
  • 网络operator algebra
  1. 第二章利用对称理想给出∏k空间上退化算子代数分类的概念。说明∏k空间上退化算子代数分为六类。

    In chapter 2 , we give the classification concept of degenerate operator algebras on the nk spaces by symmetric ideals , and show that thus operator algebra consists of six classes .

  2. B(X)作为最基本的算子代数,其上保持问题的研究是其它算子代数上保持问题研究的基础。

    As B ( X ) is one of the most fundamental operator algebras , the preserver problems on B ( X ) is the research foundation of the similar problems on general operator algebras .

  3. 算子代数的Cσ性质、Cσ性质与自反性

    Properties C_ σ, and Reflexivity of Operator Algebras

  4. n元微分算子代数的导子李代数

    Lie Algebra of Derivations of algebras of differential operators in n - variables

  5. 与李代数(?)2相关的顶点算子代数N(k,0)及其不可约模

    VOA Associated to Affine Lie Algebra (?) _2 and Its Irreducible Modules

  6. Banach空间上算子代数K-理论的初探

    Study on the K-theory of Operator Algebras on Banach Spaces

  7. 近年来,对于某些特殊的算子代数的Lie理想的研究取得了丰硕的成果。

    This connection has been investigated for some special algebras in recent years , and get a plentiful harvest .

  8. RH模上算子代数与算子理论

    Operator Algebra and Operator Theory on RH Module

  9. 复Hilbert空间上的实算子代数

    Real Operator Algebras on a Complex Hilbert Space

  10. 建立了Lie群和Lie代数、Riemannian流形与空间算子代数理论联系的模型。

    Develop the formulation of the the Lie group , Lie algebra and Riemannian manifolds and spatial operator algebra .

  11. 在这一章的最后,我们简要地介绍了非交换算子代数C(Dx,Dy,x,y)中的主要结论,并讨论了带有积分号的恒等式的自动证明问题。

    At the end of this chapter , we introduce the main results in C and discuss the problem of verifying the identities with the integral sign .

  12. Toeplitz算子代数的非对角不变的不变理想

    An Invariant Ideal of Certain Toeplitz Algebra Which is not Diagonal Invariant

  13. Toeplitz算子代数的归纳极限

    Inductive Limits of Toeplitz Algebras

  14. 对于算子代数的Lie结构(如Lie理想、Lie导子、Lie同构等)的研究人们一直在进行着,这是因为它对于全面揭示各种算子代数的结构具有重要的意义。

    Many people have been studying the Lie structure ( Lie ideals , Lie derivations , Lie isomorphism ) because it is very important to reveal the structure of various operator algebras .

  15. 后面两章结合Banach空间结构理论中G-M系列成果对Banach空间上算子代数B(X)的K群进行研究。

    The next two chapters discuss K-groups of operator algebras B ( X ) on Banach space X combining the series of G-M results of the structural theory on Banach space .

  16. 特别地证明了对于vonNeumann代数,强自反性与一秩算子代数的σ&弱稠密性是一致的。

    Particularly , it is proved that for Von Neumann algebra the strong reflexivity is equivalent to the density of its rank-one operator algebra .

  17. 硕士学位论文《关于算子代数B(X)的K群的相关研讨》是泛函分析学科Banach空间理论与算子理论有机结合进行研讨的产物。

    Master 's academic article " Study on the K-groups of operator algebras B ( X ) " is the organic combinative result of the study on the theory of Banach space and the operator theory of functional analysis .

  18. 本文考虑Pontrjagin空间上的算子代数。讨论了退化算子代数的分类问题;算子代数理想的对称性问题;算子代数的导子问题以及算子代数的交换性问题。

    We consider the operator algebras on the Pontrjagin spaces , and study the classification problem of degenerate operator algebras , the derivations problem of operator algebras , and the symmetric problem of ideals in operator algebras .

  19. 标准算子代数上完全保可逆性或零因子的映射

    Maps Completely Preserving Invertibility or Zero Divisors on Standard Operator Algebras

  20. 自反算子代数的模和交换子以及一阶上同调空间

    Modules and Commutants and First Cohomology Spaces of Reflexive Algebras

  21. 我们主要讨论了作用在半群上取值于算子代数的完全单调函数。

    We mainly consider completely monotone functions from semigroup to operator algebras .

  22. 基于空间算子代数的空间多体系统动力学递推计算

    Recursive Computation of Space Multibody Dynamics Using Spatial Operator Algebra

  23. 有限维非退化可解李代数的顶点算子代数

    Vertex Operator Algebra Associated with Nondegenerate Solvable Lie Algebras

  24. 基于空间算子代数理论多刚体系统反向动力学仿真

    Inverse Dynamics Simulation of Rigid Multibody System Based on Spatial Operator Algebra Theory

  25. 本文研究了算子代数的K-理论。

    The article discuss the K-theory of operator algebras .

  26. 算子代数发展概述

    On Summarization on the Development of Operator Algebra

  27. 非退化可解李代数的顶点算子代数的一类子代数结构

    A kind subalgebra structure of vertex operator algebra associated to nondegenerate Solvable Lie Algebras

  28. 广义质量的空间算子代数描述

    Depiction of Generalized Mass by Spatial Operator Algebra

  29. 顶点算子代数的模扩张

    Adjoining a Module to a Vertex Operator Algebra

  30. 空间算子代数刚柔耦合系统动力学软件流程

    Dynamic software flow of the rigid-flexible coupling system based on spatial operator algebra theory