
piàn duàn
  • fragment;part;extract;footage;scene;episode;excerpt;passage
片段 [piàn duàn]
  • [part;passage;extract;fragment] 整体中的一部分。又作片断

  • 生活片段

片段[piàn duàn]
  1. 这是视频分享网站哔哩哔哩制作的纪录片《小小少年》的片段。

    This is part of a documentary Little Giants made by Bilibili , a video-sharing site .

  2. 第二组观看查理·罗斯(CharlieRose)在PBS台的访谈片段;

    The second watched part of a Charlie Rose interview program on PBS .

  3. 警察一遍又一遍地重放事故的片段。

    The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again .

  4. 假期中最精彩的片段是参观大峡谷。

    The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon .

  5. 他们正在放映上月比赛的精彩片段剪辑。

    They 're showing the edited highlights of last month 's game .

  6. 比赛最精彩的片段将于今晚稍后播出。

    The highlights of the match will be shown later this evening .

  7. 我儿时的回忆是一些朦朦胧胧的松散片段。

    My memories of childhood are hazy and episodic .

  8. 这是她最新电影的片段。

    Here is a clip from her latest movie .

  9. 书中最有趣的片段之一在第6章。

    One of the funniest episodes in the book occurs in Chapter 6 .

  10. 我只听到谈话的一些片段。

    I only caught snatches of the conversation .

  11. 学校的演出获得了巨大成功——所有的滑稽片段都令观众哄堂大笑。

    The school play was a huge success ─ the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits .

  12. 他把读到和听到的片段综合起来,便逐渐明白了。

    Bits and pieces of things he 'd read and heard were coming together , and he began to understand .

  13. 英国广播公司对外电视频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。

    The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip

  14. 只有开场片段能称得上是真正的创新。

    Only the opening sequence could claim to be genuinely innovatory .

  15. 电影还利用了新闻片片段和街头采访的表现手法。

    The film also made use of newsreel footage and vox pop .

  16. 她想起的那些支离破碎的片段连不上。

    The fragments of memory she dredges up do not fit together .

  17. 他们正表演莎士比亚剧作《维洛那二绅士》中的一个片段。

    They were performing a short extract from Shakespeare 's Two Gentlemen of Verona

  18. 业余人士拍摄的视频片段和制作精良的好莱坞影片之间存在着巨大的差距。

    There 's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production

  19. 你之前听到的朗读片段节选自一部新的珍珠港口述史。

    The readings you heard earlier were excerpted from a new oral history of Pearl Harbor .

  20. 这部电影要和将在美国拍摄的柏树山乐队的音乐片段粘接在一起。

    The film will be spliced with footage of Cypress Hill to be filmed in America .

  21. 比较下列片段。

    Compare the following passages .

  22. 这部尚未定名的正规长度影片将包括对他们的采访和他们现场表演的片段。

    The full-length feature , as yet untitled , will include interviews plus footage of their live gigs .

  23. 他只找到了那部电影的一些小片段。

    He only found short extracts from the film .

  24. 我听到了他们谈话的片段。

    I heard a fragment of their conversation .

  25. 我看报上所有有趣的片段。

    I read all the interesting bits in the newspaper .

  26. 视频片段显示,有个男人捡到了20美元的钞票并把它钉到了板子上。

    The video clip shows one man who had found a $ 20 bill pinning it to the board .

  27. 有时,她坐在公共汽车或火车上,只听到一个特别有趣的故事的片段。

    Sometimes , sitting on a bus or a train , she hears only a fragment of a particularly interesting story .

  28. 基因克隆化提供了一种纯化和扩增特定DNA片段的方法

    Gene cloning provides a means of purifying and propagating specific DNA segments .

  29. 庆典活动包括在HBOMax流媒体平台上交互式的《权游》聚焦页面直播节目,订阅用户可以欣赏到150多个幕后花絮、剧组访谈、剪辑片段和预告片。

    The celebratory event includes an interactive page on the HBO Max streaming service , live now , with over 150 videos of behind-the-scenes extras , cast interviews , clips , and trailers available to subscribers .

  30. 即使如此,任何实验工作者仍不能预料剩下的片段中哪个将无性繁殖

    Even so , on experimenter can predict which of the remaining fragments will be cloned .