
  1. 她很爱自己的父母,为让他们高兴愿意做任何事。

    She adored her parents and would do anything to please them .

  2. 随你怎么说,但他们确实爱自己的妈妈。

    Say what you like about them , but they did love their Mum .

  3. 每个人都爱自己的家乡。

    Everyone loves his hometown .

  4. 他们爱自己的父母,尊重他们。

    They think of their parents with affection and respect .

  5. 恋爱就像春天,我们觉得好像会永远快乐,无法想象自己会不爱自己的另一半。

    Falling in love is like springtime . We feel as though we will be happy forever . We can ’ t image not loving a partner .

  6. 尽管我们都很爱自己的父母,但公平地讲,大多数人在离开家后都不会再搬回去和父母同住。

    As much as we love our parents , it 's probably fair to say most of us would prefer not to move back in once we 've left home .

  7. 工作了一天的人们通常不太爱自己下厨,于是选择下馆子,也经常会买外卖take-away。

    As well as dining in a restaurant , when people are too tired to cook after work they often get a take-away .

  8. ILGAASIA委员会坚信所有的人都应获得平等与自由,有权利选择自己生活的方式,爱自己想爱的人。

    The ILGA ASIA board stands firm in our belief that all people are created equal and free and that we all have the right to live as we are , and to love who we love .

  9. Rouge解释,也许对德国人和法国人来说,更多的空余时间就意味着工作不会占据整个生活,也许他们更爱自己的家庭、更在乎丰富的内心生活或者各种爱好。

    Maybe more time just means that work doesn 't consume the entirety of French and German lives . Maybe their passions lie at home , in their rich inner lives , or in hobbies .

  10. 但现在这位选美冠军学会了爱自己。

    But now this beauty-pageant winner has learned to love herself .

  11. 大部分家长都爱自己的孩子;

    Most parents love their children , with surprisingly few exceptions .

  12. 爱自己,便是一部终身罗曼司的开始。

    To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance .

  13. 我们需要自己的孩子,我们爱自己的孩子。

    Our children , we want them , we love them .

  14. 凡是不爱自己国家的人,什么都不会爱。

    Those who don 't love their country can love nothing .

  15. 老师应该像爱自己的孩子一样去爱学生。

    Teachers should love students as they love their own children .

  16. 爱自己是你所能经历的最强大的爱。

    Loving yourself is the most powerful love you can experience .

  17. 若我们无法爱自己,我们就无法爱神。

    When we cannot love ourselves , we cannot love god .

  18. 一定要为了自己骄傲的活着,好好爱自己。

    Must live for their own pride , to love themselves .

  19. 爱自己,为自己所有独一无二的魅力感到骄傲。

    Love yourself . Take pride in all your unique glory .

  20. 我们要做的是好好爱自己。

    Our wanting what to do is so much love oneself .

  21. 废话,哪个妈妈不爱自己的孩子?

    It seems to me you love your son very much .

  22. 如果你不爱自己,试着找出原因。

    If you dont love yourself , try to find out why .

  23. 总有一天你会明白,人起首要爱自己。

    Someday you will understand , were the first to love yourself .

  24. 你若不爱自己,怎么能让别人爱你?

    If you love ourselves , how can other people love you ?

  25. 爱自己,让我获得心灵的美丽和自信!

    Love yourself , let me acquire soul of beauty and self-confidence !

  26. 好好爱自己,这个世界我最了不起!

    Loves well oneself , this world I am greatest !

  27. 给自己带来更多信心,更爱自己。

    Giving yourself more confidence or making love to oneself .

  28. 但更重要的是,我现在懂得真正地爱自己,这才是最大的不同。

    I truly love myself now and that is the big difference .

  29. 她说她爱自己怀的孩子。

    She says she loves the baby she 's carrying .

  30. 如果爱人很难,我们就只爱自己吧。

    We can love ourselves if love other is difficult .