
  • 网络expansion valve;TXV
  1. 冷柜启动过程中电子膨胀阀的控制

    Electronic Expansion Valve Control during the Start-up of Refrigeration System

  2. 制冷系统中热力膨胀阀的故障分析

    Analysis on Some Faults of Thermal Expansion Valve ( TEV ) in Refrigeration System

  3. H型汽车空调用热力膨胀阀开度试验台的研制

    Development of test bench for H-type thermal expansion valve for automobile air-conditioning

  4. H型汽车空调热力膨胀阀的研究与改进

    Research and improvement of H type thermal expansion valve for auto air conditioner

  5. 基于Matlab语言的电子膨胀阀模糊控制系统仿真

    The Simulation of Electronic Expansion Valve Fuzzy Control System Based on MATLAB

  6. 机房专用空Z调热力膨胀阀的应用技术

    Application of Thermostatic Expansion Valve in recision Air Conditioning

  7. “XX”牌热力膨胀阀,以可靠的产品质量赢得了广大客户的一致好评。

    " XX " thermostatic expansion valves has gained the customers'trust and appreciation by the high quality .

  8. 以球型快开热力膨胀阀为对象,采用试验方法研究阀开度以及进口制冷剂密度、出口干度对膨胀阀流量系数CD的影响规律。

    The law of flow coefficient affected by valve lift , refrigerant inlet density and refrigerant outlet steam quality was investigated based on quick-open ball thermal expansion valve .

  9. 针对电子膨胀阀步进电机驱动方式和本文的仿真结果,应用增量式PID和模糊控制方法进行实验分析。

    PID and Fuzzy controllers are using in the experimentation based on the simulation results of the PID , fuzzy and fuzzy self-tuning PID controllers and the driven method for EEV .

  10. 介绍了一种开启式螺杆氨盐水机组,采用PID控制的电子膨胀阀直接供液,蒸发器和冷凝器均采用半焊式板式换热器。

    A new type ammonia brine unit was introduced in this paper , which use electronic expansion valves to supply liquid and use semi-laser welding plate-and-frame heat exchangers as condenser and evaporator .

  11. VRV系统采用自带的以计量电子膨胀阀开度为主的计费方式;

    For VRV systems , commonly attached electrical expansion valves based on turn down ratio are adopted .

  12. 建立了蒸发器&电子膨胀阀过热度模糊控制仿真系统,通过仿真分析了量化因子、比例因子及不同的采样时间,对控制效果及参数设置的影响、模糊控制与PID的控制效果比较;

    A dynamic simulation model for the control of superheat by the electrical expansion valve has been established . Base on this model , parameter setting , sampling time and Comparison of Fuzzy control with PID control are discussed .

  13. 设计了具有过载保护与短路保护的步进电机驱动电路,采用PLC直接驱动步进电机驱动方式与四相八拍控制方式,实现对电子膨胀阀开度的精确控制。

    The driving circuit of stepping-motor with the function of over-load protection and short-circuit protection is established ; the accurate control characteristic of open degree of EEV is realized by the way of driving stepping motor directly and four-phase-eight-pat controlling pattern .

  14. 本文根据室内温度的变化趋势,提出电子膨胀阀对蒸发器供液量的控制分为两个过程,即细化参数的PID控制和自适应控制。

    Based on the variation of the indoor temperature , it is brought forward that the control on refrigerant supply by Electronic Expansion Valve to the evaporator be divided into two processes , PID control with detailed parameters and self-adaptive control .

  15. 在此基础上,完成了控制算法子程序、温度采样滤波子程序、电子膨胀阀驱动子程序及SIM卡通信子程序的嵌入式软件开发。

    On this basis , completed embedded software development such as the control algorithm subroutine , temperature sampling filtering subroutine , electronic expansion valve driver and SIM card communication subroutine and so on .

  16. 采用BP-PID控制器对系统电子膨胀阀开度进行控制,并设计了BP-PID控制器。

    The paper presented a BP-PID method to control electronic swell valve of system , then BP-PID controller was designed .

  17. 结合帕萨特B5轿车空调系统,采用电子膨胀阀代替热力膨胀阀作为节流机构,开发研制了基于单片机的轿车空调全自动控制器。

    Based on the air condition system of PASSAT B5 , the SCM-based full automatic controller of car air condition systems are developed with the electronic expansion valve substituted for the thermostatic expansion valve .

  18. 电子膨胀阀(EEV)是制冷系统中的节流元件,它在系统中的主要作用是调节系统制冷剂流量、节流降压及控制过热度。

    Electronic expansion valves ( EEV ) are throttling components in refrigeration system . It can adjust the flow of refrigerants , throttle step-down , and control superheat in system .

  19. 小型VRV中央空调由单台压缩机和冷凝器,与多个室内蒸发器与电子膨胀阀联接而成,构成一个复杂的多变量、强耦合、非线性的系统。

    VRV mini central air condition system is connected by single compressor and condenser , and a number of evaporators and electronic expansion valves , forming a complex , multi-variable , strong coupling , and nonlinear system .

  20. 利用所建立的数学模型,通过仿真的方法,研究VRV系统在调节作用及拢动作用下,系统的各热力参数变化规律。本文着重于对系统中电子膨胀阀开度、压缩机转速与吸气压力;

    Based on the model , simulation is conducted to study the laws of the VRV system by varying its working parameter such as speed of compressor , openness of EEV , air volume of indoor units and indoor room temperature .

  21. 在车用空调系统中,膨胀阀的进、出口直径小于1mm,很易被污物和腐蚀物等堵塞,以致使整个空调系统不能正常工作。

    Inlet and outlet diameters of expansion valve in the automotive air condition system are less than 1 mm , so that they are easily clogged by dirt and corrosive substance which cause the whole air condition system in an abnormal working state .

  22. 从压缩机转速3060r·min-1工况试验数据分析可以看出,膨胀阀容量过小造成机组能效比过低,制冷量不能再上升。

    When the compressor rotates at 3 060 rpm , working condition experiment data shows that the capacity of expansion valve is too small , the efficiency too low and refrigeration capacity cannot further increase . Based on the analysis , an upgrading solution is put forward ;

  23. 结果表明:采用电子膨胀阀的除霜时间比热力膨胀阀的短12s,即减少11%。

    The result shows that the defrosting period of machine with electronic expansion valve is 12 seconds or 11 % shorter than that with thermal expansion electronic valve , so suggests integrating both two methods by using the electronic expansion valve and defrosting by reversing four-way valve with compressor off .

  24. 蒸发器电子膨胀阀过热度模糊控制仿真及分析

    Simulation and analysis of evaporator superheat electronic expansion valve fuzzy control

  25. 浅谈热力膨胀阀的选择计算和使用方法

    Simple Talking Selecting Calcuating and Using Method of Heat Expanding Valve

  26. 用热电膨胀阀取代铁路客车空调毛细管的优越性分析

    EXPANDED GRAPHITE Application of the Thermoelectric Expansion Valve in the Train

  27. 电子膨胀阀在低温装置上降温特性的试验研究

    Study on Temperature Characteristic of Electronic Expansion Valve on Low-temperature Devices

  28. 阻塞流对电子膨胀阀控制的影响研究

    Research on blocking flow effect on control of electronic expansion valve

  29. 基于神经网络的多联变频空调电子膨胀阀控制系统研究

    BP-PID control for electronic swell valve of multi-interrelated frequency conversion air-condition

  30. 电子膨胀阀调节规律的确定方法

    The Method for Determing the Regulation of Electronic Expansion Valve