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lěng kù
  • grim;callous;harsh;merciless;unfeeling;stern
冷酷 [lěng kù]
  • [callous;grim;harsh;unfeeling; merciless; stern] 冷淡苛刻

  • 一个冷酷的恶棍

冷酷[lěng kù]
  1. 他被说成冷酷的恶棍。

    He was branded an unfeeling bully

  2. 他是个冷酷的家伙。

    He was an unfeeling wretch .

  3. 她冷酷地直接告诉他,她不爱他。

    With brutal honesty she told him she did not love him .

  4. 作者描绘出一幅冷酷而真实的战俘营生活画面。

    The author paints a stark picture of life in a prison camp .

  5. 他给人一种冷酷阴险的感觉。

    There was something cold and sinister about him .

  6. 她目光冷酷。

    Her eyes were cruel and hard .

  7. 他说郎先生是个冷酷、算计,又爱摆布人的人。

    He described Mr Long as cold , calculating and manipulative

  8. 他具有进入内阁所必需的冷酷性格。

    He had the ruthless streak necessary to carry him into the Cabinet

  9. 她看我的眼神冷酷无比。

    She gave me the stoniest look I ever got

  10. 他看到了敌人冷酷的眼神。

    He saw the pitiless eyes of his enemy

  11. 他看着我,冷酷的眼神里闪过一丝嘲笑。

    He looked at me , a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes .

  12. 凯特意识到玛吉原先的那副冷酷表情其实是装出来的。

    Kate realized that the previous hard look on Maggie 's face had been a mask .

  13. 他认为自己并不比其他人更冷酷,也不比别人更爱报复。

    He did not think he was any more cruel , any more vengeful than other men .

  14. 这个真实的故事把两个年轻人的冷酷残忍刻画得入木三分。

    The cold , hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story

  15. 这个男孩本有可能自怜自哀、抑郁消沉,也有可能采取冷酷的愤世嫉俗态度来保护自己。

    The boy could have felt sorry for himself and become depressed , or he could have adopted hardened cynicism as a defense .

  16. 他生性冷酷。

    He is cold by nature .

  17. 我还从来没听见过这么冷酷、狠毒的声音。

    And I had never heard a voice so cruel and cold .

  18. 她还有朋友,比如Linux企鹅,十分冷酷高效,却有些难搞。

    And she has friends like Linux the penguin who 's really ruthlessly efficient , but somewhat hard to understand .

  19. 这位亚马逊(Amazon)创始人声称,他经营的公司没有批评者描述的那么冷酷。

    The Amazon founder claims to be running a gentler company than his critics portray .

  20. 体制本应是保护我们的,而它有时候却自行其是地杀害我们和让我们杀人,冷酷地、高效地、而且系统性地(Systematically)。

    System is supposed to protect us , but sometimes it went its own way to kill us or let us to kill the people in cold-blooded , high efficient and systematically way .

  21. 你需要加班费,或者你有个冷酷的老板(《恶老板》(HorribleBosses),有人看过这部电影吗?),这些都强迫你必须加班。

    The need for overtime pay , or a cruel boss , might force you to log long days . ( 'Horrible Bosses , ' anyone ?)

  22. 问题不能简单的归结于欧元区领导人的无能,或是欧洲央行(europeancentralbank)中那些年长技术派官员的冷酷与固执不过应该说,这两个因素都发挥了作用。

    The problem has not simply been of ineptness on the part of the eurozone leaders or of obduracy on the side of the grey-haired technocrats at the European Central Bank though both elements , it should be said , have played their part .

  23. 这部BBC电视剧以一个12岁男孩之死冷酷开场,但压抑的情节并没有降低这部剧的高品质。

    This BBC series starts out grimly with the murder of a 12-year-old boy , but the gravity of the plot didn 't lessen recognition of its quality .

  24. 他透露自己的父亲是一名越战老兵,在他接手AOL时父亲给了他一些冷酷的建议:为达成功,不择手段。

    He reveals that his dad was a Vietnam vet who gave his son some uncompromising advice when he took on AOL : Do whatever it takes to be successful .

  25. 他透露自己的父亲是一名越战老兵,在他接手AOL时父亲给了他一些冷酷的建议:“为达成功,不择手段”。

    He reveals that his dad was a Vietnam vet who gave his son some uncompromising advice when he took on AOL : " Do whatever it takes to be successful . "

  26. “美国梦”搞得并不如“Strangelove”好,大概因为它缺乏一种冷酷批判的理性。

    " American Dreamz " isn 't nearly as good as " Strangelove ," perhaps because it lacks its merciless ironic detachment .

  27. 她一片好心却遭到他冷酷的拒绝。

    Her kindness to him was met with a cruel rebuff .

  28. 他任性、自私、傲慢、有时候还很冷酷。

    He was petulant , selfish , arrogant and occasionally callous .

  29. 这是老爷子整个下午第一次表现的冷酷。

    For the first time that afternoon the Don behaved coolly .

  30. 冷酷的眼神;像在高空作业的工人一样的钢铁般的勇气。

    Steely eyes ; steely nerves like those of a steeplejack .