
  • 网络leroy chiao
  1. 54岁的焦立中是一名有着四次飞行经历的美国退役宇航员,他描述了在从座位上飘出来之前发生的事情,"你的内耳认为你在坠落。

    Leroy Chiao , 54 , an American retired astronaut after four flights , describes what happens even before you float out of your seat , " Your inner ear thinks you 're falling .

  2. 美国航天局的前宇航员焦立中说,在与世隔绝的环境中保持清醒的另一个关键的就是要做一些有意义的事。

    The other key to staying sane in an isolated environment is meaningful work , Leroy Chiao said , a former NASA astronaut .

  3. 焦立中说,这两名候选人似乎都支持空间探索活动。

    Both candidates seem to support space exploration , Chiao said .

  4. 焦立中是中国移民的儿子,他感到太多的美国人认为选举权是理所当然的。

    The son of Chinese immigrants , Chiao feels too many Americans take the right to vote for granted .

  5. 三周前,焦立中在哈萨克斯坦被送入太空,之前他住在俄罗斯,为长达六个月的空间站任务接受培训。

    He was living in Russia before his launch three weeks ago from kazakhstan , training for this six-month space station mission .

  6. 来自欧洲航天局的宇航员维托里在国际空间站呆了八天,沙里波夫和焦立中则从去年10月起就呆在轨道实验室里了。

    Vittori , a European Space Agency astronaut , had spent eight days on the international space station , while Sharipov and Chiao had been on the orbiting lab since October .

  7. 焦立中说,虽然智力的这些矿工们不用忙于科学家实验或修复高科技设备,但却依然能够尽力改善自身所处的那部分矿井。

    The Chilean miners don 't have any scientific experiments or high-tech repairs to keep them busy , but they can work on improving their section of the mine , Chiao said .

  8. 他的选票通过安全电邮连接“旅行”到休斯敦宇航任务控制中心,随后转到德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿县的选举办公室,加尔维斯顿县是焦立中通常居住的地方。

    His ballot traveled via a secure e-mail connection to Mission Control in Houston , which forwarded it to the Galveston County clerk 's office in Texas , where Chiao normally resides .

  9. 焦立中回忆说,正当湖面反射出太阳光的瞬间他按下了快门,这时的纳赛尔湖看上去就像是液态的金属。

    " I was able to shoot this photo just as the sun was reflecting off of the water , making it appear to be liquid metal ," Chiao said in a statement .

  10. 在美国休斯敦约翰逊航天中心一个研究小组的帮助下,焦立中根据国际空间站的位置、地球天气情况和阳光照射角度等因素,确定了拍摄的对象。

    With help from a team at the Johnson Space Center in Houston , Texas , Chiao selected subjects for his photos based on the space station 's position , the weather below , and the angle of the sunlight .