
  • 网络ELSEVIER;Elsevier Science;Scopus
  1. 但人们知道,矛头指的是爱思唯尔。

    But it is known that the publisher is Elsevier .

  2. 数字出版业务已成爱思唯尔的主要收入来源之一。

    Digital publication has become one of the main sources for Elsevier 's income .

  3. 在爱思唯尔出版集团的《流行病学年鉴》(AnnalsofEpidemiology)中,新发表的一项研究在日本调查了20550位男性和29671位女性饮用绿茶的状况,试图探究饮用绿茶与口腔癌的关系。

    In Elsevier 's Annals of Epidemiology , a new study investigates the green tea consumption of20,550 men and29,671 women in Japan , to see if there was any correlation with oral cancer .

  4. 这意味着这家公司更核实的竞争对手是彭博社(Bloomberg)、Lexis-Nexis【隶属于里德爱思唯尔集团(ReedElsevier)】,IMSHealth和汤普森路透(Thompson-Reuters),而不是斯隆o凯特灵这类专攻癌症研究的机构。

    Which means the company is better suited to compete with Bloomberg , Lexis-Nexis ( owned by Reed Elsevier ) , IMS Health , and Thompson-Reuters rather than organizations trusted on the subject on cancer like Sloan Kettering .

  5. 爱思唯尔中国区医学部收购了一家专门为医院提供临床电子支持信息服务的公司。

    Elsevier Health Sciences China has acquired a company to provide electronic clinical support information services to hospitals .

  6. 但爱思唯尔的这种做法使得读者“被全文”,虚增所谓全文下载量。

    Elsevier made readers have to download the full-text and thus the number of articles downloaded has been increased .

  7. 谈判最终破裂,爱思唯尔因此失去的27个用户,被新进入的用户充抵持平。

    Therefore , negotiation eventually failed , but Elsevier 's loss of27 users was compensated by some new users .

  8. 集体谈判即将开始,中国图书馆系统将视爱思唯尔的表现采取相应的措施。

    Then the joint working group of Chinese libraries will be formed and the collective negotiation is about to start .

  9. 上个月(3月22日)由爱思唯尔发布的这份报告表明,水资源研究在中国增长最为迅速。

    The report , released by Elsevier last month ( 22 March ), reveals that water resource research is growing fastest in China .

  10. 中国的用户至今记得2000年进入中国大陆之初那个来自荷兰阿姆斯特丹的温文尔雅的爱思唯尔。

    Chinese subscribers have still remembered the " gentle " Elsevier from Holand in2000.At that time , Elsevier has just entered the market of China .

  11. 上面的这些数据和观点以及爱思唯尔的所作所为告诉人们,在知识生产与传播领域,霸权同样存在。

    These data and views above and the behavior of Elsevier told us that hegemony also existed in the field of knowledge production and dissemination .

  12. 爱思唯尔经过多年经营,拥有了全球最优秀的作者、审稿人,拥有了全球最优秀的编辑,却忘记了这些人是它的“帝国”的建设者,也是它的成果的使用者。

    Through years of operation , Elsevier had the best authors , reviewers and editors in the world , but it forgot that they are also the builders of its " empire ", and users of products .