
  • 网络weld defect;Welding defect
  1. 对两台1000m3轻烃球罐焊接缺陷产生的原因进行分析,并提出了相应的解决措施。

    A cause analysis was made of the weld defects of two 1 000m ~ 3 spherical Light hydrocarbon tanks , and some corresponding countermeasures were proposed for construction of spherical tanks .

  2. 基于磁记忆检测技术的焊接缺陷多参数识别系统

    Multi-parameter identification system of weld defects based on magnetic memory testing

  3. 焊接缺陷的超声C扫描成像

    Ultrasonic C Scanning Image of Weld Defects

  4. X型焊缝接头焊接缺陷处的应力集中

    Stress Concentration Due to the Weld Defect of a X-Type Welded Joint

  5. LED芯片封装工艺中焊接缺陷研究

    Research on welding fault during LED chips packaging

  6. 对修复后的叶片进行X射线探伤,结果未发现裂纹和其它焊接缺陷。

    The results showed there was no crack or any other welding defects by X-ray detection .

  7. X射线检测作为一种重要的无损检测方法,在管道焊接缺陷检测中发挥着重要作用,被世界各国所采用。

    X-Ray detection , adopted by manycountries , plays an important role in pipeline welding flaw detection .

  8. 基于图像处理的PCB焊接缺陷检测技术研究

    Research of Defects Inspection Technology of PCB Based on Image Processing

  9. 本文是结合课题焊接缺陷X射线实时成像检测系统的研究来进行的。

    This thesis is based on " The Research on X-ray Real-time Radiography Inspection System for Welding quality " .

  10. 该研究对提高LED封装的可靠性和提出检测LED焊接缺陷的方法具有重要意义。

    The research is important for improving the reliability of LED packaging and proposing the method of detecting welding faults during LED packaging .

  11. 另外,接头焊接缺陷引起应力集中,也加速了SCC的产生。

    Furthermore , the defects cause stress concentration and may induce SCC .

  12. RS与FNN集成在焊接缺陷识别中应用

    Research and application of integration of RS and FNN in defect recognition of welding

  13. 焊接缺陷若在钢管的内部,则需要采用无损检测的方式,较常用的就是X射线获取。

    If welding defects is in the inside of the steel pipe , the way of non-destructive testing can be taken , such as X-rays .

  14. Al-Mg合金MIG焊焊接缺陷及预防措施

    Weld Defects of MIG Welding of Al-Mg Alloy and Their Improvements

  15. 提出了应用支持向量机(SVM)进行射线检测焊接缺陷识别的方法。

    According to the problem of defect recognition within X-ray inspection weld , the method using SVM to recognize weld defects is put forword .

  16. 前言:本文重点介绍了如何减少VDSS钢板点焊时容易产生的两种主要焊接缺陷:鼓包和气孔;

    This paper particularly introduces how to reduce two main welding defeat made in resistance spot welding for VDSS : blistering and gas expulsion holes .

  17. 本论文以实际工程需求为背景,建立了一个X射线焊缝缺陷检测系统,利用X射线成像设备生成焊缝数字图像,用图像处理算法提取焊缝并对焊接缺陷进行检测。

    In this dissertation , a weld defect detection system is developed for satisfying the actual demands , in which X-ray digital imaging device is used to generate weld digital images .

  18. 以ANSYS为分析工具,对铁路架桥机导梁焊接缺陷进行有限元分析,为导梁进行结构安全评定提供依据。

    The finite element analysis of the bridge-erecting machine ' beam under welding defect conditions is conducted with ANSYS program , which provides a basis for the structural safety assessment of beam .

  19. 疲劳试件的扫描电镜(SEM)断口分析表明,应力集中区域的焊接缺陷是影响疲劳寿命最主要的因素。

    The result of the scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) fracture analysis indicated that the defection in the stress-concentrated area is the dominant factor to affect the fatigue life of the weld-joint .

  20. 由于RTS曲线的升温斜率可以很好的控制,这样可以减少组件的焊接缺陷和热冲击。

    This also will promote better wetting , and thus the RTS should be used on difficult-to-wet alloys and parts .

  21. 国产600MW机组高加管座焊接缺陷分析

    Analysis of Socket Fillet Weld Defect in Domestic 600 MW Unit Heat Exchanger

  22. 自动超声检测(AUT)作为一种先进的无损检测方法,在管道焊接缺陷检测中发挥着重要作用。

    As an advanced method of non-destructive testing , automated ultrasonic testing plays an important role in pipeline welding defect testing .

  23. 对18个直角角焊缝进行了基于椭球面强度模型的数值模拟,以建议的椭球面断裂模型为判据,得出了等效考虑焊接缺陷和残余应力的断裂因子CI修正系数κ值。

    Eighteen fillet welds were simulated numerically based on the ellipsoidal strength model . By contrast with test results , the revised coefficient k of crack index CI was proposed for the suggested ellipsoidal fracture model considering welding defects and residual stress .

  24. 国内外已经对FSW的工艺参数、组织结构和焊接缺陷等方面进行了研究,但是对其接头的疲劳性能研究却很少,尤其是在国内。

    There are many researches have been carried out on the welding parameters , joints structure and welding defects , but the subjects on the fatigue properties of joints is seldom , especially in domestic .

  25. 结果表明:对于噪声成分多、灰度分布范围窄、对比度差的实时X射线探伤图象,S-T变换方法能明显地改善图象质量,线灰度梯度法提取的焊接缺陷定位准确、畸变小。

    Experiment results show that digital image of weld defects with high noise , narrow gray lever region , and low contrast can be remarkably improved by use of S-T technique . The weld defects collected by means of line-gray gradient can be exactly positioned with less distortion .

  26. 在上述闸门有限元应力分析的基础上,应用概率断裂力学建立了裂纹的极限状态方程,并用JC法求出裂纹的失效概率,以此对闸门焊接缺陷的可靠度作出安全评估。

    On the basis of the finite element stress analysis of the gate , the paper establishes the limit state equations of cracks by probability rupture mechanics , and obtains the failure probability of the cracks . Finally , the failure probability of the cracks is elementary estimated .

  27. 小波神经网络在铝合金焊接缺陷诊断中的研究

    Wavelet Neural Network Application to Diagnosing Defect of Aluminum Alloy Welding

  28. 焊接缺陷超声检测信号的小波分析与处理

    Wavelet Analysis and Processing of Ultrasonic Testing Signal for Weld Flaw

  29. 用改进的小波分析识别焊接缺陷

    The Quick and Accurate Identification of Brazing Defect with Improved Wavelet

  30. 可靠性高、抗震能力强,焊接缺陷率底;

    High dependability & quivery resistance capability and low solder defects etc.