
  • salad dressing;mayonnaise;salad cream
  1. 罐装色拉酱还是自制的?

    Bottled salad dressing or homemade ?

  2. 色拉酱是一种半固体状高营养的调味品。

    Salad dressing is a kind of high-nutrition condiment which is semi-solid .

  3. 平心而论,寻求上市的公司往往会把所能想到的所有风险因素都列举出来(比如Chipotle最近就将全球变暖作为威胁该公司鳄梨色拉酱供应的一个潜在因素),但这些公司总会在其中透露一些真实情况。

    To be fair , companies are inclined to throw in the entire kitchen sink of imaginable risks when listing these factors -- Chipotle recently cited global warming as a potential threat to its guacamole supply -- but they always make for a revealing read .

  4. 烤面包,每一面均匀涂上色拉酱。

    Toast the bread and spread houmous evenly over one side of each slice .

  5. 我要千岛色拉酱。

    Thousand island will be fine .

  6. 千岛色拉酱(用蛋黄酱、番茄酱、碎泡菜等配制的)。

    Thousand Island dressing salad ( dressing made of mayonnaise with ketchup and chopped pickles , etc )

  7. 除了传统的蛋黄酱之外,你还可以搭配醋、油、培根牧场色拉酱或酸奶油食用。

    Besides the traditional mayonnaise dressing , you can also dress it with oil and vinegar , bacon ranch or sour cream .

  8. 比如说在礼貌地提要求时,如果有人说,“如果你把鳄梨色拉酱递过来就太棒了”

    For example , in polite requests , if someone says , " If you could pass the guacamole , that would be awesome , "

  9. 拌色拉酱的调味汁、酸奶油、糖果、果酱、浆和可能含高脂肪和糖的其它食物也没有提及。

    Neither are salad dressings , sour cream , candies , jams , jellies , and other foods that may be high in fat or sugar .

  10. 如果碰巧那175种色拉酱都不和你的口味,你就可以用它们调出另一大批你自己的色拉酱。

    you could buy to make a very large number of your own salad dressings , in the off-chance that none of the 175 the store has on offer suit you .

  11. 虽然柠檬是制作鳄梨色拉酱和玛格丽塔酒时不可缺少的原料之一,但食品和饮料行业还是创造性地使用菠萝和葡萄柚等水果当作柠檬的替代品,同时耐心等待这场柠檬危机过去。

    As much as we find limes irreplaceable -- sorry , lemons -- for items such as guacamole and the margarita , the food and beverage industry is getting creative with substitutes like pineapple and grapefruit until price hysteria subsides .

  12. 瑞典披萨辨识度高,组合包罗万象,有番茄酱、芝士、香蕉、酸豆、鸡肉、火腿、鳄梨色拉酱、洋葱等,精心挑选、种类繁多、颇具异域风情,披萨名还很有意思。

    The Swedish pizza is recognizable , but yet the myriad combinations of tomato sauce , cheese , banana , capers , chicken , ham , guacamole , onions , etc. , which provides a pleasant process of selection , choices , exoticism and naming .

  13. 自2000年9月,美国食品与药物管理局通过了对植物甾醇的健康声明,含植物甾醇的人造奶油和色拉酱被列入功能食品以后,植物甾醇的研究与开发就受到了越来越多的重视。

    2000 , The America Food and Medication Administer Orifice passed the healthy statement that the margarin and salad catsup consisted in phytosterol were arranged to functional food . Since that time , the study and development of phytosterol has been getting more and more recognition .

  14. 这项研究是在试管中进行的,但是,不必等待其确认,食用色拉调味酱即可。

    The study was done in test tubes , but there 's no need to wait for confirmation & bring on the guacamole !

  15. 探索从巴尔干,经过中亚到印度的”酸奶地带“的不同寻常的汤、色拉、酱、饮料、甜点也会很有乐趣。

    It 's also fun to explore the unusual soups and salads and sauces and drinks and sweets made in the yogurt belt from the Balkans through Central Asia to India .

  16. 法式洋葱汤,您的色拉要哪种酱?

    French onion soup , sir , what dressing would you like for your salad ?

  17. 你喜欢法国色拉调料还是千岛色拉酱?

    Will you like french dress or thousand island dress ?

  18. 不过总的来讲,用混合生菜搭配新鲜蔬菜调制的色拉,外加清淡的色拉酱,会让你更受用。

    But , in general , you 're better off with a salad of mixed greens and raw vegetables , coupled with a light , healthy dressing .

  19. 在吃比萨前吃一份色拉通常能够减少你食用比萨的量,因此不管从哪方面来说,加了低脂色拉酱的色拉都是一种健康的选择。

    Having a salad before pizza will often cut down on how much pizza is eaten , thus making a salad with some light dressing a healthy choice in either case .