
yá shuā
  • toothbrush
牙刷 [yá shuā]
  • [toothbrush] 使牙清洁的刷子

牙刷[yá shuā]
  1. 这种牙刷可以温和去除牙菌斑而不损伤齿龈。

    The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums .

  2. 舌头也要用牙刷清洁,并且经常漱口。

    Use a toothbrush on your tongue as well , and rinse your mouth frequently .

  3. 牙刷毛一开始磨损,就把它扔掉。

    As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear , throw it out .

  4. 他拒绝让我使用他的牙刷。

    He has refused to let me use his toothbrush .

  5. 使用牙刷去除牙垢很有帮助。

    The use of a toothbrush to keep tartar down is very helpful .

  6. 你带牙刷来了吗?

    Have you brought your toothbrush with you ?

  7. 我需要买牙刷。

    I need to buy a toothbrush .

  8. 我可以借你的牙刷吗?

    Can I borrow your toothbrush ?

  9. 那里只有一个粉色的牙刷头,而Big把它给我用。

    Carrie : There 's only one pink brush head , and Big was giving his to me .

  10. 如果你在寻找一种新型的牙刷,欧乐B刚推出了一款新牙刷&多动向健康牙刷。

    If you are looking for a great NEW toothbrush , Oral-B has just come out with a new toothbrush-the CrossAction Pro-Health .

  11. 男孩乐队OneDirection用1D牌牙刷和牙膏确保了粉丝们在微笑时总能露出一口散发着珍珠白光泽的牙齿。

    Boy band one direction found a way to make sure their fans always have the pearliest white smiles with their 1D toothbrush and toothpaste .

  12. 方法使用Crest牙刷在刷牙机上对带有正畸矫治器的树脂牙进行水平,垂直,倾斜45°,旋转刷牙法模拟刷牙。

    Method we used Crest tooth brush to brush artificial tooth with orthodontic appliances .

  13. 目的:为探讨幽门螺杆菌(HelicobacterPylori,Hp)的感染方式和感染途径,对口腔卫生和胃病关系进行了调查,并对不同使用时间和不同保管方法的牙刷上Hp的分布进行了研究。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship of oral hygiene and distribution of Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) to stomach diseases .

  14. 牙刷保存于干燥环境中,其Hp阳性率明显低于潮湿环境中(P0.01)。

    The method to keep the toothbrush was related to Hp positive rate too , dry place was better than wet place ( P0.01 ) .

  15. 主角杰克·里奇是一位前军事调查员,他放弃了几乎所有身家,拿着一张ATM卡、一支旅行牙刷和一本过期的护照四处周游。

    Reacher is a former military policeman who has given up pretty much everything and travels with an ATM card , a travel-sized toothbrush and an expired passport . That 's it .

  16. 年龄、受教育程度和出生地点主要影响乙肝疫苗的免疫接种,而海门市HBV感染主要来源于垂直传播途径和通过内窥镜、牙科诊疗和家庭内共用牙刷等水平传播途径。

    Age , educational level and place of birth mainly effect hepatitis B vaccine immunization , and Haimen HBV infection is mainly from vertical transmission and horizontal transmission by endoscopy , dental and sharing a toothbrush in family .

  17. NET软件,经过图像读入、图像定位、中值滤波、图像轮廓提取、图像清理及孔位参数计算等过程,生成了数控牙刷植毛机程序。

    NET , a program of the NC machining by toothbrush-hair-planting machines was generated . This process includes the aspects of image inputting , edge position limitation of the image , median filtering , outline distillation , image regularity and calculation of the hole parameters .

  18. 现在你在家里便可以看到上百个电机,各种电器设备,加热装置、通风系统、CD播放机、录像机,如果你足够幸运的话,你还可能用到电动牙刷。

    Today you might find a hundred electric motors in the typical home - they are in the appliances , heating , ventilation systems , CD player , the VCR , and , if you are so fortunate , the electric tooth-brush .

  19. 开始刷牙,把豆粒大小的牙膏置于牙刷上,然后用贝氏(Bass)法涵盖你口腔中所有牙齿的所有表面。

    To brush your teeth , put a pea-sized drop of toothpaste on your toothbrush , then cover all the surfaces of all the teeth in your mouth , using the Bass technique .

  20. 男人:男人的浴室里有6样东西:一把牙刷、刮胡膏、刮胡刀、一块Dial牌肥皂、一块从假日酒店里顺手牵羊的毛巾。

    A man has at most 6 items in his bathroom -- a toothbrush , toothpaste , shaving cream , razor , a bar of Dial soap , and a towel from the Holiday Inn .

  21. Shiv是一种手工制作的刀,也是监狱中最常见的武器,通常来自于牙刷。

    Shivs , which are handmade knives , are the most common type of weapon made in prison and they are most commonly made from toothbrushes .

  22. 结果实验样本中,除了1例牙刷和2例牙签未能STR位点的正确分型外,其余各无关个体口腔粘膜脱落细胞载体均可以得到与标准血痕阳性相同的STR基因型。

    Results A toothbrush and 2 toothpicks from one volunteer failed to confirm STR locus typing , but the ratios of DNA typing accounted for a percentage of 98 % in 200 such carrier samples by standard bloodstain genotypes .

  23. 离体前磨牙20颗常规清洁后,随机分成2组,对照组无特殊处理;实验组用FQ光固化防龋涂料封闭,将两组样本置于牙刷磨耗试验机磨耗31000次后,进行扫描电镜观察。

    Twenty premolars were randomly divided into 2 groups after regular cleaning . The experimental group was applied by FQ . The groups were placed in brush wear testing machine for 31000 times , and then scanned by electron microscope .

  24. 指套牙刷口腔保健作用的试验观察

    Experimental study on the oral care effects of a finger toothbrush

  25. 他决心买把牙刷,养成刷牙的习惯。

    He resolved to get a tooth-brush and form the habit .

  26. 枕头,毛毯,牙刷和电影。

    Katherine : A pillow , blanket , toothbrush , movies .

  27. 在湿牙刷上撒些小苏打。

    Sprinkle a dash of baking soda on a wet toothbrush .

  28. 塞尔弗里奇引入了改良后的牙刷,和四分之一缩尺的衬衫。

    Selfridge brought in improved toothbrushes , and shirts in quarter-sizes .

  29. 你就不能象带牙刷一样带着么?

    Couldn 't you carry it with you like a toothbrush ?

  30. 我们用牙膏和牙刷清洁牙齿。

    We use toothpaste and tooth brushes to clean our teeth .