
  1. 献出的血有限,献出的爱无限。

    Although the blood you donated is not limitless , your affection is .

  2. 个性张扬的马云曾经穿着皮衣,戴着莫西干式假发,在员工面前演唱艾尔顿约翰的《今夜爱无限》。

    The flamboyant Mr Ma , who once dressed up in leather and a Mohican wig and sang Elton John 's Can you Feel the Love Tonight ?

  3. 个性张扬的马云曾经穿着皮衣,戴着莫西干式假发,在员工面前演唱艾尔顿·约翰的《今夜爱无限》。他说自己从通用电气、沃尔玛等美国企业学习到很多关于企业价值和使命的东西。

    The flamboyant Mr Ma , who once dressed up in leather and a Mohican wig and sang Elton John 's Can you Feel the Love Tonight ? to employees , said he had learned a lot about corporate values and missions in the US - from companies such as GE and Walmart .

  4. 这是得到无条件的爱和无限的喜悦途径。

    That is the way to get this causeless love and limitless joy .

  5. 怎样才可以触及无条件的爱与无限喜悦?

    Q. : What should I do to discover causeless love and limitless joy ?

  6. 爱的无限威力在于爱不堪一击。

    The power of love is its impotence .

  7. 许绍洋爱洋无限网站。

    Boundless website for fans of Shaoyang xu .

  8. 它有这个力气带来无缘由的爱与无限喜悦的状态。

    It has the power to bring a state of causeless love and limitless joy .

  9. 本书献给那些相信爱之无限魅力及力量的人。

    This book is dedicated to everyone who believes in the unlimited power and beauty of love .

  10. 我们再次接受到希望、爱与无限可能的祝福。

    Once again we are blessed with the feelings of hope , love , and an abundance of possibilities .

  11. 时间或许有其限度,但显然,爱是无限的。

    Each one complete in its own way . Time may have its limits , but love apparently doesn 't.

  12. 而引发每位有思想的人,何其能有相似的行动来与这由爱涌出无限的良善相称!

    With what attraction must it draw every thoughtful man to return Love for Love to this overflowing fountain of boundless goodness !

  13. 当那些接受圣灵的引导并在他们的日常活动中表现出圣灵之爱,无限的爱就是上帝之爱。

    Infinite Love is the love of God , while Love Divine is that manifested by those in their activities who are guided by love divine .

  14. 当天真的喜悦和对爱的无限需求这两种至上的美德是人生唯一的愿望时,有什么时候会比它更美好呢?

    What better time is there in our lives than when the two best of virtues-innocent gaiety and a boundless yearning for affection-are our sole objects of pursuit ?

  15. 你是爱,是神圣无限的创造力。

    You are Love and Divine Unlimited Potential .

  16. 要在你的生活里撒下爱的种子&欢乐爱微笑才会无限延伸。

    Sow the seed of love wherever you may go & for joy , love and laughter are surely bound to grow .

  17. 爱就是几何形状,爱就是科学,爱是无限神圣的。

    Love that is geometric , love that is scientific , a love of immeasurable sacredness .