks , so it bit the cat 's foot .

  22. 相反,稳定的工作则常常被人看不起,人们觉得这样的人没志向,甚至没本事。

    On the other hand , a stable job is usually despised by people . They think it shows a person ’ s lack of ambition and even lack of merits .

  23. 这时候,门神出来劝解说:“我们都是因为没有什么本事,才依附在别人的门下,还争什么强,斗什么气呢?”

    At this moment , the deity3 of the door came to mediate4 : " It is only because we have no ability that we have to attach ourselves to the door of others . What 's the point of quarrelling with each other ? "

  24. F在幼儿园里真长本事,画得比我还好呢。

    F , your capabilities are growing in kindergarten , you draw better than I.

  25. 把相关国家推向违约,cds投机者可没这个本事。

    CDs speculators do not have the power to push countries towards default .

  26. 而乔布斯则是天生的营销者,而且拥有足够的本事来说服别人,依靠合伙人史蒂夫•沃兹尼亚克发明了第一台苹果(Apple)电脑。

    A born marketer with enough technical chops to be persuasive , jobs relied on collaborator Steve Wozniak to create the first apple computer .

  27. 加油,Joey。我知道你有这本事。

    Come on , Joey . I know you 've got it .

  28. 哦,哦,嘿嘿,你那些拼写的小本事留着你星期六晚上和Monica玩拼字游戏的时候用吧!!!

    Oh , oh , and hey-hey-hey , those little spelling tips will come in handy when you 're at home on Saturday nights playing Scrabble with Monica ! !

  29. 来自东部旁遮普邦卢迪亚纳市的67岁街头牙医SurinderSingh是个辍学生,从父亲那里学来了治牙的本事。

    Street dentist Surinder Singh , 67 , from Ludhiana , in the eastern state ofPunjab , is a school dropout but learned the dentist trade from his father .

  30. 美国空军太空司令部主管tacsat-3的中校ryanpendleton说,卫星变得更有本事了,可就在这会,也越来越易受攻击。

    Even as satellites become more capable , however , they are also increasingly vulnerable to attack , says lieut-colonel Ryan Pendleton , who is in charge of tacsat-3 at the US Air Force Space Command .