
  • 网络coal reserves;JORC
  1. 设计并实现了基于钻孔数据Delaunay三角网的煤炭储量的计算方法,以及基于采空区资料和矿山回采率数据的储量监控计算方法。

    Designed and implementationed the calculation of coal reserves based on delaunay triangulation and the calculation of storage control based on mined areas and mine recovery rate data . 4 .

  2. 加强煤炭储量管理提高资源回收率

    To Strengthen Coal Reserves Control Raises Resoures Recovery Rate

  3. 没有开发的煤炭储量;我们大脑中没有开发的宝藏&G·R·哈里森。

    Untapped reserves of coal ; the untapped stockrooms of our minds - G.R.Harrison .

  4. 该集团正在大力投资煤制油(otc)和煤化工(coal-to-chemicals)项目,但陈必亭承认,在煤炭储量丰富的北方省份,缺水问题有可能限制这些项目的发展。

    It is also investing heavily in coal-to - liquids and coal-to-chemicals projects but Mr Chen conceded tight water supplies in the north , where coal is abundant , could constrain these projects .

  5. 阿富汗矿业部副部长杜拉尼(NasirDurrani)说,中资财团应该在春天之前开始开发这个煤矿(煤炭储量估计高达4500万吨),而发电站则应在2015年前建好。

    The Chinese consortium is supposed to start developing the mines ─ estimated to hold 45 million tons of coal ─ by the spring , with the power station completed by 2015 , said Afghanistan 's deputy minister of mines , Nasir Durrani .

  6. 地质块段法计算煤炭储量的精度评定

    Evaluation of precision to estimate coal reserve by means of geological blocking

  7. 一种新的煤炭储量计算方法&比例函数法

    A new method to estimate coal reserve & ratio functioning

  8. 并结合实便,用实物期权的方法对煤炭储量价值做出了评估。

    Assessed the reserve of coal with this method for the substance example .

  9. 同时中国的煤炭储量也有了很大改善质量相比,印度的。

    Also China 's coal reserves are much better quality compared to India 's.

  10. 煤炭储量管理中若干概念及计算公式的商榷

    The Discussions on Some Concepts and Computative Formulae Concerning the Administration of Coal Reserves

  11. 地质统计学在煤炭储量计算中的应用

    Applications of geological statistics in coal reserve calculation

  12. 它们分别是全球煤炭储量第一和第二大国。

    They are , respectively , holders of the largest and second-largest coal reserves in the world .

  13. 中国和美国均拥有全球30%以上的煤炭储量。

    China and the US each possess more than 30 per cent of the world 's coal reserves .

  14. 他被派往山西大同进行煤炭储量的普测。

    He was sent to Datong in Shanxi province , to make a general survey of coal reserves .

  15. 冈瓦纳系煤田占印度国家煤炭储量的99%。

    The coal reserve of Gondwana coal fields in India accounts for 99 % of that in this country .

  16. 虽然中国拥有巨大的煤炭储量,但天然气更为环保,因此,也更吸引人。

    Gas is more friendly so more attractive , even though it [ China ] has massive coal reserves .

  17. 中国的煤炭储量占全世界的13%,但产量占47%。

    China has 13 percent of the world 's coal reserves but 47 percent of the world 's production .

  18. 虽然中国拥有巨大煤炭储量,但开采日益困难,而且煤质也有所下降。

    Though China has large reserves of coal , they are increasingly difficult to extract and are of declining quality .

  19. 宝鸡自然资源富集,铅锌等金属及煤炭储量居全国前列。

    Baoji , abundant in natural resources , ranks top in China with its lead , zinc and coal reserve .

  20. 这主要归功于中国国内庞大的煤炭储量&中国70%的能源供应来自于煤炭。

    That is thanks primarily to vast domestic reserves of coal , which supply 70 per cent of its energy .

  21. 中国煤炭储量丰富,但石油储量逐年减少,预计今后将更加依赖进口石油。

    China has abundant coal but declining reserves of oil and is expected to become ever more reliant on imports .

  22. 指出了井田内煤炭储量丰富,煤层气赋存量大,具有综合开发利用的价值。

    Pointed out there are abundant coal and CBM resources in the minefield and have provided with comprehensive exploitation value .

  23. 针对矿井剩余煤炭储量接近枯竭的实际情况,进行了天然焦开采工艺研究。

    In view of the mine actual situation of coal resource approaching exhausted , natural coke excavation craft was studied .

  24. 北美拥有丰富的煤炭储量,这也促进了当地煤炭气化厂的兴建。

    North America has its own huge reserves of coal , sparking interest in gasification plants in that continent as well .

  25. 而同样正在抢购资源的中国,却因自身的煤炭储量而达到70%的能源自给率。

    China , which is snapping up resources , is 70 per cent self-sufficient in energy because of its coal deposits .

  26. 考虑5大聚煤区煤炭储量的权重,计算全国煤砷平均含量为5.28g/kg;

    Second , weighted by the reserves of five coal-cumulating areas and the average content of arsenic in Chinese coals is 5.28mg / kg ;

  27. 确实,由于石油和天然气的价格越来越高,煤炭储量丰富的国家对煤炭的依赖性也越来越强。

    Indeed , as oil and gas have become increasingly expensive , countries rich in coal have found themselves relying on it ever more .

  28. 中国煤炭储量、产量在一次能源中都占主导地位。

    Both the proved coal reserves and the consumption of coal in China are in the dominant position of the national primary energy mix .

  29. 中国矿产资源丰富,尤其在内蒙古自治区现已查明煤炭储量超过7000亿吨,运力是目前急需解决的问题。

    China is rich in mineral resources , especially in inner mongolia autonomous region has now found out the coal reserves top 700 billion tons .

  30. 我省保有储量水份大,保有煤炭储量地域分布不均,煤炭资源勘查总体工作程度低,煤的含硫量较高,但各地差异较大。

    The coal reserves period of production in Sichuan are characterized by low accuracy and inhomogeneous distribution . And coal in Sichuan contains higher sulphur .