
  • 网络eigenmode;eigenmodes;eigen mode;Eignemode
  1. H面双填充介质金属方波导的本征模

    The Eigenmode of the Rectangular Waveguide Filled on H - side with Two Dielectrics

  2. 并通过本征模的方法提炼出TAR结构的谐振腔模型,分析其中高次模的谐振和吸波响应。

    Using the method of eigenmode we extract the resonant cavity model of TAR structure , and analyze the high order resonance and its absorbing response .

  3. 分区填充均匀介质直波导中本征模集的完备性与并矢Green函数

    Completeness of set of eigenmodes and dyadic Green ′ s functions of waveguide filled with locally uniform dielectrics

  4. 本文论证了模式匹配法相对收敛性问题是由于没有取本征模完备正交集中连续的前N项所致。为了解决这一问题,本文提出首先对本征模完备集进行排序,然后进行模式匹配。

    The relative convergence problem arouse in model matching method is discussed and a mode sorting technique is presented to solve this problem .

  5. 用Galerkin方法研究地球本征模

    Study of the Earth 's Eigen Mode by Galerkin Method

  6. 椭圆波导中的本征模VC、NbC、TaC的价电子结构及其本质硬度

    Research on the valence electron structures of vc , nbc , tac phases and their eigen hardness

  7. 当束回旋模频率近乎等于冷背景等离子体本征模频率之一(ω≈ωe)时增长率最大。

    When the frequency of beam-cyclotron mode is nearly one of the eigenmodes of cold background plasma , i. e. to ≈ω e , the growth rate is the largest .

  8. 这里采用矢量基函数的Galerkin算法解决了旋磁介质波导本征模计算问题,克服了有限元法难以剔除虚假模式的困难。

    A novel vector base function in Galerkin method was proposed in calculating the eigenvalue of ferrite dielectric waveguide .

  9. 本文通过数值求解平板模型中本征模方程,研究了安全因子q极值点附近的低频漂移波稳定性问题。

    The low frequency drift wave instabilities near the extreme point of the safety factor q is studied by solving numerically the eigen mode equation in slab model .

  10. 该方法可以将复杂的信号分解为有限数量的本征模函数(IMF),对IMF分量进行Hilbert变换可以获得信号的时频分布。

    This method can make complex signal decomposed into a limited number of Intrinsic Mode Function ( IMF ), components of the IMF appled time-frequency distribution through the signal Hilbert transform .

  11. 第三本征模对应于加勒比地区正异常,其强度呈100a周期的变化,目前正处于下降阶段;

    The third eigen mode corresponds to positive Caribbean anomaly , varying with a period of 100 years .

  12. 详细地介绍了经验模态分解方法EMD和算法。对滤波与未滤波的本征模函数(IMF)图做了比较。

    Giving a detail explanation of experimental mode decomposition ( EMD ) and algorithm we make a comparison of Intrinsic Mode Function ( IMF ) figue between the filtered and un-filtered .

  13. 本文重点研究EIGENMODE模块算法如何实现对频谱中孤立本征模的萃取及其中遇到的加速迭代的问题。

    This paper lays emphasis on the problem of extracting the isolated EIGENMODE in spectrum and the iteration accelerating .

  14. 该论文分别在准地转框架下和行星地转框架下研究了南大洋的长Rossby波海盆本征模。

    The basin modes of the linear free long Rossby wave of the Southern Ocean are investigated in the frameworks of quasi - geostrophy and the planetary geostrophy .

  15. 文中提出利用Galerkin法求解本征模问题,即把波导中的电磁波用矩形波导基本波型函数展开,把波导模式问题进一步转化为矩阵特征值问题。

    In this paper , we propose using the Galerkin methods which expand the EM wave in terms of simple rectangular waveguide modes , convert the mode problem to eigenvalue problem of matrix .

