
  • 网络cold effect;cooling effect
  1. 本实用新型采用了溶液分次释放,冷效应再次进行的办法,延长了冰袋的保冷时间。

    The utility model adopts a method that the solution is released for many times and then the cold effect is conducted again to extend the heat insulating time of the ice bag .

  2. 运用Galerkin方法,得到了在考虑外冷效应情况下的铸轧辊套温度场的近似分析解。

    An approximate analytical formula of a roll shell 's temperature field is obtained using Galerkin method . The formula takes external cooling effect into account .

  3. 振荡管冷效应的实验研究

    Experimental study on cooling effect of oscillating tube

  4. 这些激冷效应在列昂纳德一案中因两个紧密相连的原因而特别棘手。

    These chilling effects are particularly troublesome in Leonard for two closely related reasons .

  5. 人工包埋胶丸种子的抗冷效应

    Effects of Encapsulating Seeds on Chill Resistance

  6. 压力波制冷机是一种依靠激波运动将气体压力能转变成热能并将热量形式传给环境而产生冷效应的一种新型制冷设备,应用前景广阔。

    Pressure wave refrigerator is a new kind of refrigerating equipment using the shock wave movement to transform gas pressure energy into heat energy .

  7. 本文利用landsat-7卫星影像来反映地物辐射温度差异这一特点为基础,以新疆奇台绿洲为研究区,应用遥感数据,探索了基于遥感的冷岛效应研究方法。

    This paper makes use of the Landsat-7 satellite image to reflect ground radiates temperature of QiTai oasis in XinJiang .

  8. 超市内冷藏柜的冷过道效应的数值模拟

    CFD Model of Cold Aisle Effect of Display Case in Supermarkets

  9. 聚氯乙烯冷加工效应的动态粘弹谱分析

    Investigating of cold-work effect in α - pvc using dynamic viscoelasticity

  10. 1961-2004年乌鲁木齐城市化过程中的冷化效应

    Cooling effect in the process of urbanization in Urumqi from 1961-2004

  11. 绿洲冷岛效应与沙漠化过程研究

    Research on the Cold - Island Effect with Desertification Process

  12. 绿洲夜间冷岛效应的模拟研究

    The Simulation of Cold Island Effect over Oasis at Night

  13. 制冷型红外热像仪冷反射效应的数理分析

    Cold Mountain Mathematical analysis of cooled infrared imaging 's reflection cool effect

  14. 夏季金塔绿洲冷岛效应的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Cold Island Effect in Jinta Oasis Summer

  15. 环境风场对绿洲冷岛效应影响的数值模拟研究

    Simulation on the Influence of Background Wind Fields to Oasis " Cool Island " Effect

  16. 低温锻炼对香蕉幼苗能量代谢和抗冷性效应的研究

    Effects of Cold Acclimation on the Energy Metabolism and Chilling Resistance of Banana Tube Plants

  17. 杭州植物园的冷岛效应

    Cold Island Effect of Hangzhou Botanic Garden

  18. 在热岛和冷岛效应中温度对城市绿地的响应

    Responses of Urban Green Land to the Temperature in Hate and " Cold " Island Effect

  19. 因此该湿地的小气候特征表现为冷湿效应显著。

    The micro - climate characteristics of the wetland had an obvious " cold - humid effect " .

  20. 指出了绿洲“冷岛效应”对大气扩散具有抑制作用。

    It shows that there is a inhibition effect of cold island effect in oasis on atmospheric diffusion .

  21. 夏季苏北冷湖效应对飑线影响的一个数值模拟研究

    A numerical simulation study of the effect of the cold-lake on the squall lines in the north part of Jiangsu Province during summer

  22. 这一结果也进一步证实了冷壁效应是爆燃火焰在狭缝中淬熄的主要原因。

    This result also proves that the effect of the cold wall is the main reason for the quenching of deflagration flames in narrow channels .

  23. 气温日变化的值荒漠始终高于绿洲,体现了绿洲的冷岛效应;

    The daily variation of temperature in desert is always higher than that in oasis . This phenomenon embodies " cold island effect " of oasis .

  24. 在干旱区,绿洲冷岛效应明显,而撂荒地和盐碱地含有较高的热能,甚至高于荒漠地带;

    The " cold-island effect " is obviously in arid and semi-arid area ; The Salina and the wasteland even have more thermal energy than the desert .

  25. 在冬季,往往存在室内固体壁面温度过低产生冷辐射效应,造成室内热环境热舒适性降低。

    In winter , the temperature of the indoor solid wall is so low that cause cold radiation effects which reduce the thermal comfort of indoor thermal environment .

  26. 油菜籽产生的一氧化二氮导致的全球变暖,其数值是由于节省相应的化石燃料二氧化碳排放导致的“变冷”效应的1到1.7倍。

    The global warming caused by the nitrous oxide produced by rapeseed is1 – 1.7 times more than the'cooling'effect due to saved fossil fuel ( carbon dioxide ) emissions .

  27. 中等城市站热岛效应大于次小城市站,次大城市郊区站出现了冷岛效应。

    The heat island intensity over the median city stations were greater than over the sub-small-city stations while there were cold island effect over the suburb stations of sub-big-city stations .

  28. 填充墙墙体裂缝容易造成墙体渗漏、引起冷热桥效应。

    The cracks of infill walls can cause the prone to the wall , hot and cold bridge effect , effect the waterproof of buildings , insulation effect and the beauty .

  29. 对唐县水库的生态服务功能评价得出:生态功能价值为82.6亿元(冷湿效应除外),社会功能价值为829.8万元。

    Evaluation Tang County reservoir ecosystem services can be drawn : ecological function value of 12.96 billion yuan ( cold and wet effect excluded ), social function value of 8.298 million yuan .

  30. 通过对模型的不同输入,模拟了不同天气条件,不同水稻群体结构以及不同灌溉方案下的冷灌效应,对低温敏水稻冷繁技术的生产实施具有指导意义。

    With different input into the model investigation is made of cold irrigation effect on the crop population structures and irrigative schemes , thus providing theoretical basis for the management of such rice growth .