
  • 网络Local research;Indigenous Studies;indigenous research;Native Studies
  1. 它提供地理学、人类学、环境研究、澳大利亚本土研究及发展研究的大学生与研究生计划。

    It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in geography , anthropology , environmental studies , Australian indigenous studies and development studies .

  2. 我们为能给您提供高质量的世界水准的课程而骄傲,这些课程集中在商业、环境和健康科学、本土研究、教育、法律以及广泛的文科类科目。

    We are proud to offer world class degrees with a strong industry focus in business , environmental and health sciences , Indigenous studies , education , law and a broad range of the arts .

  3. 中国的一家本土研究机构艾媒市场咨询公司(iiMedia)近日发布了这一数据,目前尚未被英文媒体广泛传播。

    Iimedia , a Chinese research firm , recently released this smartphone data , which has not been widely distributed in English .

  4. 教育社会学的本土研究和自主发展

    The Local Research and the Development of Making Independent Decisions of Educational Sociology

  5. 同时,他也强调理论学习和本土研究。

    At the same time , he also emphasizes theoretic study and indigenous study .

  6. 对教育理论本土研究的思考

    Thoughts about the Indigenous Study of Pedagogy

  7. 文章主张教育社会学在中国要走本土研究和自主发展的道路。

    The paper hold that educational sociology would take road of local research and independent development .

  8. 教育理论本土研究是立足于本土教育实践,面向现实教育问题的研究。

    The indigenous study of pedagogy aims at solving practical problems concerning education on the basis of national conditions .

  9. 我们可以将这些口碑文献看作是本土研究者的研究成果。

    We can consider these " public praised documents " as achievements in the research into article organization carried out by native researchers .

  10. 进行本土研究,是由教育学的学科性质决定的,是教育学科学性、教育理论原创性的必然要求,也是教育实践的呼唤。

    It is decided by the nature of course , and it is also the requirements of scientific study , original study and educational practice .

  11. 并躬身本国的教育实践,进行实事求是的本土研究,才能在本土生长出真正的教育原创理论,从而构建我国的教育理论体系。

    The real original theories of education may be born in our country if scholars engage in educational practice and do some practical and realistic researches .

  12. 从教育社会学本土研究和自主发展的必要性、可能性和可行性三个方面对上述观点进行了论证。

    It discuss above idea from three aspects of the necessary , possibility and feasible of the local research and the independent development of the educational sociology .

  13. 本土研究是中国人类学界的传统和目标,而重视少数民族本土知识的探讨和研究,则意味着人类学本土研究的一种深化。

    Local research is the tradition and aim of Chinese anthropology while emphasis on the study of minority local knowledge is a further step in the local study of anthropology .

  14. 并在交叉研究、本土研究、实践研究等方面不断深入。未来的国内学习型组织研究必须在基本概念的澄清、研究的中国化、理论与实践的结合等方面有所突破。

    It is hoped that a breakthrough is to be made in the related studies of clarification of the basic concepts , domestication , and combination of theory and practice .

  15. 目前,社会资本被认为是全世界经济社会发展的关键因素,但在中国,社会资本的研究还刚刚开始不久,还缺乏系统化的本土研究。

    Now , social capital has been considered a key cause to social and economic development all over the world . However , the study of social capital has just begun in China .

  16. 第二,通过对海外中国学的批评和研究,了解他们与中国本土研究者在方法和思路上的差异,可以明确中国文史研究的问题意识和自觉立场;

    Secondly , to study and criticize overseas Sinology and to pinpoint the differences between the researchers at home and those aboard , we can define the problem consciousness and standpoint in Chinese humanities ;

  17. 同时本文对该灾害案例中受灾人群心理行为的描述与分析为我国灾害社会学的本土研究积累原始素材,为我国灾害社会学就该领域更深入的研究提供参考。

    Meanwhile the paper describes and analyzes the psychology and behavior of victims group in this disaster case , accumulates the original material for disaster sociology in china , and provides a reference for further research in this field .

  18. 中国本土心理学研究中需关注的几个问题

    Research on Some Issues of Indigenous Psychology

  19. 北朝本土文学研究

    Study on Native-literature in the Northern Dynasty

  20. 最终,我们想要成立我们自己的本土基因研究院来进行我们自己的研究,

    Eventually we 'd like to have our own IndiGenomics research institute to conduct our own experiments

  21. 中国心理学史与中国的本土心理学研究之比较

    On Analyzing the Similarities and Differences between the Indigenous Psychology of China and the Chinese Psychological History

  22. 在其15年学习的两年里,他向美国本土的研究狼的专家讨教。

    He spent 2 of those years in the United States , studying with a native American-wolf expert .

  23. 世界多元文化音乐教育背景中的本土音乐研究与教学;多元文化视野下的高师音乐教育。

    Native music study and teaching in international multicultural music education background , music education in normal universities under multi-culture .

  24. 作为项目支持与本土政策研究团队一员并承担团队经理分派的工作;

    Specially assigned by the Manager of Programme Quality Support and Domestic Policy Research to work in the NGO development team ;

  25. 本文即是对中国本土文化研究的成因、现状及未来前景的考察。

    The paper is the inquiry to the cause , status quo and the foreground of the Chinese native " Cultural Studies " .

  26. 本论文是澳门本土硕士研究生首次对澳门小说进行系统的梳理和理论探讨,故具有开拓意义。

    Being the first systematic analysis and holistic theoretical study carried out by local Macanese graduate student , this thesis holds an inaugural significance .

  27. 本文立足于人大复印报刊《妇女研究》(2003.1&2004.3)转载的文献,对本土妇女研究的现状进行了梳理,认为女性主义理论在中国的研究正走向深入和成熟。

    Based on the reprinted papers of women 's studies ( 2003.1 & 2004.3 ), the status quo of local women 's studies are outlined .

  28. 这种方兴未艾的融合为传播学研究者们带来了前所未有的分享和挑战,及大家遵从的“本土”研究传统的机会。

    This emerging fusion presents an unprecedented opportunity for communication researchers to share , confer and challenge the " native " tradition that each has followed .

  29. 这一命题既需要来自本土经验研究的事实认知,又需以规范价值准则对其进行价值评判(即实效评价);

    , this proposition needs both the factual judgment coming from the experience studies , and also requires appraisal by the normative value criterion ( i.e. effectiveness appraisal ) .

  30. 对于体现建筑局部装饰设计的民族本土性研究,眼光大多聚足现代发达城市或国际事宜中的代表建筑。

    Reflect the local architectural design and decoration of the national and local research , the vision of most of the poly foot modern developed city or in international matters on behalf of construction .