
  • 网络cooking techniques
  1. 烹饪技巧,经典的和现代的,是一种继承因此厨师早就知道如何利用到最大。

    Cooking techniques , both classic and modern , are a heritage that the cook has to know how to exploit to the maximum .

  2. 这里的烹饪技巧和食材搭配独出心裁,比如“分子小笼包”以及涂有巧克力和猪肋排汤的牛舌,味道令人惊喜。

    Expect surprisingly tasty treats created with inventive cooking techniques like the " molecular xiao long bao " and the unlikely marriage of ingredients - think of ox tongue coated with chocolate and bak kut teh ( pork rib soup ) .

  3. 简的烹饪技巧堪称一绝。

    Jane 's a fabulous cook .

  4. 她热切渴望学到更高超的烹饪技巧。

    She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills

  5. 热爱食品创意,有丰富的西餐烹饪技巧和呈现技巧。

    Rich experience on western food cooking and good presentation skills .

  6. 离家之前,他需要学点基本的烹饪技巧。

    Before he leaves home , he needs to learn some basic cookery .

  7. 火鸡能有些小的烹饪技巧。

    A turkey can be a little tricky cook .

  8. 我正在教她一些烹饪技巧。

    I 'm just showing her some culinary tips .

  9. 学生可以习得烹饪技巧、设计菜单、规划预算,以及选择配酒。

    Students learn cookery technique , menu planning and costing , and wine selection .

  10. 将如此丰富的烹饪技巧翻译到简短的菜单上不是易事。

    Translating such a richness of culinary technique into menu shorthand is no easy matter .

  11. 你的烹饪技巧使我甘拜下风。

    Your cooking puts mine to shame .

  12. 简的烹饪技巧堪称一绝。

    Jane is a fabulous cook .

  13. 征治以把现代烹饪技巧与精致的传统怀石料理相结合而闻名。

    Mr. Yamamoto is known for incorporating modern culinary techniques with the refined , traditional kaiseki dinner .

  14. 他们的饮食选择与收入、离商店的远近及烹饪技巧并没有必然联系。

    Their food choices were not linked to their income , their access to shops or their cooking skills .

  15. 此外,你是珩磨您的烹饪技巧,而这可能会非常有用,对家庭饮食的经验。

    In addition , you are honing your cooking skills and this could be very useful for the home dining experience .

  16. 使用你自制的混合香料而不是添加额外的糖分和脂肪来升级你的烹饪技巧。

    Kick your cooking up a notch without adding any extra sugar or fat by sprinkling in your own DIY spice blend .

  17. 最近我开始尝试提高我的烹饪技巧,不过现在我只会在真的非常饿的时候觉得自己做的东西好吃!

    Recently , I started to develop my cooking skills , but so far I only enjoy what I cook if I 'm really hungry !

  18. 舒服地做顿佳肴寒冷的天气需要美食的慰藉,幸运的是,煲汤这个极佳的约会点子对烹饪技巧的要求并不高。

    Comfort cooking Cold weather calls for comfort food and , luckily , making soup can be a great date idea that doesn 't require much culinary skill .

  19. 这里因为是披萨的诞生地而为人熟知。如今,意大利那不勒斯市的厨师们正在通过自己令人垂涎的烹饪技巧试图打破一项记录。

    It is known for being the birthplace of pizza - and now chefs in the city of Naples have attempted to break records with their mouth-watering culinary skills .

  20. 他说,最终他们可能将会挑选一种特色食品(例如饺子),或者一种烹饪技巧(例如腌制)。

    ' In the end , we will probably choose one specific food , like dumplings , or a kind of cuisine technique , ' such as pickling , he says .

  21. 通过学习,学生可以学到尊重材料本身的天然元素,更深地理解并学会运用烹饪技巧,使你的厨房充满了自由和创造力。

    During the course of their education , students develop a respect for ingredients and a deep understanding of the cooking process that leads to ture freedom and creativity in the kitchen .

  22. 中国饮食文化以其多样的味道、复杂神奇的烹饪技巧和形与味的结合成为一种多彩的艺术形式,散发着美学和艺术价值。

    With its diverse flavors , its complicated and magical techniques , and the combination of appearance and taste , Chinese food culture has become a colorful art form , redolent with a strong sense of aesthetics and artistic appreciation .

  23. 林德斯豪尔的总指挥史蒂芬·布劳顿说,“马克用了他全部的烹饪技巧来完成这个由巧克力鱼子酱,金箔和钻石合成在一起的蛋糕。”

    Stephen Broughton , managing director of Lindeth Howe , said : ' Marc has used all of his culinary talents to whip up a truly incredible concoction of chocolate , champagne and gold leaf , all topped off with a diamond .

  24. 而这,我意识到,就是最最重要的一课:要想学到罗马这个人人都知道最好的食谱就是完全没有食谱的地方的烹饪技巧,唯一需要的秘密材料,就是你自己的一份云淡风轻。

    And this , I realize , is the most important lesson of all : To cook as they do in Rome - a place where they know the best recipe is no recipe at all - the only secret ingredient you really need is a pinch of your own sprezzatura .

  25. 由于世界各地的厨师十分关注手工艺烹饪,那不勒斯披萨的烹饪技巧因此更具价值,也备受赞誉。

    Hand-crafted art As chefs the world over focus on artisanal cooking , the culinary skills behind the Neapolitan pizza have gained even greater value and distinction .

  26. 某些新一代的男性,他们热衷于烹饪胜过做家庭琐事,他们用高超的烹饪技巧震惊了朋友及潜在的客户。

    A new generation of men who see cooking more as a hobby than a household chore , and use their cooking skills to impress friends and potential partners .

  27. 很多烹饪院校都提供实习培训,旨在教授使你在厨师行业出类拔萃的烹饪技巧。

    Many culinary colleges offer hands-on training designed to teach you the skills needed to excel in the industry .