
  • 网络Gum disease
  1. ,而且还会导致严重的问题,如引起口腔中的细菌和牙龈病。

    , but it could also cause more serious problems like oral bacteria and gum disease .

  2. 牙龈病患者的血液有炎症,而炎症也与癌症有关。

    People with gum disease have inflammation in their blood and inflammation also has been linked with cancer .

  3. 即使非烟民,因牙龈病而患癌的风险也很大。牙龈病是环绕牙组织的感染。

    Gum or periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth .

  4. 路透芝加哥5月27日电&研究人员周二称,牙龈病可能会增加患癌的风险。

    CHICAGO ( Reuters ) - Gum disease may increase the risk of developing cancer , researchers said on Tuesday .

  5. 调查资料包括牙龈病和骨质疏松,以及有多少牙齿脱落。

    The survey included information on gum disease and bone loss as well as number of teeth and tooth loss .

  6. 神经性贪食会在牙齿后部留下酸性的印记&掉牙也许是营养不良、晚期牙龈病或者长期服用药物所致。

    Bulimia can leave telltale acid marks on the backs of teeth & and missing teeth can be a sign of poor nutrition , advanced gum disease or long-term drug use .

  7. 持久的口腔异味可能是某种疾病的征兆,如牙龈病、牙床脓肿、慢性鼻窦炎、后鼻漏、慢性支气管炎或某些食道疾病及其他健康问题。

    Persistent bad breath may be a sign of periodontal disease , an abscessed tooth , chronic sinusitis , postnasal drip , chronic bronchitis , certain kinds of oesophageal problems , and other health conditions .

  8. 不注意口腔卫生不仅会让口气差(是1982年的饼干味吗?),而且还会导致严重的问题,如引起口腔中的细菌和牙龈病。

    Not only does poor dental hygiene cause bad breath ( what is that , a biscuit from 1982 ? ) , but it could also cause more serious problems like oral bacteria and gum disease .

  9. 结论:医科大学生口腔健康状况不容乐观,其唾液隐血阳性率性别间无显著性差异,但在不同学科专业间有显著性差别;且与牙龈病、牙列不齐显著相关。

    Conclusion : The oral health of medical college students is not optimistic . As far as positive rate of salivary occult blood test , there was no significant difference between sexes but significant differences between different specialities .

  10. 目的:遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病(hereditarygingivalfibromatosis,HGF)是一种罕见的以牙龈组织弥漫性、渐进性增生为主要特征的良性病变,发病机制和临床表现较为复杂,至今仍病因不明。

    Objective : Hereditary gingival fibromatosis ( HGF ) is an exceptional gingival benign lesion , which is characterized by diffuse and gradual hyperplasia . Its etiology and pathogenesis are not clearly understood . A case of child HGF who complained of gingival overgrowth is reported .

  11. 遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病超微结构及基因定位研究

    A study of the ultrastructure and gene location of hereditary gingival fibromatosis

  12. 遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病致病基因的排除性定位

    Exclusive Gene Location of Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis

  13. 方法对1例遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病谱系进行分析;

    Methods A pedigree analyses of HGF ;

  14. 遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病的临床病例分析

    Clinic analysis of hereditary gingival fibromatosis