
jiāo kě
  • parched;dying of thirst;very anxious
焦渴 [jiāo kě]
  • (1) [parched]∶口很干渴

  • (2) [impatient]∶比喻心情急切

  • 焦渴地等待着他远行归来

  1. 没有炽热的头脑,焦渴的嘴唇

    A burning forehead , and a parching tongue .

  2. 焦渴的心似花儿凋零;

    My heart in its thirst is a dying flower ;

  3. 在焦渴中,这是任何饮品都无法替代的。

    In Jiaohe , this is any drinks are irreplaceable .

  4. 她不是焦渴的唇,也不是伸出的空空的手。

    It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth .

  5. 你们能够留赠给这个焦渴世界的,是自由之光。

    And what you can bequeath to this anxious world is the light of liberty .

  6. 我为焦渴的鲜花,从河川,从海洋,带来清新的甘霖;

    I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers , From the seas and the streams ;

  7. 蚯蚓的焦渴得到了缓解,慢慢地爬动到一旁,钻进一个地洞不见了。

    Its thirst assuaged , the Worm slithered aside , and vanished into a hole in the ground .

  8. 有时候,这种焦渴,简直就像对失落的故乡的寻找,对离散的亲人的查访。

    Sometimes , this dealing is just as same as seeking a lost native land and the scattered kinfolks .

  9. 它们想,城市里会下雪或者下雨,能解除心头的焦渴。

    They think it may snow or rain in the city , which is able to diminish thirst in heart .

  10. 当然,它们也可能巧妙地计划在合适的时候取出啤酒,我们只是担心这些焦渴的喉咙能支持多久。

    While there may be a cunning plan to release this beer in good time , we worry about the longevity of these thirsty folks .

  11. 如果安琪尔的父亲果真是他描述的那样一个好人的话,他一定会理解她的焦渴的心情的。

    If Angel 's father were the good man she had heard him represented to be , he would be able to enter into her heart-starved situation .

  12. 而墨客们却在那里矫情地说这场雪好啊,减缓了墨客们冬季没雪的焦渴与困顿,他们要在雪中获得平静。

    The poets are there Jiaqing that the good snow , easing the poets winter with no snow Jiaohe embarrassment , and they have to be quiet in the snow .