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  • 网络cow town
  1. 堪萨斯州正在利用“牛城”这一遗产。

    Kansas is trading on its cow town heritage .

  2. 纽约州立水牛城大学(UB)是美国东北部最好的公立大学之一,为学生提供优异的教育。

    One of the best public universities in the northeastern United States , the University at Buffalo ( UB ) is an outstanding place to receive an education .

  3. 我猜水牛翅一定让水牛城出名了。

    I guess that must have put Buffalo on the map .

  4. 它跨越了水牛城的郊区,横跨大片农田,一直延伸直到罗切斯特市。

    It spans the suburbs of Buffalo , across hundreds of acres of farmland , to the suburbs of Rochester .

  5. 项目完工后,社会和经济效益极其显著,将重现“牛城好南关”景象。

    After the project is competed , social and economical benefits will be very prominent and reappear a vision of " the Nice South Pass of Ox City " .

  6. 但水牛城临终关怀中心的研究人员表示,虽然参与研究的患者时不时地陷入谵妄,但依据定义来看,临终的梦境并非这种状态的产物。

    But the Hospice Buffalo researchers say that while some study patients slipped in and out of delirium , their end-of-life dreams were not , by definition , the product of such a state .

  7. 埃里森.德.弗基斯是一名在美国出生的人权专家和历史学家,在2月12日她家乡纽约大水牛城附近的飞机坠毁事故中,她是遇难的50人之一。

    This is the VOA Special English Development Report . Alison Des Forges was an American-born human rights expert and historian . She was one of fifty people killed in a plane crash on February twelfth near her hometown of Buffalo , New York .