
bǎn huà
  • print;engraving;woodcut;woodblock;block print;a picture printed from an engraved or etched plate;picture printed from an engraved (etched) plate
版画 [bǎn huà]
  • [block print;picture printed from an engraved (etched) plate;woodcut;woodblock;engraving] 用雕刻或蚀刻的版印出来的画

版画[bǎn huà]
  1. 浅析版画艺术创作中的空白空间表现

    On Performance of " Blank " Space in Creation of Woodcut Art

  2. 日本版画在19世纪中叶达到了发展周期的尾声阶段,但却开始在法国引起了艺术家们的极大兴趣。

    The Japanese woodcut reached the coda stage of its development in .

  3. 这些年来,罗伯特逐渐收藏了一批版画和绘画作品。

    Robert 's collection of prints and paintings has been bought over the years

  4. 他还寄来了一位艺术家画的六幅版画作品。

    He also sent six engravings by an artist .

  5. 他收藏了一张古老的伦敦桥版画

    He collected an old engraving of London Bridge .

  6. 蚀刻画、铜版画、平版画以及雕刻构成了他书画刻印的作品

    The etchings , drypoints , lithographs , and engravings together formed his graphic work .

  7. 在他的职业生涯中,他创作了油画,版画和雕塑,但是最著名的是他的抽象拼贴画。KeithAdams报道。

    During his career , he produced paintings , prints and sculptures but will be best remembered for his collages , as Keith Adams reports .

  8. 然后,Stovall用他的艺术技巧把这些原始图在印刷版画上面诠释出来。

    Then , Stovall uses his artistic skills to translate that work into a print version .

  9. 在全国大力推行文化产业发展战略之际,深圳市宝安区委、区政府和GL街道创建国际版画原创产业基地。

    On the occasion of vigorously promoting cultural industries in the national development strategy , Bao ' an District , the district government and the GL neighborhood build a national original print base .

  10. 阿姆斯特丹——在法国普罗旺斯柔和清晰的阳光下,文森特·梵高(VincentvanGogh)看到了日本木刻版画中的清澈天空。

    Van Gogh Never Visited Japan , but He Saw It Everywhere AMSTERDAM - In the soft , clear light of Provence , France , Vincent van Gogh saw the crisp skies of Japanese woodcut prints .

  11. 公司的内部培训计划被称为“苹果大学”,在其中一堂课上,导师将11张构成毕加索《公牛》(TheBull)的版画与苹果公司打造智能手机及其他产品的方式联系起来。

    In a class at the company 's internal training program , the so-called Apple University , the instructor likened the 11 lithographs that make up Picasso 's " The Bull " to the way Apple builds its smartphones and other devices .

  12. 浅析中国古代木刻版画的文化特征

    A Brief Look into the Cultural Features of Ancient Chinese Wood-Print

  13. 壁炉上方有一张饶有村趣的版画。

    There was a charming bucolic print above the fire place .

  14. 敦煌版画的背景意义

    The Significance Background of A Study of Dunhuang Print Plate Matters

  15. 所以我们在你的包里发现了这张版画?

    Is that why we found this etching in your handbag ?

  16. 毕业于中央美术学院版画系;

    BA , Printmaking Dept. , Central Academy of Fine Arts .

  17. 哲里木版画在上个世纪的发展中曾取得过辉煌的成绩。

    Zhelimu printmaking made a remarkable achievement during the last century .

  18. 创作版画在中国属于新兴版画。

    Create version painting belongs to a newly things in China .

  19. 极具生命力的中国新兴版画艺术

    On the Vitality of New and Developing Engraving Art in China

  20. 民间信仰对民间木刻版画的影响

    The Folk Belief 's Influence on the Folk Wood Block Print

  21. 进入二十世纪八十年代以后,当代中国传统版画在原有的基础上得到了很大的发展。

    After 1980 , The Contemporary Chinese traditional printmaking was developed greatly .

  22. 它将给中国当代版画带来什么样的影响。

    It will give China contemporary prints bring what kind of impact .

  23. 画笔用于画画的刷子原版画、印刷画和平版画

    A brush for applying paint . original engraving , print and lithograph

  24. 画谱版画实际上就是密码本的性质。

    Huapu prints is actually a " code books " in nature .

  25. 谈欧洲古典园林设计中的版画插图艺术风格

    The Styles of Illustrations Used for Classical European Garden Design

  26. 这些是由成功的美国印第安艺术家巧妙复制的版画。

    These are beautifully reproduced prints by award-winning American-Indian artists .

  27. 我买了一张‘大街’的旧版画。

    I bought an old engraving of the high street .

  28. 这是中国新兴版画的繁荣期。

    This was the heyday of China 's new print .

  29. 这些插画是从一些珍奇的版画复制的。

    These illustrations have been reproduced from some rare prints .

  30. 推动版画艺术的发展成熟;

    It pushes the development and maturation of the version painting art .