
  • 网络IDAHO;State of Idaho;Idaho Falls;Idoho
  1. 2,000万年前,爱达荷州到处都是茂密的原始森林。

    Twenty million years ago , Idaho was populated by dense primordial forest .

  2. 2,000万年前,爱达荷州并不像现在这样干旱。相反,那时的爱达荷州温暖潮湿,有大片的原始森林。

    Twenty million years ago , Idaho was not the arid place it is now . Rather , it was warm and damp , populated by dense primordial forest

  3. NPR新闻,我是斯科特·图,爱达荷州。

    For NPR News , I 'm Scott Graph in Voicing Idaho .

  4. NPR新闻,斯卡特·博斯,爱达荷州博伊西格罗特报道。

    For NPR news , I 'm Scatt groth in Boise Idaho .

  5. Google表示,爱达荷州一名90岁老人VeraStanyan应当为这一搜索结果的错误负责。

    Google blamed Vera Stanyan , a90-year-old grandmother from Idaho for this error .

  6. 我是弗兰基·巴恩希尔于爱达荷州博伊西,NPR新闻。

    For NPR News , I 'm Frankie Barnhill in Boise , Idaho .

  7. 实际上,最终发起的反击采取了更为美国的形式:一家名为美光科技(MicronTechnology)的创业企业,公司所在地令人意外地位于爱达荷州博伊西。

    Instead , the fight back , when it came , took a far more American form : an entrepreneurial start-up from the unlikely location of Boise , Idaho , called Micron Technology .

  8. 鲁珀特·默多克(RupertMurdoch)周四在爱达荷州参加媒体和技术领袖会议,但是没有向记者发表任何评论。

    Rupert Murdoch was at a conference of media and technology leaders in Idaho on Thursday , but had no comment for reporters .

  9. 爱达荷州地区法院(IdahoDistrictCourt)下令没收并复制休恩的硬盘作为证据,这是相当严重的剥夺隐私行为,并不是常见的司法实践,而其理由之一就是休恩自称黑客。

    The Idaho District Court ordered Mr Thuen 's hard drive to be seized and copied for evidence , a fairly serious privacy intrusion and not routine legal practice . Part of the justification was that Mr Thuen described himself as a hacker .

  10. 美国地区法官B.LynnWinmill判决,爱达荷州州议会以“不恰当的目的”通过了该法案,优先考虑婴儿的潜在生命而不是妇女选择堕胎的权利。

    Wade . U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill has ruled that the Idaho legislature passed the law with " inappropriate purpose " putting its interest in the potential life of the fetus ahead of a women 's right to get an abortion .

  11. 当年长的媒体大亨在爱达荷州太阳谷(SunValley)Allen&Co会议上对Twitter大加赞扬,并对自己的商业模式感到烦恼之际,罗布森提出了一个令人警醒的观点:未来的消费者正在更多地使用媒体,但不愿为此付费。

    As elderly media gathered at the Allen & Co conference in Sun Valley , Idaho , to fawn over Twitter and fret over their business models , Mr Robson set out a sobering case that tomorrow 's consumers are using more and more media but are unwilling to pay for it .

  12. 《财富》杂志联系上美国宇航局(NASA)前宇航员、XCOR宇航公司(XCORAerospace)现首席试飞员理查德•希尔福斯时,他正从位于加州德哈查比的家中赶赴爱达荷州的圣诞家庭聚会。

    When fortune caught up with former NASA astronaut Richard searfoss , the chief test pilot for Xcor aerospace , he was traveling from his Tehachapi , California base to a Christmas family gathering in Idaho .

  13. 然而,如果您所使用的计算机是远程的或无法直接接触到的,假设在爱达荷州Boise的机房中,无法直接连接外部设备。

    However , if a machine you use is remote or inaccessible , say , in your company 's machine room in Boise , Idaho , connecting the peripheral device isn 't an option .

  14. 在爱达荷州太阳谷度假时,艺术顾问WillKopelman用格拉夫戒指向德鲁•巴里摩尔求婚了。

    Drew Barrymore and Will KopelmanArt consultant Will Kopelman popped the question to Drew Barrymore while vacationing in Sun Vally , Idaho with a ring by Graff .

  15. 这名爱达荷州的共和党人之前宣布自己将于9月30日辞职。

    The Idaho Republican earlier announced plans to resign September 30th .

  16. 我在哪里,爱达荷州的玻斯。

    Where am I ? I 'm in boise , idaho .

  17. 这些美国人来自爱达荷州一家教堂,目前他们已在太子港被捕。

    The Americans from an Idaho-based church are under arrest in Port-au-Prince .

  18. 3月8日,爱达荷州通过了一项类似的提案。

    On March 8th , Idaho approved a similar bill .

  19. 爱达荷州州长布奇·奥特对该州的中国企业做出了评论。

    Idaho Governor Butch Otter remarked on Chinese companies in his state .

  20. 你天总统到了爱达荷州:本地报道

    Today , the President is in Idaho , and here at home

  21. 我们的钱只够去爱达荷州了。

    We got enough to make it to white bird .

  22. 来自爱达荷州23岁的选手在滑降比赛中获得第一名。

    The23-year-old from Idaho placed first in the downhill race .

  23. 阿拉斯加、亚利桑那州和爱达荷州本月也加入了这个行列。

    Alaska . Arizona . Idaho . All have fallen this month .

  24. 但在爱达荷州我们要求自尊。

    But here in Idaho we have a little something called pride .

  25. 我们认为,与这道菜搭配很好的是爱达荷州的马铃薯

    What goes really nice with it , we think

  26. 一名联邦法官推翻了爱达荷州的同性婚姻禁令。

    A federal judge has struck down an Idaho ban on gay marriage .

  27. 三大火灾继续在爱达荷州燃烧。

    Three large fires continued to burn in Idaho .

  28. 爱达荷州正在应对最严重的火情。

    Idaho is dealing with the worst of this .

  29. 爱达荷州中部的部分被疏散居民已经获得允许返回家中。

    Some evacuated residents in central Idaho are being allowed to return home .

  30. 它横跨怀俄明州、蒙大拿州和爱达荷州的部分地方。

    It covers parts of the states of Wyoming , Montana , and Idaho .