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xióng zhǎng
  • bear's-paw;bear's paw served as a delicacy
熊掌 [xióng zhǎng]
  • [bear's paw served as a delicacy] 熊的脚掌。是珍贵的食品,山珍之一。又称熊蹯

  • 鱼,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也。--《孟子.告子上》

熊掌[xióng zhǎng]
  1. 熊脂,熊掌等在中医临床中不用,故于此不论。

    Bear fat , bear 's-paw not mentioned here since they not used in Chinese medicine .

  2. “线上线下相结合”的模式让你既能在当地实体店亲身体验,又能在网上进行购买,从而让消费者鱼和熊掌兼得。

    With the ' click-and-mortar ' grocers , stores that have both a local presence and online shopping capability3 , customers can get the best of both worlds .

  3. 尽管光大证券、招商证券均已在今年顺利过会,A股的“熊掌”还是使IPO戛然而止。

    Despite the Everbright Securities , China Merchants Securities have been successful this year will be , A shares of the " bear 's paw " or halted so that the IPO .

  4. 法国巴黎资产管理有限公司的EricBorremans也认为在提高收益和良性运作之中,鱼和熊掌可以兼得。

    Eric Borremans of BNP Paribas Asset Management says that making money and doing the right thing are not " mutually incompatible goals " .

  5. 我的老爹一次用他的熊掌抓住了一颗子弹。

    My daddy once used his bear hand catched a bullet .

  6. 鱼和熊掌可以兼得&瓦楞纸箱行业激光制版的成本优势和技术优势

    Cost and technology advantages in the laser plating for corrugated carton trade

  7. 这就是鱼和熊掌很难兼得的。

    This is very difficult for fish and bear 's paw exclusive .

  8. 柏莎喜欢用她那小小的熊掌去抓蝴蝶。

    Bertha likes to catch butterflies with her little paws .

  9. 谁说慈善事业和企业利润是鱼和熊掌的关系,不可兼得?

    Who says philanthropy and profit can 't mix ?

  10. 我不喜欢熊掌。

    Sheldon : I don 't like bear claws .

  11. 鱼和熊掌,两个都得要。

    Fish and bears paw , both must .

  12. 但是分部信息的相关性、可靠性和可比性并不总是在同一方向上影响信息的决策有用性,三者的选择犹如鱼和熊掌,很多时候都是不可兼得的。

    But reliability and relevance don 't affect decision usefulness in the same direction .

  13. 鱼和熊掌何以得兼?&义利之辩与近代价值观变革

    The Debate on " Righteousness versus Profitableness " and the Revolution of Values in Modern China

  14. 二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。

    But if I cannot get both , so I would take bear paw instead of fish .

  15. 332.绘图者把草莓和生熊掌放进锯板厂的抽屉里。

    332 . The drawer put the strawberries and raw paws into a drawer in the saw-mill .

  16. 小个子男子现在没有了帐篷的掩护,感觉到一只巨大的熊掌抓住了他的外套。

    The little man , now without the tent , felt a tremendous paw grabbing his coat .

  17. 在熊掌与鱼的两难选择的情况下,你必须作出一个明智的选择。

    Fish in the bear 's dilemma and choice , you have to make a wise choice .

  18. 不舍得,难得熊掌,不舍生,怎能得义?

    Are not willing to rare coin , and dismay by health , how can they have meaning ?

  19. 在这鱼和熊掌不能兼得的压力下,现代社会正处在民生的生存标准不断膨胀的危险之中。

    Byimposing these twin pressures , modern society is in danger of swappingstandard of living for quality of life .

  20. 例如,熊掌已经不再在公开场合下食用,喜爱熊掌的食客可以选择用羊肉为原料制成的仿制熊掌。

    Instead , you may be offered imitation bear 's paw made from mutton pushed into a paw-shaped mould .

  21. 将杏仁与椰子相结合制造出一款即健康又爽口的饮品,可谓“鱼和熊掌兼而得之”。

    If we make a healthy and tasty drink with almond and coconut , it would serve two purposes at once .

  22. 它背朝地躺了下来,用它的四个熊掌抓起外套,玩耍起来。

    He lay down on his back , took the coat on his four paws and began to play with it .

  23. 鱼和熊掌不可兼得,这话用在几样同时感兴趣的事情方面非常适合。

    You can 't have your cake and eat it too , it 's very suitable for several interests at the same time .

  24. 在北美,没有一种野生动物的景观,比得上熊群聚集在溪流边、用熊掌捕捞产卵的鲑鱼。

    Few wildlife spectacles in North America compare to the sight of bears gathered along streams and rivers to scoop up spawning salmon .

  25. 中央银行,即使我们有很大的能力,就不可能都鱼和熊掌。

    The central bank , even if we have great ability , it is impossible to have both fish and bear 's paw .

  26. 人们觉得熊太虚荣了,但是他们有害怕他那大大的熊掌不敢惹怒了他。

    People thought Bear was very vain , but they were frightened of his big claws and didn 't want to make him angry .

  27. 好的,我相信在我之前有许多人都说过的一句话:鱼和熊掌能兼得;

    Well , I believe what many have said before me : You can have it all , but not all at the same time .

  28. 从这层意义来讲,对巴菲特来说,投资生活中常见的甜品行业是鱼和熊掌兼得的一个方式。

    In this sense , investing in the sweet things in life is a way for Mr Buffett to have his cake and eat it , too .

  29. 马来熊一向以其胸部特有的橙黄相间的斑纹而著称,人们以前热衷于捕猎它们主要是为了获取熊胆和熊掌,以便制作东亚地区的传统药物。

    Sun bears , who have orange-yellow markings on their chests , are hunted for their gall bladders and paws which are used in traditional Chinese medicine .

  30. 出于保护动物的原因,一些传统名菜已经渐渐从中国人的餐桌上消失,这样的情形不乏先例,比如人们已经不再公然吃熊掌。

    There are precedents for the disappearance of classic Chinese dishes on conservation grounds . Bear 's paw , for example , is no longer eaten openly .