
  • 网络declaration;Declaration of love;Town & Country;Grown & Sexy
  1. 而第三类情况是:无法预知的爱情宣言。

    The third act twist : The unexpected declaration of love .

  2. 而第三种情况是:无法预知的爱情宣言,游离于规则之外。

    The third act twist : the inexpected declaration of love , the exception to the rule .

  3. 有一些人在他的博客上贴出疯狂的爱情宣言:小四,我永远支持你!

    Some post frenzied declarations of love on his blog : Little Four , I will always be with you !

  4. 厨师在每个娃娃形状的月饼上印上“爱情宣言”。

    Chefs print a " declaration of love " on the surface of each moon cake , which are shaped like dolls .

  5. 广州一名大三学生精心准备了999个写满爱情宣言的柚子,在大庭广众之下向暗恋的女孩表白,却收到一个苦乐参半的结局。

    It was a bittersweet ending for a college junior in Guangzhou who asked out his secret crush in an elaborate public ceremony involving 999 pomelo fruits .

  6. 而周末在上海,这座城市的同性恋社群抓住了这个机遇,在节日里用唇间热吻向世人传达着自己的爱情宣言。

    In Shanghai this weekend , the city 's increasingly visible gay and lesbian community seized the festive season to use their lips to make their own holiday statement .

  7. 不要相信年轻时我对你所说的那些爱情宣言,因为我甚至都无法给自己一个好的明天!

    Do not believe what I have alleged for you about our love when I was young , because I can 't even give a bright future to myself at that time .

  8. 婚礼是一种爱情的公开宣言。

    It 's a public declaration of love .