
zhǎo diàn
  • palmula;pulvillus;parapulvillus;caruncle;pad
爪垫[zhǎo diàn]
  1. 这只狗的爪垫上扎了一根刺。

    The dog had a thorn in its pad .

  2. 经静脉注射途径也可以复制出典型的MS临床病例,但发病率低于爪垫注射组。

    We find the claw pad injection also can induce typical clinical cases of MS , but the incidence of MS of venous injection group is lower than that of footpad injection group .

  3. 人体肿瘤细胞系在严重联合免疫缺陷(SCID)小鼠的爪垫和皮下移植后侵袭和转移的研究

    Study on Invasion and Metastasis of Human Tumor Cells After Subcutaneous Transplantation of Tumor Cells into Different Sites of SCID Mice

  4. 结论裸鼠爪垫皮下注射人结肠癌细胞系(HCT-116)可成功建立人大肠癌淋巴道转移模型。

    That could be successfully established by subcutaneous inoculation of human colon cancer cell lines ( HCT-116 ) in nude mice claw pad .

  5. 爪垫接种1日龄雏鸡表现出明显的病毒性关节炎临床症状,并伴有吸收障碍型和坏死型的病理变化;

    Clinical symptom of severe arthritis and accompanied with pathological changes of malabsorption and necrosis .

  6. 这只狗在踏上一条有荆棘的小路时,伤了一只爪垫。

    The dog hurt one of its pad when it stepped upon a thorny path .

  7. 常规病理学检查显示爪垫肿瘤组织结构类似小鼠结肠癌。

    Pathological findings showed that the tissue structure of tumor in paw pads was similar to those for mouse colorectal carcinoma .

  8. 观察给药期间小鼠活力、进食、体重及爪垫局部情况。

    The situation of vigor , diet and weight of mice as well as tumor in paw pads was observed during chemotherapy .

  9. 小鼠子宫颈癌爪垫皮下移植后侵袭程度和转移间的关系

    Study on the Metastatic Mechanism and Invasive Degree of Tumor Cells after Subcutaneous Transplantation of Uterine Cervix Carcinoma Cells into Footpad of Mouse

  10. 腹腔接种及爪垫接种与背部皮下接种结果相似。肿瘤的生长速度和浸润及转移的能力与肿瘤分化程度有一定关系。

    The growth rate , ability of invasion and metastasis of the transplanted tumor correlated well with the grade of differentiation of the tumor .

  11. 结果表明,蝗虫足掌以软性外表皮包含血浆(液体)的结构形式,有利于降低接触刚度、增加接触面积,并使爪垫在接触过程便产生有利于稳定附着的摩擦力。

    The results suggest that the design of locust 's pads & soft exocuticle containing haemolymph inside is very good in reducing the contact stiffness , increasing contact area and generating friction force during the contact procedure from normal direction .

  12. 在白腹树袋熊攀爬的过程中,弯曲的指甲、宽大的爪子上坚硬皮肤以及爪心肉垫的完美搭配使其可以牢牢地扎住树干及树枝;尾巴则用来保持平衡。

    The dingiso sports curved nails and cushioned pads lined with rough skin on its large feet , which enable it to get a grip on tree trunks and branches , where it uses its long tail for balance as it climbs .