
suàn ji
  • calculate;reckon;figure;consider;plan;expect;scheme;plot;stitch up
算计 [suàn jì]
  • (1) [figure; reckon]∶计算数目

  • 多得难以算计

  • 你算计一下,看这些钱够不够用

  • (2) [consider; plan]∶考虑;合计

  • 我正算计着要上北京

  • 这件事还得好好算计算计

  • (3) [expect; figure]∶猜测;估计

  • 我算计他昨天不会来,果然没来

  • (4) [scheme; plot]∶暗中谋划损害他人

  • 暗中算计别人

算计[suàn ji]
  1. 他喜欢算计别人的工资和奖金。

    He likes to calculate people 's salaries and bonuses .

  2. 腾格拉尔男爵是一位好岳父,而且挺会算计的。

    Baron Danglars is a good father , and knows how to calculate .

  3. 她似乎觉得我们都在算计她。

    She seemed to feel that we were all scheming against her .

  4. 他说郎先生是个冷酷、算计,又爱摆布人的人。

    He described Mr Long as cold , calculating and manipulative

  5. 他们声称对手正在算计他们。

    They claimed that their opponents were scheming against them

  6. 他总是觉得他的同事们都在算计他。

    He always feels that all his colleagues are scheming against him .

  7. 我算计他昨天回不来,果然没回来。

    I thought he wouldn 't come back yesterday , and he didn 't.

  8. 我正算计着要上北京去。

    I am planning a trip to beijing .

  9. 东京——天普大学(TempleUniversity)日本分校的毕业班学生布伦丹·怀特(BrendanWhite)说自己全算计好了。

    TOKYO - Brendan White , a senior at Temple University 's Japan campus , says he has it all figured out .

  10. 东京&天普大学(TempleUniversity)日本分校的毕业班学生布伦丹·怀特(BrendanWhite)说自己全算计好了。

    TOKYO & Brendan White , a senior at Temple University 's Japan campus , says he has it all figured out .

  11. SB正在算计着发现的这些质数已经被官方光荣地命名为&科拜尔数!荣耀属于史蒂芬·科拜尔,科拜尔报告的主持人和科拜尔国的领袖!

    The prime numbers SB is working to discover have officially been named Colbert Numbers , to honor Stephen Colbert , host of The Colbert Report and leader of the Colbert Nation .

  12. Combariza说:“在这个世界上,在花钱方面算计得最好的是女人。”

    " All around the world ," Combariza says " those who spend money best are women . "

  13. 西班牙国内也有类似的反应。西班牙《国家报》(ElPaís)把英国对奥运荣耀的追求描绘为“残酷无情”。该报称:“每块奖牌都出于算计,而不是源自不墨守成规的运动员的精神。”

    There was a similar reaction in Spain , where the El Pa í s daily described Britain 's pursuit of Olympic glory as " brutal and heartless , " stating : " Every medal is the product of calculation , not the spirit of a nonconformist athlete . "

  14. 我已经预见到了,可还是被他算计。

    I saw this coming , and he still beat me .

  15. 但如果德国开始算计,这个世界还能够倚靠德国吗?

    But can the world rely on Germany when it counts ?

  16. 而且能帮你算计好一切。

    And she could give you the numerical breakdown of anything .

  17. 但那些议员们只会争吵算计阿谀奉承还有欺骗。

    But these senators scheme and squabble and flatter and deceive .

  18. 简单地算计一下就能得出结论:这会导致经济中的资源闲置。

    Simple arithmetic suggests this would leave slack in the economy .

  19. 对,我算计着让你烧了飞机。

    Yes . I planned you setting the plane on fire .

  20. 彼此相爱的人不会算计着要对方的命

    People in love don 't try to kill each other .

  21. 他们以为这样可以很聪明的算计我,进来,我来接待他们。

    Come in ; I 'll furnish them a reception .

  22. 我在算计这事,她们在背后算计我。

    I was planning this , but they were plotting against me .

  23. 我想真诚,而不是算计。

    Instead of calculating , I want to be honest .

  24. 你要算计雪丽其实是很容易的。

    It wouid have been easy for you to set up sheiiy .

  25. 在他漫不经心的外表之下,是一个絮絮叨叨喜欢算计的人。

    Under the casual exterior is a calculating killjoy with mom issues .

  26. 我算计着,你还欠我5英镑。

    By my reckoning you still owe me ? 5 .

  27. 这笔钱还要好好算计一下。

    I 'll reckon carefully how to spend this sum of money .

  28. 他是社区中最会算计的且自私的人。

    He is the most calculating and selfish man in the community .

  29. 这样的算计对以色列可能有道理,也许没道理。

    Such a calculation may or may not make sense for Israel .

  30. 我等了一会儿,等到我算计着他划上了劲儿的时候。

    I waited till I reckoned he had got a good start .