
  1. 设计师张禹硕在Behance网上分享了他的设计,他说,他想出这个设计是因为他既爱咖啡又爱亲吻。

    Designer Jang WooSeok shared the designs on Behance and says he came up with it because he loves both coffee and kisses .

  2. 赛特笠小姐既爱哭又爱笑,到了动身的一天不知怎么才好。

    When the day of departure came , between her two customs of laughing and crying , Miss Sedley was greatly puzzled how to act .

  3. 当老板不是谁都能胜任,但我看她从小爱说又爱笑的性格非常适合。

    When the boss is not who can handle , but I see her love and love to laugh from said the character is very suitable .

  4. 如果有个人的父母离了婚,但他既爱爸爸又爱妈妈。当他父母每次吵架就想让孩子站在自己一边,你会给那个孩子什么忠告吗?

    What advice would you give if someone 's mom and dad were getting divorced and they were always trying to make him take sides in their arguments ? Imagine that he loves both his parents equally .

  5. 不破除常规,爱又何以为爱。这是我父皇说的。

    Love is not true if it doesn 't break any rules . That 's what my father said .

  6. 小说中的狐女阿绣黠慧豁达,多情多义,因追求荚而生爱,又因爱的奉献与付出而芙到极致。

    Smart and generous , the fox girl A'Xiu is both affectionate and loyal ; she fell in love in pursuit of beauty , and became a perfect beauty for her contribution and love .

  7. 谁爱你们,你们又爱谁?

    And who loves you , and who do you love ?