
  • 网络central cooling
  1. 集中供冷系统在广州地铁二号线的应用

    Application of central cooling system to Guangzhou Metro Line 2

  2. 住宅楼集中供冷系统的优化运行工况

    Optimal Running Conditions of Residential Central Cooling System

  3. 本文介绍了PLC在地铁集中供冷站监控系统中的应用,主要阐述监控系统的控制原理、网络结构及软件结构。

    This paper introduced The application of PLC in the centralized station of providing cold , among which control principle , structure of network and software are discussed .

  4. 软件编制。利用VISUALBASIC6.0程序设计语言,编制可视化冷库集中供冷与分散供冷系统成本分析软件,为进一步研究冷库成本优化问题提供快捷手段。

    Programming the simulation software with Visual Basic 6.0 . A set of visual software of central refrigeration system and separated refrigeration system of refrigerated storage is developed with the programming language for cost analysis of different system of refrigerated storage .

  5. 住宅小区集中供冷系统冷却水利用的探讨

    Utilization of Cooling Water in District Cooling System for Residential Area

  6. 集中供冷系统中制冷机系统运行与配置方案的优化

    Optimization of Operation and Scheme for Chiller Systemin District Cooling System

  7. 区域集中供冷供暖方案分析比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Central Heating and Cooling Schemes in District

  8. 集中供冷与分散供冷系统仿真数学模型的建立。

    Building up the simulation models of central refrigeration system and separated refrigeration system .

  9. 住宅小区利用电厂余热集中供冷的可行性研究

    The Possibility Study of Residential District Using the Power Plant Remaining Heat for Concentrated Cooling

  10. 广州大学城集中供冷外管网的施工技术

    Construction Techniques of the Outside Cold Ductwork in Concentration Cooling of the University of Guangzhou City

  11. 我国南方炎热地区的住宅小区属典型的高密度住宅区,非常适合实施集中供冷。

    District cooling ( DC ) is very suitable for high-density residential district in south China .

  12. 地铁集中供冷的几个问题

    Several Problems for Metro Central Cooling

  13. 珠江新城地下空间项目集中供冷站冷却系统方式比较

    Comparsion of Cooling System in the Centralized Cooling Station for Underground Space of the Zhujiang New City

  14. 集中供冷供热系统是现代化城市能源系统的一部分。

    District heating and cooling ( DHC ) system is a part of energy system in a modern city .

  15. 大温差水蓄冷节电调荷集中供冷技术及应用

    Technology of Power Saving Lead Optimizing Centralized Cold Supply by Big Temperature Difference Cold storage Vadose Water and Its Application

  16. 双效固体吸附制冷技术在热电厂集中供冷中的应用研究

    The Applied Research of Dual effect Solid adsorption Type Refrigeration Technology for Use in a Centralized Refrigeration System at a Thermal Power Plant

  17. 采用双效固体吸附式制冷技术开发了热电厂新型集中供冷系统。

    An innovative centralized refrigeration system was developed for a thermal power plant through the use of a dual effect solid adsorption type refrigeration technology .

  18. 本文的研究表明,在住宅小区实行集中供冷可提高能源利用效率,保护环境,美化小区的形象;

    The results show that DC system in residential district has the advantages of improving energy efficiency , eliminating air pollution and beautifying appearance of residential district .

  19. 集中供冷系统仿真数学模型的主要特点是压缩机可以根据蒸发器总负荷大小选择性开关不同的档位,相应的输入输出参数也随之改变。

    And the capacities of compressor could be selected by on-off switch along with the change of burthen of evaporator , which is a main characteristic of the central refrigeration system model .

  20. 通过与实际运行工况下系统能耗的比较表明,文中建立的优化节能运行工况模型应用于住宅楼集中供冷系统,将会有很好的节能效果。

    Compared with the energy consumption of the system under the actual running conditions , the optimal model shows a remarkable effect of energy conservation when applied in the operation of the residential central cooling system .

  21. 简要介绍了广州地铁刚性接触网、地铁站台屏蔽门、车站集中供冷、全非接触式IC卡自动售检票、移动闭塞、线性电机等新技术应用成果及应用前景;

    The discussions are mainly focused on the applications and prospects of new technologies , such as : rigid overhead catenary network , shield gate , central cooling unit , no-contact IC automatic fare collection equipment , moving block system and linear motor .

  22. 东京新宿地区的集中供热供冷(DHC)装置

    DHC system for the Shinjuku Area in Tokyo

  23. 集中供热供冷系统发展的探讨

    On Development of Centralized Heating and Conditioning System

  24. 在冷热电联产、集中供热供冷、分散式电源等成熟技术基础上发展起来的分布式冷热电联供能源系统(DES/CCHP)以其高效、经济、环保等优势,在发达国家得到迅猛发展。

    Cold , Heat & Power / Distributed Energy System ( DES / CCHP ) is a kind of high efficient , economical and environmental friendly system , which was developed rapidly in developed countries on the bases of CHP , DCS and DCES .

  25. 集中供热与供冷方式的技术经济分析

    Technology economy Analysis of Central Heating and Cooling

  26. 论述了两种集中供热、供冷方案的技术经济分析。

    The technology economy analysis of two plans about central heating and cooling is discussed in this paper .

  27. 广州地铁3号线集中制冷站与集中供冷车站间增加通讯通道的探讨

    Increasing Communication Channels between Centralized Refrigerations Stations in Guangzhou Metro Line 3