  16. 利用MAFIA和HFSS软件对本征模进行仿真,并分析了模式耦合特性,仿真结果验证了新结构的可行性。

    Eigenmode characteristics as well as mode coupling coefficient between two cavities are studied by MAFIA and HFSS simulations , which prove the function of the new structure .

  17. 基于经验模态分解(EMD)方法,把一列时间序列数据分解成一组本征模函数组,然后经希尔伯特变换获得其希尔伯特谱。

    The time-frequency analysis method based on empirical mode decomposition ( EMD ) was introduced . The series data were separated into intrinsic mode functions ( IMFs ) with different time scale using EMD .

  18. 同时,还探索将这种基于EMD的分析方法应用于脑电信号的分析中,并给出了脑电信号的部分本征模函数(IMF)分量及Hilbert振幅和频谱图。

    The possibility that the EMD method is applied in analysis of an Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) is discussed and a few Intrinsic Mode Function ( IMF ) components and Hilbert spectrum of the EEG are given .

  19. 使用EMD法可以将任意复杂的数据信号分解为多个有限的、数据量较小的本征模函数(IMF).这些本征模函数很适合求其Hilbert变换。

    The key part of method is the EMD method with which any complicated data signal can be decomposed into a finite and often small number of Intrinsic Mode Functions ( IMF ) that admit well-behaved Hilbert transforms .

  20. 此方法是通过经验模态分解(EMD)将一复杂的原始数据序列分解成一组本征模函数(IMF)和一个残余项,然后再对每一个IMF进行Hilbert变换。

    The complicated original data set is decomposed into a series of intrinsic mode functions ( IMF ) and a residue by the empirical mode decomposition ( EMD ) . Each IMF is transformed into signal amplitudes and instantaneous frequencies as the functions of time by the Hilbert transform method .

  21. 介绍了波导DCN激光器的原理和结构,重点研究了波导DCN激光本征模(EH11模)在远场和近场的多阶高斯耦合效应,分析了DCN激光器的输出特性。

    The principle and structure of DCN laser were introduced in this paper . The EH 11 mode approximation in the near field and the far field by Gaussian distributions and the beam property of DCN laser were studied in detail .

  22. 这种方法中,局部损伤滚动轴承产生的高频调幅信号成分被EMD分解作为本征模函数分离出来,然后用Hilbert变换得到其包络信号,计算包络谱,就能够提取滚动轴承故障特征频率。

    In this approach , the characteristic high-frequency signal with amplitude modulation of a rolling bearing with local damage is separated from the mechanical vibration signal as an Intrinsic Mode Function ( IMF ) by using EMD , and an envelope signal can be obtained by using Hilbert transform .

  23. 一维光子晶体本征模频率一、在灭菌处理和未灭菌处理中,C。

    Eigenmode Frequency of 1D Photonic Crystal the biodegrading frequency of C.

  24. 用广义本征模分析旋转对称多口结

    Analysis of Rotative Symmetric Multi-Port Junction by Use of Generalized Intrinsic Mode

  25. 微带耦合弯曲线的本征模和像阻抗

    Normal Modes and Image Impedance of Coupled Microstrip Meander Line

  26. 量子点量子阱结构中的振动本征模和电子声子相互作用

    Vibrational Eigenmodes and Electron-Phonon Interaction in Quantum Dot-Quantum Well Structures

  27. 纵向场铁氧体双模波导的本征模问题椭圆波导中的本征模

    Eigenmode Problem of Dual-mode Ferrite Waveguide under Longitudinal Magnetized Field

  28. 任意偏心率椭圆波导的本征模序列

    Eigenmode Sequence for an Elliptic Waveguide with Arbitrary Eccentricity

  29. 1900&2000年地球主磁场的本征模分析

    Eigen mode analysis of earth 's main magnetic field

  30. 基于变量变换级数展开法的光波导矢量本征模分析

    Vectorial Eigenmode Analysis of Optical Waveguides Based on the Variable Transformed Series Expansion Method