
  • 网络Theory on Love
  1. 从爱情悲剧论哈代的女性观

    Thomas Hardy 's Views on the Female Reflected in His Love Tragedies

  2. 卡捷琳娜与刘兰芝爱情悲剧论论华兹华斯的悲情女性观

    Views On The Tragedy Of The Two Sentimental Women & Kajelinna And Liu Lan-zhi

  3. 但从前最大的爱情怀疑论者米兰达已亲身体验浪漫的美妙。

    It seemed that Miranda , love 's greatest skeptic ...... had recently experienced a romantic epiphany .

  4. 当时喝得酩酊大醉的饮客还留下来,睡在靠椅上和地板上,梦着苏格拉底这个真正爱情至上论者。

    while behind him on the benches and on the floor his sleepy companions go on dreaming of Socrates , the true lover .

  5. 本文认为她的女性意识是不断变化的,经过了最初的爱情社会价值论到后来的爱情本质论的转变;

    This paper holds that her female consciousness changed from her early focus on social values of love to her latter focus on essentials of love itself .

  6. 西方爱情文学原型略论

    Discussion on prototype in western love literature

  7. 爱情剩宴&论情剩题材的爱情喜剧剩余控制权、剩余索取权与公司绩效

    On the Comedy of Love Remainder Residual Control Rights , Residual Claim Rights and Corporate Performance